Tag Archives: poisonous frogs

Tarotcast for Week Of September 24, 2017

Above is a photo of the blue-jeans poisonous dart frog. It is considered one of the ten most poisonous frogs in the world. Poison frogs hold some of the most potent neurotoxins on earth, yet how do they not poison themselves? Scientists are getting closer to the answer. Normally a neurotoxin binds itself to receptors in an animal’s receptors nervous system. This can cause hypertension, seizures and even death. However, scientists have found that the same genetic mutation, in three evolutionarily different frog groups, prevents the toxins from acting on the frogs’ nerve receptors and still allowing regular nerve function. The study of these frogs are helping scientist design drugs that mimic this selective nerve blocker to block pain in humans without blocking other nerve impulses.

I also find them cute and amazingly beautiful. They are tiny mobile abstract paintings of the rainforest.

P.S. Remember, signs with * it’s a big week for you.

Aries – Knight of Cups – The Knight of Cups’ lesson is about wearing your heart on your sleeve. Though it is great that you are showing more emotion this week, please be careful to whom you are showing it to. The best way to gauge this is to engage only with the people who you can trust.

poisonous frog

Taurus – Four of Pentacles – I’m Late, I’m Late for a very important date, is your theme this week if you are not prepared. The Four of Pentacles is about saving time, money, or resources. However, this card represents the dark side of saving. By trying to save time you end up using more resources. By trying to save money you end up using more time. Or, by trying to save resources you end up using more money. This week, don’t cut corners in the long run you will save the outcome of your projects.
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