Tag Archives: Jane Wilson

Tarot-cast for week of August 12, 2018

Jane Wilson

Weather has been on my mind as we are in the dog days of summer.  Where I live huge thunderstorms can rage in the afternoons and are a brief respite to the heat of the day.  You can feel them coming as the air cools, breeze picks up and you can smell the rain on the wind.

The phrase dog days comes from the Latin term Dies Caniculares referring to the time that Sirius, the Dog Star, rises before the Sun, and it referred to the time period of late July to late August, the hottest part of summer in ancient Greece.  So the phrase through time has become associated with the hot and muggy days of August.  Even though now, since the constellations have shifted, we see it before sunrise starting July 12th to August 12th.

Jane Wilson was an artist in tuned with the weather.  She painted a wide variety of subjects but landscapes became her focus. Jane moved to New York at 25; however, growing up on an Iowa farm highly influenced how she saw our relationship with weather.  She said that living on the farm you learn to feel the weather coming. So when she painted she would aim for moments of strong sensation moments of total physical experience of the landscape, when weather just reaches out and sucks you in. When you look at her landscapes you can really feel the dew of dawn, the heat of the afternoon, the spray of a stormy ocean or the coolness of the air as the sun sets.

P.S. Please share.  Also, I have put up another quote to download for your vision board.  Enjoy.

Aries – Ten of Wands

The Ten of Wands tells you that this week might feel like an uphill battle.  It will be full of responsibilities.  Your challenge is to figure out which ones are yours and which are others, and then make the conscious choice as to which you will do first.


Taurus – Page of Pentacles

The Page of Pentacles is the card of the student.  Take time to learn something new.   The area where you need to do your studies is in the material plane:  your work or environment.


Gemini – Queen of Pentacles

Jane WilsonThe Queen of Pentacles is the gardener of the deck.  You need to tend to your personal environment.  These activities for example are deep cleaning part of your home, putting up shelves, stock your pantry, or gardening.  The challenge is enjoying the space you are creating.


Cancer – Four of Swords

The Four of Swords would like you to take a respite.  For some, you will need to take time out to reconsider something and for others you will just need the rest.


Leo – Page of Swords and Nine of Swords

Jane WilsonThis week is a two card week and that means that there is a couple of messages for Leos.  For all Leos, it is a week to do some investigative work.  There are messages that are hidden out there.  They just need you to do a little digging to find them.  And for some of you this info will help you with what has been worrying you.  The challenge is realizing what to actual worry about and what is just in your head.


Virgo – Ten of Pentacles

Jane WilsonLast week, the High Priestess challenged you to see the bigger picture while seeing the synchronicities in the details. This week the Ten of Pentacles shifts you from watching to doing.  This is a great week to finish projects, which is appropriate for Virgos, because you are in your wind down month before your birthday.   The challenge is finishing things you don’t want to carry into another year.


Libra – Seven of Pentacles

Jane WilsonThe Seven of Pentacles is the card of hard work.  This week is a nose to the grind-stone week.  The challenge is that the work you do is more of a long-term investment than an immediate return. But it will be worth the wait.


*Scorpio – Queen of Swords and Justice

Jane WilsonOkay, two cards for you again this week.  Last week Hierophant came to the rescue advising you the more organized and prepared you are the easier it will be to navigate in and around the chaos.  The Queen of Swords continues this theme that prep and strategy will be needed this week.  And Justice comes in to warn you that things are more black and white then what they seem.  Your challenge with both cards is not to be too harsh or cold to those around you or yourself.


Sagittarius – Six of Cups

Jane WilsonThe Six of Cups has two parts.  One is that the past holds some important information for you to use this week, so no need to create new tricks.  And the second is you need to take a child-like view to freshen your perspective.  This card advises, if you have forgotten how to freshen up your point of view, get on the floor, color outside the lines, spin in circles or go swinging.


Capricorn – Eight of Pentacles

Jane WilsonThe Eight of Pentacles wants you to feel and practice your mastery this week. This is not a week to learn new tricks but hone the ones you already have.


Aquarius – Two of Rods

Jane WilsonThe Two of Rods foretells success though it also involves a lot of waiting.  The challenge is keeping busy during the waiting periods. This is a great time to catch up on your to do lists, read or start little projects.


Pisces – Page of Wands

Jane WilsonThe Page of Wands comes around when your Awe meter is low. Your challenge this week is get yourself into nature, go to a museum, a music show or anything that has to do with nature or art.  Your passion for life needs to be re-lit.  Life is good Pisces you just need to be reminded.


May light be on you, around you, and within you,
