Tag Archives: hats

Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of Jan 19, 2020

RaeSwon hat

Two weeks ago I highlighted the art of Eileen Agar a surreal artist that was the first to merge surrealism and fashion with her ceremonial hats.  This week’s artist RaeSwon resonates Agar’s wit in her felted hat creation.  The first know hat was found on Otzi, a bronze age man dated around 3250 BC.  Hats were believed to be worn to cool or heat a person.  However, only 50 years later in an Egyptian tomb painting, a straw hat was worn for status or ceremonial reasons.  Now hats are worn for protection from weather conditions, safety, status, rank, ceremonially and/or fashion.

Felting and hats have a long history that started in ancient Greece, the pielus.  Felting from wool is the oldest known textile. There are two ways to make felt.  Wet felting is applying hot water to layers of animal hair and then agitating and compressing the fibers, so they hook together.  This method causes the scales on the hair to open up and the agitation latches them together.  Where needle felting is done by stabbing a barbed needle into animal fibers to tangle and hook them together. RaeSwon uses both techniques to make her very imaginative millinery.

P.S. Remember signs with an * it a big week for you.  Aquarius this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Leo it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time.


RaeSwon hatFour of Swords – This week rest is needed.  Your immune system is weak and only rest and a bit of self-coddling will set it right.  Go to bed early, eat well, and try to find time to relax into a thoughtless stupor.


RaeSwon hatSix of Coins – Karma is the resonation this week.  What you do for others and to others comes back three-fold.  The trick with this card is the payback good or bad is unpredictable in timing and does not always come from the source it was given to.  Your song:  Be Nice by the Black Eyed Peas


Ten of Coins – Get things off your to-do list and finish up projects that have been around for a while.  This week’s energy is about work and completion, so don’t start anything new.  Now is the time to clear your plate of the old so the new has room to grow.


RaeSwon hatSeven of Wands – Last week, the energy was about experimentation with the tools and skills you already have in your arsenal. Creating without purpose and exploring what comes from it.  This week to continue doing that, you are going to need to defend your rights to experiment, create and explore. Stand up for yourself.  Your mantra:  I not only have the right to stand up for myself, but I have the responsibility. I can’t ask somebody else to stand up for me if I won’t stand up for myself. And once you stand up for yourself, you’d be surprised that people say ‘Can I be of help? – Maya Angelou


RaeSwon hatAce of Wands – This week you get to switch gears from all work to the act of creation.  Inspiration and ambition is lite by your passion.  This is a great week to start new projects, play in nature, and inspire your spirit.   Use your natural fiery temperament to ignite what is listless and dark.  Your song: Light My Fire by the Doors sung by Shirley Bassey.


King of Wands – After last week’s chaos you are stronger and wiser which helps this week’s energy: public relations.  This is a great week to meet and greet, send out resumes, beef up your social media page, and be as charming as you can be.  You have Pied Piper energy around you. The challenge is figuring out where you want to lead your throngs.


Four of Coins – Resource stability is the energy this week.  Great time to start doing your taxes, contributing or starting a savings account or IRA, and/or scheduling in “me-time” or more family time.  The challenge is feeling as if you need to do it for fear of losing resources, time, money or space.  However, this energy is really about saving in case of, so you don’t have to spend precious time worrying about a lack of those resources in the future.


*Fool – Adventure and new beginnings are the energies to work with this week.  Itch feet? Go wandering.  Bored? Partake in something you have never done.  Melancholy? Watch silly movies all week.  Feeling old? Go swing on a swing set or have a snowball fight.  Feeling naïve? Go learn something new.  This week newness is the key to rekindling your faith and joy of life.


RaeSwon hat*Hermit – This week’s energy is getting some much-needed alone time.  You need space and perspective.  And the only way you are going to find it is setting up a sacred space and time. It would be great if you could do a little retreat from your life.  But if you can’t do that. This can be done simple by taking the long way home, taking the bus instead of your car, going on silly errands solo, turning off your phone for 2 hours, or eating outside for lunch.  The key to obtaining this is telling people that you are turning off your phone from 2-3 hours each day, going to be late coming home, or gone for the week.  Because if people don’t see your proverbial do not disturb sign on the window, they will bug you to find out why.


Knight of Wands – Ok I warned you. I hope you rested last week because the energy this week is getting on your horse and riding it the next destination and doing it with some flair.  First this energy says you are in the right space at the right time all this week, if you can work with this fiery energy. You must willfully reign in your aspirations and steer them to your desired goals without extinguishing your passion.


RaeSwon hatKnight of Pentacles – Last week’s energy was about saying yes to opportunities coming at you from unexpected places and learning that saying yes doesn’t mean forever.  This energy likes you to try out new things so you can find what best fits the new you. This week’s energy continues the theme of moving forward into new worlds.  However, staying open is now focusing down to only areas of work, how you make your money and/or hands-on projects.  This is a great time to work on to-do lists and to get far with any plans, while being open to new input.  The challenge this week is working this as a marathon not a series of sprints.  So, hydrate and feed yourself at regular intervals.


Queen of Swords – Details are the focus this week.  This energy is best utilized by examining the specifics of situations and boning up on your communication skills.  If you come up to a block, asking questions, deep listening and overall communication will lead you out of any maze.

May light be on you, around you, and within you,
