Tag Archives: Gay Pride

Tarot-cast for Week of July 1, 2018

Bathing 1911 Duncan Grant 1885-1978 Purchased 1931 http://www.tate.org.uk/art/work/N04567

Bathing was painted in the summer of 1911 by Duncan Grant.  It was part of a decorative scheme, “London on Holiday” for the dining room of Borough Polytechic, London.  He was influenced by Michelangelo’s male nudes and the summers he spent at the Serpentine in Hyde Park, a site at the time associated with gay culture.  I love it because even though it shows seven separate figures, it also represents the continuous motion of a single figure swimming.

I also choose this painting for the beginning of July, not only for its representation summer and my favorite pastime swimming, but it also brings to light how the gay community has grown to include a large group.  If you have read my blog for a while, you know I’m not big on singling out a group for celebration for just a time period, like black history month or gay pride day.   I think that when we really evolve as a society, we will not solely highlight a month or a day to celebrate a group or movement.

However I would like to point out that the “gay movement” seems to have grasped this idea and evolved to now be named LGBTQ2+.  And even though June 28th does represent a very important day in queer movement history, Gay Pride is celebrated around the world on a variety of days and showcases a variety colors or the rainbow.  That is the beauty of this movement it is about inclusion not isolation.  It celebrates love.  So like this painting there can be many individuals but the movement or action is perceived in the joining.


P.S. Please share.  Below are more of Duncan’s work.

*Aries – Magician

Take this week to experiment and bring your amazing imagination into the real world.  The challenge is to let yourself experiment and know that the key to success is learning and building on your mistakes.



Taurus – Page of Swords

The Page of Swords is the most inquisitive of the cards.  When it comes into a reading it means that you need to listen and ferret out information before putting anything into action.  So your challenge this week is to ask question and really listen to the answers you get.  You will need this information in the coming weeks.


Gemini – Two of Cups

The Two of Cups is about exploring relationships.  Sometimes you do so well by yourself you forget to invite other people into your life.  The challenge this week to get to know someone better or create some romance in your life.



Cancer – Seven of Pentacles

South of France 1922 Duncan Grant 1885-1978 Presented by the Contemporary Art Society 1929 http://www.tate.org.uk/art/work/N04443

The “building” energy of June continues this week with the Seven of Pentacles.  This card represents the work that needs to be done.  This week is best spent working on the projects that you have already begun.


*Leo – Wheel

Artist : John Baird (Australia, b.1902, d.1986)<br /> Title :<br /> Date : -1954<br /> Medium Description: oil on canvas on paperboard<br /> Dimensions :<br /> Credit Line : Purchased 1954

The Wheel foretells there will be opportunities this week that can change your fate.  The challenge is engaging in the variety of opportunities without putting all you faith in one basket or outcome. Spin the wheel often.


Virgo – Nine of Pentacles and Page of Swords

These two cards tell you that you will feel more informed if you keep to yourself or only hang with a chosen few.  Do not listen to the general public their information is not helpful to you this week.  Heed your own counsel.


*Libra – Star

Oh you needed this card after the past couple of weeks.  The Star is the card of healing and hope.  Take this week to pull away a bit and heal.  Your challenge is allowing the time to heal.  If you do, you will gain the hope and insight you will need to carry on with a lighter load.



*Scorpio – Temperance

James Strachey 1910 Duncan Grant 1885-1978 Purchased 1947 http://www.tate.org.uk/art/work/N05765

The Hanged Man card told you to sit back and enjoy the slow lane last week.  And now Temperance is here to increase the pace, but your challenge is not to increase the pressure.   This week your lessons are around moderation and taking the time actually needed to complete your tasks.  Do not go by the time or pace dictated by others but the one you know that will produce the best product.


Sagittarius – Ten of Cups

Dancers circa 1910-11 Duncan Grant 1885-1978 Bequeathed by Sir Edward Marsh through the Contemporary Art Society 1953 http://www.tate.org.uk/art/work/N06181Last week, The Empress challenged you to grow by knowing what to sow, where to sow it and how to tend to it for the longer haul.  This week continues that theme, but with the caveat that the end result should include creating joy.  So your challenge is to be more of the wild horse this week then the human part of yourself.  Run or drive with the wind blowing through your mane/hair.


Capricorn – Queen of Cups

The Queen of Cups focuses again on your emotions this week.  Where last week the Page wanted you to play, the Queen wants you to pull from all your emotions to create.  This week you might find that you can be pushed emotionally by outside sources.  The challenge is to see that each of these encounters is a way to interact with and use your deeper emotions – think emotional alchemy.  Overall, this card wants you to make friends with your heart.


*Aquarius – Justice

The Mantelpiece 1914 Duncan Grant 1885-1978 Purchased 1971 http://www.tate.org.uk/art/work/T01328The Justice card tells you that in the long view all things will balance out fairly in the end.  The challenge this week is keeping your emotions off the scale during the process.  Rely on the facts and your logic this week.



Pisces – Knight of Cups

Grant, Duncan; Still Life with a Staffordshire Figure and a Wine Bottle; Charleston; http://www.artuk.org/artworks/still-life-with-a-staffordshire-figure-and-a-wine-bottle-73829The Knight of Cups asks you to create some movement in your emotional life.  However, the challenge with this knight is not to wear your heart on your sleeve while doing so.  You can kick around in your emotional waters but don’t swim to the deep end.


May light be on you, around you, and within you,
