Tag Archives: fox and tarot

Tarot-Cast for Week of June 10, 2018

This tarot-cast’s art work is done by Maryanne Pollock.  To me, her pieces  bring to light duality in myself and my environment.  For example, the piece above makes me smile and feel calm in the same moment.  It also reminds me of diatoms and algae looking through a microscope and stars and planets looking through a telescope.  Another example is her White Desert project from 2015 which was thoughtful and now even more eerily relevant piece about refugees.  I found this project touching on duality through the lens of age and small/global community (time and space).  Her art reminds us that in our seemingly polar differences there is similarity and a sense of connectivity.

Gemini is a sign of duality and connectivity.  Where we can feel seemingly opposing things within a moment and yet when we stand back can see the ribbon of commonality. Gemini is  the month in the northern hemisphere where we feel the last cool breezes of spring and the beginnings of summer’s hot days.  Where in the southern hemisphere we feel the last bit of warmth of fall’s sun and start to feel the cold wind of winter with in moments.  And  in both where weather can change in a blink,  sunny one moment and a downpour the next. The Gemini sign reminds us that life is not simple and that in many ways “one” does not truly exist.

P.S. Please share.

Aries – Three of Swords

The Three of Swords in the coming week there will be three events that trigger your insecurities.  The challenge is to make each event one of healing rather than anguish.

Taurus – Seven of Cups

The Seven of Cups is the card of dreams.  Pay attention to your dreams this week.  Not only the ones you have when you sleep, but also the ones you have when you are awake.  Let your mind wander in the realm of possibilities.  The only challenge is blocking your brainstorming with limitations.
Continue reading Tarot-Cast for Week of June 10, 2018

Tarot-cast for Week of May 6, 2018

Ellsworth Kelly

Above is the artwork, Colors for a Large Wall, by Ellsworth Kelly. Kelly covered 64 square canvas in a single color and then randomly fused them together to become a bigger piece.  This was the beginning of his life-long inquiry that paintings were objects within themselves. This painting became the seed for many of his future pieces juxtaposing panels of different size, shapes and colors in to countless variations of work.

Kelly once said that ..if you can turn off the mind and look only with the eyes ultimately everything becomes abstract. I would also add that paradoxically it becomes simpler.  That by turn off the mind both abstract and simplicity can hold a unique form of beauty and peace.

P.S. Please share.

Aries- Four of Swords

Ellsworth KellyScience says that rest is a valuable component of your health regime and the Four of Swords recommends you will need it.  The Four of Swords also challenges you actually to not push anything through this week.

Taurus- Two of Cups

Ellsworth KellyThe Two of Cups recommends applying your energy to deepen your close relationships.  Our emotions are set into memory with our senses. So look in your love ones’ eyes, breathe in their scent, touch them with love, and listen to their feelings behind their words. Continue reading Tarot-cast for Week of May 6, 2018

Tarotcast for Week of April 1, 2018

Aphrodite or Venus to the Romans

Happy April Fool’s. This celebration’s origins arose from the Roman holiday, Veneralia (yes, also the origin of the word venereal).  This woman-only Roman holiday was for the Venus Verticordia or the Chaste Venus. Legends say that the Sibylline Oracle divined creating a holiday to help woman stay chaste after an incident where some vestal virgins and matrons, as Ovid put it, broke their vows.  It was celebrated on April 1st, at the beginning of Aphrodite’s month.  The ritual entailed woman parading the statue of Venus to the male baths, bathing her, dressing and adorning her and then walking her back to her temple. This ritual became widely adopted by woman of all walks of life.

Please note that this history was from a male viewpoint in a male-dominated and exalted society.  I would like to suggest another perspective.  Perhaps the Vestal Virgins were forced to break their vows.  And the Sibylline Oracle, all women, actually created an earlier version of the Me Too movement.  Creating a ritual where woman could publicly show that the representation of  females, love, and sexuality could walk into an all-male venue, get nude, bathe, pretty herself up again,  walk back to her home and remain unscathed.   Did those Oracles pull the first prank over the Roman’s male dominated society by hiding equality in a ritual?

P.S. Remember you can now reach me for quick questions on the Instantgo app.  

Aries – Eight of Wands

The Eight of Wands tells you to keep your ears, eyes, and mind open.  There is important news coming your way.  This information will make life better and easier this week.

Taurus – King of Cups

The Sun challenged you to say yes to things that peak your interests, last week.  The King of Cups continues this theme.  This King asks you to say yes to activities, ideas, and people who warm your heart.  Your challenge this week  is to keep your heart open.

Gemini – Page of Cups

All of March had you looking at how to implement a more carefree lifestyle.   The Page of Cups continues this theme.  His advice is to stop being so cynical. Take time this week to put on your rose-colored glasses, let your guard down, and play.

Cancer – Queen of Cups

Hmm your second Queen.  So what differs with the Queens compared to the other court cards?  Queens step back and look at cycles.  They think of life like playing double-dutch.   You watch and wait to see the rhythm of the ropes and then jump in.  Last week the Queen of Swords wanted you to gain perspective from your planning/mind.  This week the Queen of Cups wants you to stand back and see the rhythm of your heart and desires.  Again the question is are you still on course but also are you enjoying it?

Leo – Four of Pentacles

The Four of Pentacles is about resources. This card asked where do you feel resentful, greedy, or not supported?  Your challenge is to follow that line of thought back to the resource/need you are missing and then go get it.

Virgo – Three of Cups

Second Three in a row.  Threes in tarot mean looking at things that stabilize or destabilize you. Last week the cards had you looking for a guru to help.  This week this card challenges you to see the value of friendship in stabilizing yourself.  Take time with your friends and bask in you all’s mutual love and respect.

Libra – Nine of Swords

The Nine of Swords means worry.  Yes, there are things we worry about, and yes worry is important to make sure we are ready for possible outcomes.  The challenge is to realize you have done all the productive worrying and now you are heading into rumination which gets you nowhere.  This week leave your worries at the door. No really, I mean when you go home visualize leaving your worries at the door, and tell them you will pick them up tomorrow or even better next week.

Scorpio – Four of Cups

Last week, the Death card said work with your environment to create change. The Four of Cups adds to this challenge by asking you to dream bigger.  You can create the life you hope for, and as this card says, have faith that the universe can give you even more than what you can actually see.  Your challenge this week  is to stay open and let life surprise you.

*Sagittarius – Hanged Man

The Hanged Man foretells stagnation but also it is a great time for reflection. This is not a week to start new things or try to push things to fruition; especially since we are in the middle of Mercury in retrograde.  This is a great week to contemplate and look at anything from many angles.  Also this is a time for diversions from normal routines.  It can look as simple as reading a good book to as complex as going on trip outside your comfort zone.  This week expand your mind.

Capricorn – Three of Swords

The Three of Swords means three things are going to be a pain in your arse.  The challenge with this card is not to make a big deal of it.  These three challenges are triggering old patterns, so don’t play that sad song over in your head again.  Lift the needle and put on another record.

Aquarius – King of Pentacles

The King of Pentacles is the supreme executor of actions on the material plane, but also he know how to enjoy his harvest.  The challenge is to keep your nose to the grindstone this week, but when you have off- take off and enjoy.

*Pisces – Emperor

Where last week the Fool challenged you to choose a new or fresh activity.  This week the Emperor takes you a step further.  Whatever the Fool taught you about your path or goals, the Emperor says you are ready to materialize the next step.  This can look as simple as last week you tried and loved jujitsu, so the Emperor challenges you to sign up for the class for 6 weeks.  Or as complex as you found out you love baking and the Emperor asks how can we start a business around that?

May light be on you, around you, and within you,


Tarotcast for The Week of Feb. 4, 2018

Riitta Ikonen, Karoline Hjorth

This portrait is part of the ongoing series Eyes as Big as Plates a collaborative project between Riitta Ikonen, Karoline Hjorth and their models.   It started off as an exploration of Nordic folktales and ended up becoming a collaboration with farmers, fisherman, zoologists, plumbers, opera singers, housewives, academics to name a few from all over the world.  The models and artistic duo co-create the sculptures they wear.  The elements of the sculptures are collected from the landscapes of the photographs.

It is interesting that these artists collecting their models by just thinking of the most interesting people they knew.  And of course, they were led to picked people who have lived for a while on this Earth.  Who have a story to tell.  Who by just looking into their eyes or their stance you can see that they have the wisdom of living.

PS.  Happy birthday Aquarius.  Don’t forget it is a great time for you to get my  Astro Reading.

*Aries – Empress

Last week, the Emperor told you to build, create, and conquer.   Now the feminine version of that creative energy, the Empress, appears this week.  The Empress’s energy  is less of the hustle and bustle of Emperor last week energy and more about tending, grooming, and coaxing along your work.  The challenge with the Empress is being open to a more organic approach then sticking to plans.

Taurus – Ten of Pentacles

Riitta Ikonen, Karoline Hjorth The Ten of Pentacles brings prosperity to those that finish their work.  This card is about finishing up projects.  Your challenge is to work on the projects that are close to finish first, before starting anything new. You will find the more you can check off your list the more new prosperity will begin to grow.
Continue reading Tarotcast for The Week of Feb. 4, 2018

Tarotcast for Week of Jan. 28, 2018

Joan Mitchell

Above and below are the paintings by Joan Mitchell an abstract expressionist painter and print maker. She is one of the few female painters of her era to gain critical claim.  This post World War II art movement was the first time America, specifically New York, was put as the center of the western art world instead of Paris. Abstract expressionist art tries to articulate the complexity of our heart and mind clashing, melding, bleeding into each other.  The internal human experience without the defined image.

PS. Don’t forget the signs with an * it is a big week for you.

*Aries – Emperor

The Emperor tells us to stop procrastinating.  This is a week to build new bridges, create new civilizations, to conquer your fear and just do it.  The challenge is believing you can and asking for help when you can’t.


Taurus – King of Swords

The King of Swords says now is the time. Your challenge this week is to walk your talk, so be careful what you promise. Your words are now as loud and important  as your actions.
Continue reading Tarotcast for Week of Jan. 28, 2018

Tarotcast for Week of Jan. 14, 2018

Above and below are the winning photographs of the annual Comedy in Wildlife contest. In our family we find these hilarious. But why do we laugh?  Scientist  have found that laughter decreases stress hormones and increases immune cells and infection-fighting antibodies, thus improving your resistance to disease. Laughter triggers the release of endorphin, the body’s natural feel-good chemicals. Endorphin promote an overall sense of well-being and can even temporarily relieve pain.  It makes sense we developed laughter to relieve stress.

But why do we laugh at the things we do?  Writer Scot Weems researched a variety of science experiments about what makes a good joke in his book, Ha! The Science of When We Laugh and Why.  He found that what makes a great joke is “the kick of discovery or thinking one way and then and then suddenly turning that thing around.”  So whatever makes us confused or cause a conflict in our brain most likely will make us laugh.  This is why we may laugh at inappropriate times – like say at a funeral or at church. Laughter helps us get through stressful situations.  And one reason we all find different things funny even within our same culture is our threshold of confusion, conflict or stress varies from person to person.

On a side note the researcher Richard Wiseman found that overall the funniest animal to us is the duck.  Your challenge this week is to create some humor in your life.  I have added a joke starter that pertains to your picture have fun finishing it or making up your own.  Send them back to me if you want. I can always use a good laugh.

*Aries – Judgment

Comedy in wildlife - jokeThe Judgment card heralds it is time for you to take the next step in your evolution.  You are awakening to what new steps to take in your life.  This can look as simple as changing your diet or it can be as complex as decreasing your carbon footprint.  The challenge is whatever decisions you make – make sure they alter your life for the better – not only for you but the world.  Joke:  …so I gave him the flipper.

Taurus – Knight of Cups

Comedy in WildlifeLast week, the Empress challenged you to see the ends in beginnings and the beginnings in ends, and that it takes both to create growth.  This week the Knight of Cups carries on the Empress’ concept of duality by focusing on emotions.  The Knight of Cups challenges you to be aware on how you emote your emotions through action and movement.  This week see how your emotional actions cause reactions and your emotional reactions cause actions.  Joke:  …no, he did what…
Continue reading Tarotcast for Week of Jan. 14, 2018

Tarotcast for Week of January 7, 2018

This time of year in the northern hemisphere objects cast long shadows.  The piece above is by Lordes Castro who worked with variations of shadow representation for the next 3 decades.  She started off as a painter, but in the early 1960’s she joined up with a group called the Nouveaux Realistes.  Then began to work with shadows.  She used light sensitive silk screen to capture people, worked with layering acrylic cutouts of shadows to make the shadow 3-d, and light sensitive prints of plants shadows to represent our memories, and also shadow theater.

Shadows have always fascinated us.  As a kid we investigate our shadow by playing with it, trying to run away from it, waving at it, and like the above photo trying to separate ourselves from it.  As adults we do all these things still though metaphorically or through psycho-chat of working with the shadow self.  We continue to run from it, play with it and try to disconnect from it.  When our “shadow” is part of us too intertwined to be seen as something so two dimension as what is cast upon the ground.

PS.  Remember those signs with an *, it is a big week for you.  Also  this is a perfect time of the year for your Astrological Tarot Reading.

Aries – King of Cups

They say that boys don’t cry, but this card wants you to get in touch and express your emotions this week.  You might think being a King means to rule over your emotions with a tight fist.  However, this King says you find more strength and courage by being friends with your feelings.

*Taurus – Empress

The Empress is the card of Gaia, the supreme mother and creation.  I know we are in the middle of winter in the northern hemisphere and creation seems buried in the snow, but in the southern hemisphere it is in the middle of fertile season.  The Empress embodies this flow where there is death she balances it with life.  The Empress’ challenge is to look at this week’s events and see the death in life and the life in death.  It takes both to create growth.

Gemini – Page of Swords

The Page of Swords advises you do more investigating before making any decisions this week.  The Page of Swords challenges you to dig deeper, for the solution of the problem is out there.  It is just hidden and not in the obvious places.


Cancer – Five of Pentacles

The Five of Pentacles challenges us when times are rough to ask for help.  This week help is just around the corner.  You  just need to walk a few more steps to see it.

Leo – Eight of Swords

The Eight of Swords challenge is what binds you.  Last week the tarotcast asked you to leave behind your obstacles.  Thinking that you have to settle for “what is” is part of your challenge. Remember change can as easily begin with a thought as an action..

Virgo – Page of Pentacles

Page of Pentacles is the card of the student.  This week you need to put on your observation goggles and hearing aids to aid you in finding what is lacking or needed.   There are new skills for you to learn so you can solve a question or two with more ease.

Libra – Six of Wands

If it hasn’t recently happened already, you will win a victory this week., so take time to rest on your laurels at the beginning of the week.  Then by the end, your challenge will be to take stock of what you have and restock if necessary, for there is another skirmish around the corner.

Scorpio – King of Wands

This week take control of your surroundings.  King of Wands challenges you to rule your environment and deal with the people with justice and integrity.  This is a test whether you are ready to handle more power.

Sagittarius – Eight of Wands

Lots of information coming at you this week.  Your challenge is to sift through it and pick out the bits that are useful.  An exercise to make this easier is set an intention and use only the information that pertains to it.  Motto: One intention at a time.

Capricorn – Four of Wands

Time to work on or in your home.  The challenge this week is to stoke the fires of your hearth and heart.  Your goal is to daydream, create and get comfy in your home. If you can’t to make your home a place where you can reconnect to yourself with ease, then find a substitute structure whether that is your car, a cafe or the park.

*Aquarius – Strength

The Strength card advises you to look within, see your strength then strengthen your sense of self.  This challenge can look as simple as doing a contemplative exercise like yoga that also works your core, or as complex as writing a list of your accomplishments.  As the film director and producer Billy Wilder said “You are as good as the best thing you have done.”

Pisces – Five of Swords

There will be chaos this week that will be hard to avoid.  The Five of Swords advises the best thing is to stay out of it as long as you can, realize most of it is due to outside influences, and observe before stepping into it.  This is like playing Double Dutch with five jump-ropes instead of two.


May light be on you, around you, and within you,
