Tag Archives: eclipse

Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of May 23, 2021

Jiro Yoshihara, To Martha’s Memory, 1970

This week’s artist is Yoshihara Jiro.  Was one of the founders of the Gutai Art Association, a post WW2 avantgarde art movement in Osaka, Japan.  Yoshihara wrote their manifesto basically stating Do what has not been done before. He took inspiration from the calligraphy movement Bokujinkai and Zen philosophy.  Starting his career in western art forms, abstraction, and surrealism.  The last 10 years of his life he explored the paradoxically simplicity of the circle and the complexity of inscribing,  resulting in the Circles series, highlighted here.

Yoshihara’s Circle Series represents the eclipse season so well.  We hardly notice the complexity of our system until something strange happens.  What seems simple the concept of night and day during an eclipse for moments changes the “natural” dynamic.  Our study of Astrology and Astronomy makes the demure concept of gravity become an awe-inspiring study of the clockwork of the Universe.    It stops us and makes us aware of the hidden systems we take for grant.  Eclipses shake our souls.  We start to see something deemed as simple, every day as complex and holds deeper meaning than we imagined.

Planets:  On May 26th we have an eclipsed full moon in Sagittarius.  Eclipses have a way of turning up the volume to eleven or raising some chaotic ruckus.  This is not a time for impulsively, but it will bring insight into what you have been needing more of.  Then Mercury in Gemini goes retrograde from May 28th to June 23rd.  So, remember to back up your electronics, make time and space for snafus and do the 3 R’s: Review, Reflect and Revise.  Venus also is in Gemini will help us navigate this time by promoting good vibes.  And then Jupiter (expansion) is in Pisces until July 28th giving you a heads up what your 2022 will be like and what area your growth will take place.

P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you.  Taurus this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Scorpio it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check-in, now is the time.

May light be on you, around you, and within you,


Jiro Yoshihar
Jiro Yoshihara

Knight of Coins – Last week the Muse of Self Momentum came to light a fire under your chassis.  You hopefully realized you need to take totally control to get a project off the ground.  Luckily, you have this Muses little sister, the Muse of Sustainability to help in the momentum.  This energy gives you insight on how to sustain the power needed to keep your work on focus.  The challenge is you need to find the pace that works best for you.  Whether that is sprinting or marathons both forms of movement need appropriate recoup times, so also plan them into your work schedule.

Jiro Yoshihara

*Empress – I hope you set intentions last week, because the Muse of Creation is here to fertilize the growth process.  If you by chance do not have anything to sow, you still have time to come up with something before May 27th.   (See planets for the week in intro).  Then after May 26th you can start growing a project or two.  The challenge is usually these projects take time so are you committed to nurturing something for 9 to 10 months?  If not, it is okay to put a bigger project on the backburner until you are ready, but then use this energy to mature something that is already in the works.

Jiro Yoshihara
Jiro Yoshihara

Ten of Wands – First Happy birth month.  The first energy to work with in your coming year is the Muse of Burdens.  This year it is time to decipher which burdens are yours.  This Muse suggest you do this exercise each time you get overwhelmed or tired.  First prioritize your to-do list for the week, then take the last three items off your list and put them off to the side for next week.  Now do the items one by one down the list.  If you get blocked, then move the item to the bottom of your list and continue.  If you happen to finish the list, then you are done for the week.  Lastly, do this process the next week, re-adding the 3 things you put off and start over from the first step above.  The moral to this exercise is that the items you pull off your list you may find either someone else did them or they no longer need to be done, and you revise what you can actually accomplish in a week’s time.

Jiro Yoshihara
Jiro Yoshihara

*Hangman – Ok the Muse of Pondering is here giving you another week to answer last week’s question, what will the new you be and what will you do in this new form?  Evolution is needed and intention is required for this creation.  Take time this week and think, or this Muse will find ways to make you stop so you can ponder.

Jiro Yoshihara
Jiro Yoshihara

Two of Coins – The Muse of Equilibrium has come to hone your skills of multitasking.  First step, stop multi-tasking.  This muse advises you to do one thing at a time until you are good at doing it or completing a task without diverting yourself.  Only after you are confident that you can get one thing done can you add another task.  Also, as a side exercise and lesson, she has you stand on one foot for a minute then switch, do daily for a week.

Jiro Yoshihara

*Wheel – This Muse of Fortune has come to play with you.  This energy comes to switch things up.  So, pay attention when things go your way or totally don’t.  In either scenario there is information for you to glean on how to get unstuck and create momentum in your life.


Jiro Yoshihara
Jiro Yoshihara

Ace of Cups – The Muse of Moderation and Balance worked with you around the questions why am I not doing that one thing or doing that one thing more?   Hopefully helping you tap back into the why behind what you do.  Because this week you can now tap into the energy of new beginnings. The sky is the limit  as long as you follow your heart.

Jiro Yoshihara

*Fool – The Muse of Clean Slates has come after the work you did last week.  This week is great time for adventures, sights, and sounds.  This Muse is inciting you to experience the “new”.  Some great exercises she lays before you are saying yes to all invites, throw a dart at a map and travel there, try new food, and make new friends.  This week is about playing with the energy of spontaneity.

Jiro Yoshihara

Nine of Cups – Last week, the Muse of Reflection asked you to engage in Socratic thinking and deep reflection to either re-think about what the priority/purpose is, or through this questioning have you more firmly set in the reason you are doing a task in a certain way. And now that you are on the other side, you should be stepping more firmly in what are the next phases.  This state of mind makes this week’s energy of contentment something you can now appreciate to its fullest.  If you didn’t do the work, then spend the time before the eclipse in deep reflection so you can relax after May 26th into a more content rhythm.

Jiro Yoshihara

Three of Coins – The Muse of Collaboration is here.  This energy advises to create ease in getting things done it is best not to do it solo.  Gather your forces and teammates and go for the gold.

Jiro Yoshihara
Jiro Yoshihara

Four of Coins – The Muse of Conservation has come to slow down your spending on the material plane.  This week is vital that you spend your time, cash and energy with these two things in mind. 1) Quality over quantity.  2) Work smarter not harder.

Jiro Yoshihara

Page of Cups – Get your rose-colored glass out for the Muse of Joy is here to play with this week.  Her mission, if you choose to accept it, is to show you that life can be entertaining, funny, quirky, playful, mischievous, and joyful.  Get out crayons and/or sidewalk chalk if you need to tap into it.

Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of Dec 13, 2020

Hadieh Shafie
Hadieh Shafie

The artist this week is Hadieh Shafie.  The foundation of her work is rolls of paper that she refers to as ketabs, the Farsi word for book.  Shafie begins with a word, line or poem.  She then cuts 11 by 11 papers into strips and paints the edges of the paper with a few choice colors.  Hadieh then calligraphs on each piece the word or line in Farsi, creating a “page” for her “book.”  Once a pile of these pages has been created, she begins to compile her ketabs by rolling these strips around a needle.   It is the layering process which creates the illusion of the color we see.  For instance, paper with red and orange the eye blurs to peach.  She then puzzles together these scrolls to create a larger piece or “library”.

We are ending this year, and about to come into a new 20-year cycle.  What will be your story?  What will you carry forward, lessons learned?  If you could hone down your experience or expression of this year to a word or a line what would it be?

Also, just a heads up we have two big celestial events coming up.  The first on Monday is an Eclipse in Sagittarius. Astrologers say this is a big occurrence for it is close to the world karmic south node.  Which is the node of our ancestral karma or past and Sagittarius beginning the sign to learn from the past, firmly plant your feet in the ground and look towards the future.

On a more personal level, you can look at your natal chart for any planets in Sagittarius and which house it sits in.  These are places where releasing old karmic patterns is battery charged.  These eclipse cycle will be hitting Gemini and Sagittarius all through 2021.  So, lots of time expanding and releasing areas around the flow of information, communication, adventure, and philosophy.  Next week, I will talk about the Saturn and Jupiter conjunction that happens on the 21st.

May light be on you, around you, and within you,


P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you.  Sagittarius this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Gemini it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time.

Hadieh Shafie
Hadieh Shafie

*Strength – This week can bring out the beast in you.  Your challenge is to tame it.  This can look like doing an exercise regime that gets out that antsy feeling.  Start journaling or call a friend to vent out all your frustrations.  Part of the reason you need to let off steam is you are also needed to take the lead or lend your strength to others.  But oxygen mask-up yourself first.

Hadieh Shafie
Hadieh Shafie

*Temperance – The Muse of moderation is here to prompt you that balance is key. Life ebbs and flows.  Up becomes down eventually.  The practice this week is to walk the middle path.  The path of generalizations not extremes or outliners.  Be aware of all or nothing scenarios or opinions, yours or others and find the path of compromise and cooperation.

Hadieh Shafie

*Hermit – This energy advises to withdraw from society sometime this week.  You need to gain a broader perspective.  The eclipse energy is in your equal but opposite sign testing your belief systems and plans.  This muse reminds you not to throw out your ideas but step back from them and see what needs to be supported possibly diversified in your coming journey in 2021.

Hadieh Shafie
Hadieh Shafie

Four of Coins – Take stock in your resources.  The energy this week is a good time to stop and plan what needs bolstering in your reserves.  This can be financial, space, time, or energy. Then restock your actually or metaphorical cupboards.  By doing so you will feel more secure as you move into 2021.

Hadieh Shafie
Hadieh Shafie

Four of Wands – You all get another revisit with this energy from 2 weeks ago.  This muse is tapping you again that your home needs more energy/focus.  Two weeks ago, it was the physical aspects that needed attention so you would feel more comfortable.  If you did not get time to do that then you get another week.  If you did then this week is about filling it with the people energy that you love.  This could be hanging all your Christmas cards, or Facetimeing with friends about the favorite ornaments on your trees.  If you can’t bring in the physical people, bring in and highlight their energy to warm you den.

Hadieh Shafie

Eight of Wands – Last week, the muses asked you to dig into what aspects that have left you sterile. They wanted you to literally bury all that needs ending.  Then on Solstice next week make a list of what you want and burn that.  Reminding you that change is inevitable and now is the prime time to get a handle on what you want to change.  This week the muses are downloading a plethora of information and this makes the energy run high, making you either frantic or want to fall asleep.  Either way keep a note pad by you to write down anything that bubbles up.  Putting things on paper not only releases it from your psyche but also can provide fodder for 2021.

Hadieh Shafie

*Empress – The Muse of Creation and Nurturing is knocking on your door.  Grab a cup of tea or whiskey and invite her in.  She would like to chat with you about how you are not taking care of yourself and therefore can not take care of others to your Libra level.  This will be a conversation about self-love, compassion, and an inquiry on what you would like to personally create in 2021.

Hadieh Shafie
Hadieh Shafie

*World – Another high energy to help you finalize and expand.  Last week the muses were assisting in the power of creation.  That energy not only challenged you to grow bountiful environments, but also instilled the power to generate in places that others find barren.  This week’s energy is about closing and finalizing what needs to be so you can start focusing on what you will be growing in the coming 9 to 10 months.  So tie up 2020 so you can unwrap and tend to 2021.

Hadieh Shafie
Hadieh Shafie

Four of Swords – You had a taste the past two weeks on what to focus on for 2021.    First energy was bringing the divine down into the World.  Your task until the end of this year is to keep honing what that energy will be focused as 2021 unfurls, ie:  goal setting.  And remember you already have all the tools you need, no need to spend energy worrying about that.   Then the Muse of optimism and success tapped you saying – you will have a conduit to the source of energy needed to accomplish anything you set your focus on.  This week is your proverbial seventh day.  Take this week to rest and relax.  The eclipse is hitting your Sun so take this time to sit back and enjoy soaking in the energy.

Hadieh Shafie
Hadieh Shafie

*Devil – Your sign’s personal muse is knocking at your door.  Her intention is to remind you that 2021 has the opportunities of freedom if you let go of the expectations of others and mostly yourself.  Your natural tendency as a sign is to strive for more and to do better through action and structure.  Not that these are bad traits we all need these energies.  As a world we have been working with them for the past 20 years.  But we are now moving into Aquarius which you all need to adapt to.  This energy is reminding you evolution requires structure as much as innovation.

Hadieh Shafie
Hadieh Shafie

*Tower – The Muse of Kali is calling you water bearer.  As a world we are about to be part of the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in Aquarius which happens around every 800 years.  Personally, this week is about deconstructing what is not working.  Take time to list the cracks in your foundation, what needs to be fixed, readjusted, or reinvented.  This can be as simple as going around the house and making out weekend fix it list. Or as complex as looking at your structures that need to be totally rebuilt.   This coming year will be full periods of standing back and contemplating old constructs for ideas so you can innovate new ones, but you need these last few weeks to identify what is wrong first.

Hadieh Shafie
Hadieh Shafie

Four of Cups– You might find yourself pulling in this week.  Emotions may run too high for you and you might need to run a bath to get away from the hubbub. However, this energy also requires with each withdrawal and equal amount of time socializing.  You do need quiet time to contemplate and imagine on the future, but you also can’t find all the solutions solely in your mind and heart.

Tarotcast for the week of August 5, 2018

Eclipse Viewers

The last and fifth eclipse of 2018 will be this Saturday.  I don’t know about you all but I have been feeling them.  In Astrology the one common concept is that eclipses are transformative times for people whose Sun, moon or ascendant coincides within five degrees of the sign and degree of the eclipse.  This year we had two pairs of eclipses in Leo-Aquarius and one odd-ball solar eclipses in Cancer.  (You can look up the degrees here to see if it affected you.)

Eclipses are usually paired one solar and one lunar, a fortnight apart. This usually happen at least four times a calendar year and unusually from 5-7 times (next seven is in 2038).  We have one more set of five in 2019 with Cancer and Capricorn pairings, and then we will have six eclipses in 2020.  Thank the heavens things calm down until 2027 with five and 2029 with a six eclipses.   But all this made me wonder how do we predict the number of eclipses?

Let me just say the answer to that question is both simple and complex and it is still evolving.  Simply it involves the orbit of Earth and Moon orbital planes in comparison to the Sun which varies 5 degrees.  And because of that sometimes the moon Earth and Sun aren’t aligned to cast shadows.  Complexly even today scientists are adding on to the precision of that shifting number because of the interplay of Earth’s tides, rotation and tilt and the distance of the Moon.

The Universe does not run like a clock.  The most interesting concept to me as I study Astronomy and Astrology is that the both prove that the Universe is alive.  The definition of a living organism in its broadest form is something that is made of parts that interact with each other, it reproduces, and it syntheses energy to live and grow.  This is something I see the planets and stars do on a daily basis.

P.S. Please share.  Also, I have put up another quote to download for your vision board.  Enjoy.

Aries – Nine of Wands

The Nine of Wands is about perseverance.    For some reason this week you believe you need to take on more than you actually need to do.  You have nothing to prove about your strength or your can do ideas of how you run your life.  This card challenges you to lay just one thing aside this week to lighten you load.  And for some of you rams you literally need to be careful of straining your back.


Taurus – Nine of Swords

The Nine of Swords is the card of worry.  Worry is just an aspect of fear.  Take this week to look at your fears and see if there is any truth in them in the here and now not the past and future.  Then take action with the present worries, and let the past and future worries disperse in the mist of unchangeable and uncertain.


Gemini – Eight of Swords and Seven of Pentacles

Eclipse watchers squint through protective film as they view a partial eclipse of the sun from the top deck of New York's Empire State Building Aug. 31, 1932. (AP Photo)

Ok lovelies, you all got the Eight of Swords again, so some of you are still holding on to things that are binding you to a hindering reality.  LET GO.  And then move on to the energy of the Seven of Pentacles which is investing into long-term goals.  Your challenge is to let go of the past and start planning for the future. This literally a good time for you all to invest- so contribute to your 401K, buy stock, make improvements to your home if you own it, etc…


Cancer – Nine of Pentacles

Where last week collaboration was the key, this week the Nine of Pentacles says you get more done alone or with just a chosen few.  Your challenge is to see your successes and bask in them before you get back to work.


Leo – King of Pentacles

This is your second King, so lets’ just glance at the King’s energies.  Kings are the manifestors of the deck.  To get two in a row in your birth-month means this year the energy of manifestation is available to you.  You can make some long-awaited projects happen this year.  Last week the King of Wands wanted you to focus your energy on what you actually want.  The King of Pentacles is the resource man asking you now that you know what to focus on, what do you physically need to make that happen?


*Virgo – High Priestess

FEB 22 1979, FEB 26 1979; Pupils At Stephen Knight School, 3245 E. Exposition, View Monday's Solar Eclipse; They let sun shine over their shoulders and look at image projected through small hole of paper onto another paper.; (Photo By Ernie Leyba/The Denver Post via Getty Images)

The High Priestess in her simplest form wants to stare out the window and watch the world go by, reading a book like the Three-Body Problem, or get a divination reading .  In her more complex form she might be challenging you to go on a retreat, write your own book, or cast a spell.  The challenge is seeing the bigger picture while seeing the synchronicities in the details.


Libra – Page of Cups

The Page of Cups is the card of innocence.  The challenge with this card is seeing things with fresh eyes and if you do you will find the solution or answer you need.   If you are having a hard time with this – hang out with children, watch Anne with an E, or anything out of Miyazaki’s animation studio.


*Scorpio – Hierophant and Five of Swords

June 1927: A group of nurses observing a solar eclipse through special dark glasses. (Photo by Fox Photos/Getty Images)

Ok two cards for you this week.  First the Five of Swords forewarns, this week is going to be bit chaotic.  The hard thing with this card is that you really have no control over it and most likely there is no way around it.  The Hierophant comes to the rescue advising the more organized and prepared you are for this week, the easier it will be to navigate in and around the chaos.  Also the Hierophant highlights that there is an important lesson you will learn by the end of the week that will come in handy in the near future.


Sagittarius – Knight of Pentacles

The journey continues with the Knight of Pentacles.  The Knight of Pentacles means you are on the right path and your challenge is to get into the grove of your personal pace. All the Knights (movement) are all easy cards for your sign, so enjoy the journey and the wind in your hair.


Capricorn – Six of Rods

The Six of Rods advises you to take a moment this week to notice how far you come from the beginning of this year.  This is your half way point from your birth year.  The challenge is not to sit on your laurels, but to ask what am I going to do with the next 6 months.


Aquarius – Three of Cups

Companionship is the key this week.  You have been out of the loop.  It is time to call old friends and lift the glass even if it’s on FaceTime.



Pisces – Six of Swords

The Six of Swords’ lesson is about lightening the load that you carry with you.  Whether that is mental or physical, you need to prioritize and hone down what you are carrying into your future.  One thing with this card is that being by water can help in this process.


May light be on you, around you, and within you,
