Tag Archives: design

Tarot and Art Horoscope for Week of July 14, 2019

Katerina Kamprani

We are in between the eclipses and they have been hitting people pretty hard. Like this chair above, the eclipses are throwing us out of our comfort zones, making us stand up and do the work.   I found that this time has made me contemplate what isn’t working in my life, or what is in my life that isn’t working.  And to do so I really needed to deconstruct and simplify my everyday experiences.

This “chair” is from a series of impractical household items called The Uncomfortable by architect Katerina Kamprani.   Her goal is to “deconstruct the invisible design language of simple everyday objects and tweak their fundamental properties in order to surprise you and make you laugh…but also to help you appreciate the complexity and depth of interactions with the simplest of objects around us.”  I guess the eclipses are trying to get me to see how I design the simple things in my life and how intricate that actually can be.


P.S. Remember signs with an * it a big week for you.  Cancer this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.



Katerina KampraniNine of Cups – This is your second nine in a row, so let’s dive a bit deeper into Nines.  Nine means you are near the end of a cycle or completion of something.  You are on the last stretch. Last week the Wands had you preparing for this last bit, and this week the Nine of Cups is wanting you to be in the moment and experience it.  You are so focused on the goal you are forgetting to be in the now.    This week will only come once – feel it – be in it.



Katerina KampraniTen of Cups – The Ten of Cups represents bliss and the completion of an emotional cycle.  This week take notice of all those that love and support you.  You have come through a lot of emotional trials and exaltations with this group of dear ones.  Now is the time to rejoice in the joy, love and happiness.



*Lovers – Two big weeks for you.  Last week the Hierophant challenged you to hone your skills on how you can teach and support others.  This week the Lovers continues the focus of working with people.  But where last week you were the teacher, this week you are the co-creator.  This week it is vital you look at how you interact with those around you.  Whether that is creating projects and/or generating atmospheres, you are co-creating all that surrounds you.  The challenge is to design equality and balance – remember equal does not mean the same.  Celebrate and support yours and others uniqueness.  Your motto: Variety is the spice of life.



Katerina KampraniSeven of Cups – Last week the Five of Wands and the High Priestess, your major arcane card for Cancers’ new birth year, came to guide you not only through last week’s chaos, but throughout the coming year.  The aspects that are resonating until next July are intuition, serenity, cycles, introspection and the big picture.  This year is a spirit quest that will combine the past, present and future.  It may not bring order to the chaos, but it will bring a sense of peace and acceptance of the natural flow. This week, the Seven of Cups joins to the Priestess’ message by advising you to dream bigger but stay realistic when waking.  You need your dreams to help expand your horizons but you need the clarity of your conscious mind to obtain them.



Nine of Swords and Knight of Swords – These two cards are warning you to be careful as you are preparing for your next birth year. The Nine of Swords advise that over thinking has been giving you trouble, and it is time to put needless worries aside.  And the Knight of Swords chimes in saying you are rushing through your life not really experiencing it and/or you have been prone to mishap due to rushing through things.  They challenge you to spend this week letting go of your bad habits of worrying about the past – that you cannot change- and the future – which you cannot predict.  This week you need to be conscious of how you are moving into your coming year.



Six of Pentacles – Last week Temperance the card of moderation, harmony and adaptability challenged you to balancing. Whether that is a simple as balancing your check book or diet, balancing work with play, or balancing your yin and yang of your spirit.  Re-calibration for satiation and ease was your motto in all things. Well the theme of balancing continues with the Six of Pentacles.  However, this card has you balancing karma and debts.  Take this week to pay off your debts and fill it with good deeds.  This positivism (or negativism if you choose) will come back to you threefold in the coming months.



Queen of Pentacles – The Queen of Pentacles comes when you need to enjoy the life you have worked so hard to get.  This is a great time to take a vacation, have a spa day, go out to your favorite restaurant.  Indulge this week, you not only need it – you deserve it.



Eight of Cups – Last week, the Emperor came reminding you that you have a good foundation, but you need to start building to the next level.   This week the Eight of Cups continues this theme of building but it is challenging you to release a few things.  You need the room to build more into your life.  Whether that is cleaning out some closet space or cleaning out some heart space, you got to dump out some of the old to pour in some of the new.



Five of Wands – The Five of Wands is the card of chaos.  This week you need to watch where you take things that can create disharmony.  For example, instead of thinking that someone is arguing with you – think of it as creative differences or that you are able to see a perspective outside of your normal or societies thought patterns.  Think of these chaotic moments as insights into the diversities of perspectives.  In other words don’t take anything personal this week.



*World – The World is the card of completion of a cycle.  This card is perfect timing with the lunar eclipse happening in Capricorn on Tuesday to Wednesday.  This week you can create some pretty amazing transformations and healing mojo by attuning yourself to what needs to be released to ease into the next cycle.  The challenge and paradox of this card asks you:  If you could have it all what are you willing to let go to do it?



Ten of Pentacles – The Ten of Pentacles this week is a great time to finish up a project.  Get one item/project off your to-do list.  And before you start on something else, the true goal is to enjoy and bask in its completion.  This week should ultimately be about relaxing and enjoying.



Six of Cups – Spend time in the past this week. It’s a great time to look at old pictures and reminisce with loved ones.  This rumination has some emotional messages for you that will help you unravel the mysteries of the future.




May light be on you, around you, and within you,



Tarotcast for Week of November 18, 2018

Japanese Book covers

I have a deep love for illustration and the artists that do them. This collection of Japanese book covers (1920’s to 1940’s) I found on the exceptional site called 50 Watts.  Hmm I don’t even know how to describe this site other than fascinating images of illustration collected by an amazing online curator/blogger.  You can sign up for “journey round my skull” to get it sent straight to your inbox.  I point this out because illustration, design and craft have been kept out of the definition of “fine arts”. This is an injustice.

Many “fine art” critics, curators and historians wave away illustration, craft and design as an art form and it can even be used an insult.  As an example, an artist  told me that an art teacher critique  her paintings as too illustrative and that made her really question herself as an artist .  I also had a run into this bias at an Artisan’s fair where the judge stated that she just couldn’t wrap her head around judging the fine art with the craft entries, so she decided next year to have a new category just for craft and this year she would only judge  the paintings and photographs as entries.  I don’t think either person meant it as a criticism to illustration or craft but interestingly both these people taught in a college setting, where they teach people what art is and also what defines their students as artists.

Illustration, design and craft can take as much imagination and technical skill as any “fine art” form.  And as I have said before they are everyday gateways into art appreciation.  Art critics and curators now have somewhat expanded the definition of fine art  with street artists like Banksy, Jean Michael, and the trend for outsider art (and I have to add even at this time period these are predominately men that are recognized but that is another blog) but I am not so sure that the art educational system has caught up. What would happen if we just took out primarily or solely in this definition of “fine art” as creative art, especially visual art, whose products are to be appreciated primarily or solely for their imaginative, aesthetic, or intellectual content?Imagine what kind of art we would see if we opened up to that definition.

P.S. Remember signs with an * it’s a big week for you.  And please share.


Aries – Eight of Swords

Japanese book coversThis week can feel a bit binding with the Eight of Swords.  This card foretells that between your thoughts and your obligations you might feel a bit trapped.  The challenge is realizing this binding feeling is all in your hands.  The obligations and thoughts can easily be let go of if you are truthful with the reasons behind them.


Taurus – King of Swords

This King request that you take control this week.  You are the best one to figure out your strategies to get through this week.  Rely on others but only if they have direction, and who better to do that then you.  You have your intellect and wit about you this week, use them.
Continue reading Tarotcast for Week of November 18, 2018