Tag Archives: conservation

Tarot-cast for Week of April 14, 2019

Britta Jaschinski

Above is a picture by Britta Jaschinski an amazing and award winning conservation artist. Her book Photographers against Wildlife Crimes is poignant and beautiful.   However,  when I started doing research for wildlife/nature/conservation photography, I ended up with a list of men and she was no where to be found.

Just google search wildlife photography. You will see 35 of the top googled photographers but the 12th and 26th are the only woman.  Wildlife/conservation photography like most arts are dominated by men, or are they? After deeper research I found some amazing published women out there.  Why aren’t they showing up in the top searches?

Of course, this happens in many searches.  With famous painters there are two women Frida Karol 8th and Georgia O’Keefe 15th.  With famous scientists searched there are five women represented in the top 35.  Now we could say that women weren’t allowed to be in those fields in the past, so the ratio reflects that.  Or is it possible that all our search engines, encyclopedias, and textbooks are filled and prioritizes with European men?

What can we do?  Start supporting young women to get in the field with programs like: Girls who Click, who is trying to pave the way for girls to get into the wildlife photography field.  And here are 25 programs that girls can get into for the sciences.  Then let’s start highlighting women in our searches.  Google analytics are partially based on hits per site, let’s up the ante.  Look deeper to find minorities when you are doing a general search.   To help I have attached websites to amazing woman wildlife photographers click on them to raise awareness on the web about them and conservation in general. Your clicks count!

P.S.  Remember signs with an * it a big week for you.



*Ace of Cups and Sun – Ace of Cups and the Sun are very appropriate for you b-day month.  All Aces are new beginnings, but the Ace of Cups is the most auspicious. This Ace brings favorable life and emotions into this coming year.  With the Sun card, growth, this is a year where you have the Universe behind you to expand anything you put your light to.  The only challenge with these two cards is not focusing down the light to a laser-like frequency.  Be aware when passion and attention is too focused you will burn your subjects and may create a desert in the aftermath.  In the simplest terms always carry around a bottle of water while working or out and about.  In its most complex version, spread your love and passion out evenly to many people or projects instead of all of it on one.   https://www.suzieszterhas.com/index



Six of Swords – The Six of Swords advises you to gain perspective or distance from your thoughts and//or projects.  There is a need to simplify when this card comes up; however not too much. This is more about finding a natural rhythm.  As always with this card, water and/or short trips are vital this week to help cleanse your thoughts and gain perspective.  https://www.melissagroo.com/
Continue reading Tarot-cast for Week of April 14, 2019