Happy New Year 2019

Hi All,

I am not doing an individual tarotcast for this week, but I did want you all to know the card represented by the year 2019.  Before I get into that, I want to thank you all for your support over the past year.  If it wasn’t for you, my words would go out into the dark without a tether. My goal for these tarotcasts are to help you navigate each week with more ease.  I hope it does that.

Now the card for the year depending on which methodology you use is either The Empress number 3 or the World number 21.  The Empress is about fertility, creativity and growth.  The World card is about fulfillment, completion, creating and working with what is your great purpose on Earth.   I’m leaning towards the Empress this year to work on seeding, watering, fertilizing and weeding what I want to happen in my sphere. Leaning into the Empress’ nature of growth and compassion.

I know it will take more than a year for my garden to grow all that I want it to, but I am ready to invest in the labor.   I recommend you pick one of these cards as your theme for the year, and say goodbye to 2018.  Last year’s cards were Justice or Judgment where finding the truth is leading to our evolution or extinction.  I am ready for this cycle to end.  I am grateful for all the good and bad that has enlightened me to things that still need worked on and places I must evolve past. I am ready to clean up lose ends with the World card and grow myself a fresh start in 2019 with the Empress.

May light be on you, around you, and within you,
