Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of June 27, 2021


The artist highlighted this week is la furie , Prisca Munkeni Monnier, @furiephotographe.  Her art is raw, hungry and has a gravitational weight that one can sink their teeth into, while lifting one’s mind.  It is like a helium balloon with a rock attached to its string holding it down.            La furie’s work speaks to the fleeting memory of cause and the day-to-day dealings of effect.  In her words… (This is translated from French by Google so please forgive the paraphrase.)

“Over time, places or people who had an impact in our identity disappear.  Buried in our everyday lives. Our memories, things, traditions we were once taught to be proud of are forgotten.  However, certain traumas remain. Leading room for unexplained frustration or anger. Day after day, we forget … why we cry, why we love or even what we live for.

My depictions want to express the traumas that we inherited that became part of our identities over the years and that we are continuously brushing off.  I want to bring them to life, give them a space, respecting all forms of otherness.  It is a battle against time, space and everything fading away. One last tribute before it all falls into oblivion.
One last attempt to keep a memory of – a trace of – I create because I am trying to remember … Maybe I will know why I am angry.  Maybe I’ll be free.”  

Solar System highlights:  Moon starts in Aquarius but quickly moves to Pisces this week, so be in touch with your higher self.  It then goes into Aries on 30nd – great for starting new projects, and then ends in Taurus on July 3rd – focusing on growth.  Mercury is out of retrograde but still in Gemini until July 16th, so communication is still emphasized.  And Venus joins Mars in Leo, so we switch from inner love and care to outer.  Time to manifest your feelings and desires.  Also a great time to be with those you love.  And if you find yourself solo it is a perfect time to make new friends or get a new plant (if humanity is driving you crazy).

P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you.  Cancer this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Capricorn it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check-in, now is the time.

May light be on you, around you, and within you,



*Devil – The Muse of Final Exams has come to test your resolve.  Be aware this week is full of diversions.     Something this week is going to try and derail you.  This muse reminds you that you have already learned this lesson, and now you need to apply your knowledge.


*Hierophant – The Muse of Structures is here to help you plan out this week and look if your structures are sustainable in the long term.  Look for cracks in your theories, schedules, food intake, etc…  This muse reminds you that your structures are supposed to not only create abundance but also ease.  So, mottos like – work smarter not harder or more money does not equal more work should be your go to in your restructuring.


Queen of Coins – The Muse of Comfort is here to update the way you are living.  This is a great week to refresh your space with flowers, throw pillows, a hammock, new kitchen appliance…  She asks, how can you update your living space to bring more comfort and ease?


Knight of Wands and Nine of Cups – These energies herald in your new year with this information- you are in the right place doing the right thing if you follow the thought form of contentment.  So, in the coming year if the path you are on does not imbue a sense of satisfaction it is time to change your route; however, if you are content, stay the course.


Eight of Wands – The energy this week is full of information useful for tying up loose ends and the planning of your new birthyear.  Watch for synchronicities, favorite numbers, or repeated phrases as signs to pay attention, for there is information there for you.  So, eyes, ears, and mind open.


Ace of Wands – The Muse of Innovation is here to help you conjure up inspired ideas.  She is calling you to create part of your legacy.  What do you want to say?  What do you want to remember for?  You are on this planet at this time to put forth your unique gifts.  Go



Page of Coins – The Muse of Education is here.  Reminding you that to remain relevant that you need to be opened to learning new skills.  And this week’s energy helps highlight where you need to up your skill set.  Your Motto:  I am a lifelong learner.


Queen of Cups – The Muse of Finding the True You is here.  You are an emotional creature, and this energy helps you connect to your deep waters.  Feel your way through this week.  Your heart tells the truth.  Follow it and your desires will rise for you to catch their wave.


Ten of Pentacles – It is the perfect time to complete at least one venture.  Go to your to-do list and find the project that is nearest completion and finish it.  Then this energy says take the rest of the week off.  Your motto:  Work hard, play hard.      



*Strength – Last week, The Devil card challenged you to modulate your speed and assess how far you have come so you can readjust how you want to continue.  Now the Muse of Inner Strength has come to help you navigate your internal space to match your readjusted outer space.  Use this energy to be still and listen to the feelings and desires that drive you.  By locating your inner true north, you can now align it to your outer manifestations, thus creating a path of ease to your guiding star.


Two of Coins – The Muse of Balance is here to test your ability to multi task.  Her main hint for you this week is to manage juggling only two balls before you add another another one to your work load.


Queen of Wands – The Muse of Deep Knowledge is here to help you navigate where you are in life right now.  First, she reminds you that you need to ground to align with your spiritual self.  Then she asks how you want to live on this plane and what impressions do you want to leave behind as you walk forward into your future.  These are deep questions that require deep thought.  If you are befuddled, she also scatters synchronicities to help guide your ponderings.  Or suggests walking meditations in nature or exercises like Tai Chi or Yoga to connect with your gravity.

Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of June 20, 2021

Father’s Day
Cardinal Fish

Happy Summer Solstice, Happy Birthday to all you fellow Crabs out there and Happy Father’s Day.  There is a lot happening today.  Let’s take the celestial portion first.   Summer Solstice happens every year and marks the beginning of the summer, or winter depending on which hemisphere you live on.   It is the one of two times the Earth is farthest away from the Sun within a year.  During this season, the Northern Hemisphere is tilted towards the sun to get the most rays and the Southern to get the least.

On this day, the Sun is directly overhead the Tropic of Cancer hence its name; however, it has been over 2,000 years since the Sun enter the constellation for Cancer on solstice.   This is because of a motion of Earth called precession, the sun is always moving along the zodiac.  The cycle of this movement is 26,000 years long.  The sun moves toward the west.  Thus, relative to the zodiac’s backdrop of stars, the sun on every solstice appears a bit westward of the previous year’s solstice sun.  So, this solstice the sun is actually entering Taurus.

And lastly today is Father’s Day.  A shout out to all those men out there that co-parent or single parent the next generation.  Above pic is a male  Cardinal fish that holds the eggs in his mouth until they hatch.  He doesn’t eat for about a month while they mature.  And below are other father’s in the animal kingdom that take a larger part of the hatching/rearing of their young.

Planet highlights:  Moon starts in Scorpio this week, so be in touch with your sensuality.  It then goes into Sagittarius on 22nd – great for discovering new things, and then ends in Capricorn – focusing on structures.  Mercury is out of retrograde but still in Gemini until July 16th.  So, time to make those revisions of the last two weeks live.  Jupiter goes retro today, June 20.  It does this cycle every 399 days and lasts 4 months.  It is a great time to slow your roll but not to stop forward motion.  Remember while it is in Pisces, until the end of July, this gives you a window into the energies that will be around you in 2022.

P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you.  Cancer this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Capricorn it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check-in, now is the time.

May light be on you, around you, and within you,



Father’s Day
African Dogs

*Sun – This week it is time for you to shine.  Take a step into the light.  Feed energy only in the things you want to grow.  But be aware, your fiery, all-action temperament does not give “shade” to those that are around you.  Helping others shine adds to your shimmer.


Father’s Day

Six of Coins – The Muse of Charity has come to your door.  This week the more positive energy you put into the world the more optimistic your surroundings become.  However, this energy works with negative energy also.  The lesson is what you feed is what grows.


Father’s Day
Midwife Toad

Six of Cups – The Muse of the Past is knocking around in your attic.  This energy advises you to investigate your past for answers this week.  You are playing out old patterns and you need to find where it all began to releasee or innovate out of them.


Father’s Day

Ace of Cups – Of course at the beginning of your birth month you get the Muse of Emotional Beginnings.  This is a great week to make wishes on how you want this new year to feel.  And then riff off that feeling and innovated on how to make it happen.  This muse recommends finding a word to encompass that mood and write it somewhere that you can see it throughout this month.


Father’s Day
Golden Tamarin

Nine of Wands – The Muse of Commitment is asking you to spend this last month of your birth year tiding up looses ends, so you have a clean slate to start off on your birthday.  All the tasks will not be completed within this months’ time.  Boundaries are essential to create space and time to do this work.  The more you deal with now the more energy and focus you will have to innovate the future.


Father’s Day

Knight of Swords – Last week the Muse of Taking Charge challenged you to create momentum in your life.  She left you in charge of everything: the what, where and how to get to you closer to your destination.  Well, you have another week to keep that momentum going; however, you need to slow down and think things through at each step.  This is not a week to make rush decisions or fly by night moves.  Thoughtfulness and patience are the skills you are utilizing this week to create ease.


Bat Eared Fox

Seven of Cups – The Muse of Dreams has arrived to boost you to imagine bigger.  You have limited your desires in someway and this had left you feeling hollow.  This feeling of scarcity has created a hungry ghost that uses anything to fill that space.   However, if you follow your dreams that hunger will be abated.


Microhylid Frog

King of Wands – The Muse of Inspiration has come to play with you this week.  This is a great week to plan and start a modernization to drive you into your future.  The challenge is thinking outside of the box and for the long term.  It will take time for this to mature, but this week has the momentum to start the ball rolling.


Water Bug

Eight of Swords – You are stuck in some part of your life/work and are clinging to a thought construct that does not work for you.  The Muse of Theories is here to help you meditate revise or release what no longer serves you.   



*Devil – The Devil card is one of your life cards, so that means this week has some karmic components to it.  The sun is going into Cancer which is opposing your natal Sun.  This happens every summer in June and July.  It is a time to stand back, re-group and begin again.  You are halfway through your birth year.  Take this week to assess how far you come and readjust how you want to continue.  This muse also challenges you to relax and slow down to do this evaluation correctly.  As they say the Devil is in the details, but you need to modulate your speed to pay attention to the small.


Darwin Frog

Five of Swords – The energy this week brings with it a feeling of chaos and distraction, like a nest of bees outside your window.  However, the Muse of Best Interests is here to keep you focus and on the right path.  Your challenge is to stay true to your integrity and humanity.  Go into any situation with the question:  What is best for me and for the other person I am interacting with? And if those conflict enact compassion and compromise for the both of you.


Emperor Penguin

Nine of Swords – The Muse of Processing Difficulties has come to have a beverage with you.  This week has a feeling of melancholy to it.  Melancholy comes when one is having difficulties processing new situations by using old models of coping.  Take this week to innovate ways in which you handle the troubles in your life.


Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of June 13, 2021

Sabine Pigalle
Sabine Pigalle

The artist this week is Sabine Pigalle @sabinepigalle.  Pigalle’s work revolves around using art from the past and twisting into to a modern context.  Often showing the archaic structures and ideals we sadly still hold today.  She has done six series during the lockdown (Please got to her site and see them all). One about Islamic art, another on gender and the last four about Covid.  The series highlighted here is called New Economy.  The pandemic has made it very evident the fragile balance of globalization and how interconnected we are by trade.  If a nation wobbles, other nations now feel it in a way we have never been cognizant of before.  Pigalle has the viewer pondering our global economy tottering between interdependence or co-dependence.  And asks us how do we re-structure trade to create mutuality instead of capitalistic dependences.

Planet highlights:  Moon starts in Leo this week , so be aware emotion emoting happens here.  It then goes into Virgo on 16th – great for organizing and tidying up and ends the week in Libra focusing on harmonizing and balance. Mercury is still retrograde in Gemini until June 23rd.  So, make time and space for snafus and do the 3 R’s: Review, Reflect and Revise.  Lastly, Venus is in Cancer so self-care creates ease and Mars is in Leo so work on your sovereignty and resilience.

P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you.  Gemini this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Sagittarius it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check-in, now is the time.

May light be on you, around you, and within you,


Sabine Pigalle
Sabine Pigalle

Ace of Coins – Another Ace, so last week and this week has all the energy you need to start new endeavors.  Last week was about sharing the love and igniting relationships.  This week is about starting new projects on the material plane.  Look at place you feel like you have less and start planting the seeds to become abundant.

Sabine Pigalle
Sabine Pigalle

Two of Coins – The Muse of Juggling is here to work on your skills around action and accomplishment.  She starts you off prioritizing your tasks for the week and then has you pick the top two.  Then work with them until you find a flow.  Only once you have established your groove can you begin another task.  Its easy to juggle two balls but juggling three or more needs practice to enhance expertise.

Sabine Pigalle

Three of Swords – So the past couple of weeks have been a bit bumpy with all the planets and the eclipse tussling in your playground.  You might feel a bit battered.  The Muse of Deep Healing is here is help you with your recovery.  But you will have to look deeper into why you are feeling hurt.  These are not surface scratches but wounds which need sufficient self-care and reflection to truly mend.

Sabine Pigalle
Sabine Pigalle

Six of Cups – Last week the Muse of Letting Go advised you to clean your literal and/or metaphorical closets so you can move into the next phase of your new birth year.  You get another week to dive into the past and continue clearing.  But remember as a Cancer you are the holders of history, so do not throw everything away. If you still love it leave it.  But if it does not serve the new you or conjures up bad emotions, dump it.

Sabine Pigalle
Sabine Pigalle

King of Wands – Last week the Muse of Creation came and asked for a 9-month comment to grow something in your life.  Luckily, she gave you until June 22nd (the end of this retrograde period) to play and nurture a few ideas before you commit.  So, you still have time to have fun with your vision board, for this week’s the Muse of Envisioning has come to spur you to dream bigger and with more color.  She shares her power to turn to ash what has been holding you down.

Sabine Pigalle
Sabine Pigalle

*Chariot– The Muse of Taking Charge is here.  This week is great for making anything go.  The challenge with this energy is you must create all the momentum.  Yep, for anything to happen you need to make the lunch, pack the car, and do the driving to get anywhere.  But you also get to pick the radio station, destination, and the pace.  On a purely practical side of this energy, check your tires and wear appropriate shoes to all events.


Sabine Pigalle
Sabine Pigalle

Ten of Cups – Last week the Muse of Success had you assess your accomplishments since June 2020, tie up loss ends and celebrate your triumphs.  You get another week to continue that, but the Muse of Good Times has shown up to increase the partying time.  This week take off as much as you can and enjoy life.  What did you do all that hard work for if you didn’t plan for a little vakay.   This week focus on good food, good friends, and good times.

Sabine Pigalle
Sabine Pigalle

Ace of Swords – The Muse of the Mind is here to have you re-think a situation.  This week is about finding new ways of thoughts or ways of communicating around old problems.   The closer you are to your truth the easier the task.

Sabine Pigalle

Four of Coins – The Muse of Penny Wisdom is here.  She arrives to remind you in everything you do quality over quantity.  Where you spend your money, time and energy is highlighted this week.  Time to trim the excess, fix the leaks and redirect the misdirected.    


Sabine Pigalle

Two of Swords – Last week the Muse of Balance had you ponder that balance is not the same as equity.  The Goddess Maat knew that the good versus bad depended on circumstances.  For example, a solider and husband who murdered his wife would weigh differently around killing.  So, I hope you took note in how you judge situations, people, and yourself.  For this week, the Muse of Choice is prompting you to move forward with this re-worked concept of justness.  The choices presented to you this week are challenging you to perceive the circumstances around decisions. You may find them more important than the decision itself.

Sabine Pigalle
Sabine Pigalle

Eight of Swords – Last week the Muse of Intuition wanted you to ponder patterns and synchronicities but not to be surprised if this egg hunt brings up doubts or confidences in what you are doing.  She reminded you your path does not need to be difficult to be worth it, but it does need your undivided attention.  Well, this week some of those mind traps have come to haunt you.  Luckily the Muse of Boundaries is supplying you energy to let go of useless thoughts that no longer serve you and create boundaries that do.

Sabine Pigalle

Five of Swords – Last week the Muse of Evolution advised you to tweak the Feng Shu in your space and life but with the lens of making it a place where you can metamorphosis into the next phase of your life.  To evolve into a better you, you need a nurturing space to cocoon in.  I hope you did that for this week brings a bit of chaotic energy.  The people around you are vying for your attention but in unhealthy ways. So be careful you do not get pulled into gossiping and/or competitions.  There is not enough of you to go around so only put energy t

Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of June 6, 2021

Marcus Chin
Marcus Chin

Happy Pride Month!  The artist this week is Marcos Chin @marcoschinart.   Chin’s illustrations are vibrant!  Vibrant is defined as full of energy and enthusiasm, quivering; pulsating, bright and striking.  He draws the viewer into environments and turns the volume up a notch or three.  Having the viewer wanting to jump in and join the parade of color.  As an art form illustration often gets categorized outside high art.

This  critique  disregards the technical skill and imagination of the artist as well as turning a blind eye to the cultural significance of its form.  This is why politics and advertising employ illustration to visual inform and create solidarity. Illustration like street art is the art of the people.  There is not one person that has not enjoyed the artwork on albums, story books, T-shirts, or posters.  Illustration is the Pied Piper of art and art appreciation.  This form brings vibrancy to our lives and sparks our imagination.  Illustrators need as much highlighting and fanfare as any gallery artists.

Of course, I am a tarot reader that relies on illustrations.  To tarot readers illustration is a gateway into the soul’s journey.  I believe this is why we collect decks.  Each deck is another interpretation of the soul’s path.  Each deck increases our knowledge and therefore our skill as a reader.  And yes, Chin has some illustrations of tarot cards (see the last three pics) but no deck.  So need I say, tarot lovers lovingly hound this fellow to make more.

Planet highlights:  We have a New Moon in Gemini with a solar Eclipse on June 10th.  And Mercury is still retrograde in Gemini until June 23rd.  So, make time and space for snafus and do the 3 R’s: Review, Reflect and Revise.  Pay attention to triggers this week, for eclipse time gives us hints on where to heal and fix what is not work.  Mars goes into Leo on the 11th.  While it’s still in Cancer chat with your emotions so when the fiery planet goes into Leo you can work on your sovereignty and resilience without getting hurt. For with Mercury still retro spats can occur, so remember check your ego.   Also, Jupiter (expansion) is in Pisces until July 28th giving you a heads up what your 2022 will be like and what area your growth will take place.

P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you.  Gemini this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Sagittarius it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check-in, now is the time.

May light be on you, around you, and within you,



Marcos Chin
Marcos Chin

Ace of Cups – The energy of love surrounds you this week. Your cup spillth over.  Employ this energy to refresh yourself and the ones you love.  This is a new beginning; how are you going to use the power of love and spread it?


Marcus Chin
Marcus Chin

Three of Swords – The past two weeks you have been working with the energies of Creation and Supportive Partnership.  However, this week you are solidly in Mercury’s retrograde and the eclipse, so amid this creation process (remember this is an energy in play for the next 9 months), you might be triggered.  The energy, this week is about healing deep wounds around self-worth, grief, and sorrow.  This is a perfect time to pull back and do the 3 R’s to sort through the feelings of your shadow side.


Marcos Chin
Marcos Chin

Eight of Swords – The Muse of Boundaries has come to break down limitations that were set by others and create more healthy boundaries that do not constrain you.  This is a great exercise for Mercury and eclipse energy this week.  Take this time to see what thought patterns are holding you back and let them go.


Marcos Chin
Marcos Chin

*Death – The Muse of Letting Go is here to clean your literal and/or metaphorical closets so you can move into the next phase of your new birth year.  By letting go of the decay you are creating fertile grounds for your new garden of delights.  Go through closets, junk drawers, emotions, thoughts, and structures that are no longer of use or do not work well.  This coming birth year is setting you up for an upgrade, so clear space.


Marcos Chin
Marcos Chin

*Empress – Last week the Muse of Justice and Truth came to aid you on setting boundaries and goals with the assistance of Mr. Flip if needed.  Now with your new boundaries, goals and a helper if you get stuck you can start creating.  The Muse of Creation has arrived, and she is asking for a 9-month comment to growing something in your life.  Luckily, she is also giving you some time (until the end of this retrograde period) to play and nurture a few ideas before you commit.  So, crayons out, vision boards up and have some fun.


Marcos Chin
Marcos Chin

Six of Swords – The Muse of Tiny Excursions is here to help you find the beauty of the intimate world around you.  She asks you to take strolls in your neighborhood, investigate intimate venues, read a short story or poem to deep dive into a vignette of emotion.  Her lessons are small and simple but holds as much profound as the large.


Marcos Chin

*World – The Muse of Success is knocking.  Success is defined as the accomplishment of an aim or purpose. What have you accomplished since June of 2020?  Take this week to tie up loss ends and to celebrate your triumphs.  Examine what you have created as your legacy.  What is going to reverberate into the World because of you?  For these coming months will bring you new opportunities to build upon what you have already started or start a new adventure with a clean slate.


Marcos Chin
Marcos Chin

Two of Cups – Relationships are the theme this week.  This energy is all about equity in relationships.  Are you getting your cups filled by others around you and are you doing the same?  If the people around you aren’t supporting, then it is time to cut the chords and spend that energy on the people that do.


Marcos Chin
Marcos Chin

Seven of Wands – The Muse of Perseverance is here to help you continue the fight or a stance.  You are on the right path even though it may feel like you are walking against the wind solo.  Yes, something is off but that just means there is more work to do on this project or where you are at.  Keep on keeping on.


Marcos Chin

*Justice – The Muse of Fortune came last week to shake things up for inertia had set into someplace in your life.  Now the Muse of Balance has come to settle your world back into some form of your “new normal.”  The challenge with this Muses’ wisdom is balance is not the same as equity.  The Goddess Maat knew that the good versus bad depended on circumstances.  For example, a solider and husband who murdered his wife would weigh differently around killing.  So, take note in how you judge situations, people, and yourself.


Marcos Chin

*High Priestess – The Muse of Intuition is here to bestow some information though she makes you work for it.  This week look for patterns and synchronicities for they will lead you to gems of knowledge need in the coming weeks.  She also is the Muse of your many purposes on Earth.  So don’t be surprised if this egg hunt brings up doubts or confidences in what you are doing.  She reminds you that one’s path does not need to be difficult to be worth it, but it does need your undivided attention.


Marcos Chin

*Judgement – The Muse of Structures came last week to help you stabilize your life and work.  You needed a clean and organized slate for the Muse of Evolution is here this week.  It is still advised that you tweak the Feng Shu in your space and life but with the lens of making it a place where you can metamorphosis into the next phase of your life.  To evolve into a better you, you need a nurturing space to cocoon in.  Take time this week making your spaces and plans comfortable to grow in and into.