Tag Archives: Halloween

Tarot and Art-Cast for week of Oct 22, 2023

junkykid Monster

Happy Birthmonth Scorpios!

The spooky artist this week is @junkykid.  He has great YouTube videos just showing his creative process, “mistakes and all”.  These are again from #mabsdrawlloweenclub.  The prompts are all about Halloween spooks, monsters, bats and cats.  See below for the prompts if you want to join in the fun.

Mabs List

I find it interesting that monsters were created to deal with fears of the unknown and in most cultures, they were feared.  But in modern times monsters have also become superheroes like Swampthing, Venom, Spawn, etc… Or even if they invoke fear there also is fascination/love affair with them.  Where now vampires and werewolves can be a love-interest. Have we changed our relationships with the unknown or fear itself? Or because we now can explain that what looks like someone changing into a monster is just the rabies virus and is preventable?  Our monsters now seem to be climate change, war, racism, and oligarchies. All known and created by us.  So now the monsters come to save us from us?

Your pondering for this week:  What characteristics do your monsters have?


Solar System highlights

The moon begins in Aquarius – think outside of the box and what is good for the many.   On Tuesday it moves into Pisces – go with the flow.  And on Thursday, the moon moves into Aries – great energy to get things done before the weekend.  And a full moon in Taurus for the week a lovely energy for grounding and puttering around your home.

Mercury (communication and knowledge) is in Scorpio (passion) until Nov. 10th.  Hopefully we have learned to balance deep listening and clear communication and can now apply these lessons to explaining our passions without getting over emotional.   Mars (action) is also in Scorpio until November 24th. Wanting us to check that our actions are supporting the expression of our passion.  While Venus (beauty and harmony) is in Virgo (organization) until November 8th. So now we move from contemplating our outward expression harmonizes with what is within, to applying what we have learned into our life.

The outer planets until the end of the year and into next are having us work on nurturing the pleasures in our lives, be aware of dipping into overindulgence, making our structures elastic and responsive to change, and lastly looking back to 2008 to see if any lose ends need to be tied up especially around the house and planets that sit in your natal Capricorn.


***Signs with an * it is a big week for you.  Scorpio, this is a perfect time to get a Astrological Tarot Reading  for your coming year.  And Taurus, it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading  for a check in now is the time. And I have a tip jar if you want to leave a gratuity for the weekly forecasts.

May light be on you, around you, and within you.



junkykid Fish Folk

Two of Water– The Muse of Love is wanting you to share some of yours.  This muse reminds you that your emotional cup can be refilled by the non-expectational act of giving to another. So, give some love to a plant, person, or pet each day this week.


junkykid Mushroom

*Magician – The Muse of Manifestation would like to help you bring something into being.  This can be a thought, emotion, creative endeavor or the act of buying something.  The key is there needs to be a divine aspect about this conjuring.  It can benefit you, but it also needs to benefit the ones around you.  The challenge is having the self-control and conviction to bring this ethereal something into reality.


junkykid Vampire

*Lovers – The Muse of Relationships works with you your whole life.  Your challenge and purpose are about learning and living with and through your relationships with others.  So, concepts like caring, vulnerability and communication are important. You are reminded of this this week.  As bell hooks said in All about Love: New Visions:  “To truly love we must learn to mix various ingredients – care, affection, recognition, respect, commitment, and trust, as well as honest and open communication.”


junkykid Goth Moth

Two of Fire – The Muse of Thought-Fullness is hanging out with you this week.  You have a lot on your mind.  And the muse reminds you that pondering is an important aspect to being grounded in how you are feeling and the whys behind it.  Spend time this week contemplating where you want to go and what you learned from where you have been.


junkykid Fairy

Ace of Air– All aces represent a new beginnings.  And air/swords are the suit that is about knowledge and thoughts.  The muses this week would like you to work on one thought.  They ask what thought holds you back from evolving and starting a new? Start there.


junkykid Botanical Beast

Queen of Fire – The Muse of Nature is calling to you.  Yes, you need a forest bath, a swim in open waters, a walk on the beach, a drive in the mountains or even a sit in a park.  For this muse comes when your spirit needs refreshing, cleansing, a recalibration with your earthy self.  So go reconnect with mother nature as she reconnects you to your natural self.


junkykid Black Lagoon

Three of Waters – Last week The Muse of Relationships advises to re-commit to the relationships that feed you as much as you feed them.  Though this doesn’t always play out 50/50 so communication is key.  Well, you have another week to work on this.  The Muse of Friendships is now asking you to assess your friend group, are they lifting you up?  If so, find time for a hang.  If not it is time to create some space between you and them and spend your time finding ones that do.


junkykid Pumpkin

*Fool – The Muse of Possibilities is here to celebrate with you this new birth-year.  She reminds you that your birthday signifies a beginning, a time to shed what you no longer need, to lighten your load with only what is necessary on this new journey.  The challenge is to not turn this year into a quest with a list of goals.  She suggests looking at this year as an adventure.  Because the universe may deliver what you think is out of your reach, a new path or some treasure you haven’t even thought of.


junkykid Witch

*Star – The Muse of Hope comes when you need to realign your compass to your true north.  She asks you to remember the worst thing that ever happened to you and contemplate how your reaction either realigned you to what you really wanted or drove you from something you didn’t realize you didn’t want or wasn’t good for your growth.  This realignment happened because you are resilient and a gifted self-healer.  She reminds you that your highest form is Chiron the Wounded Healer.  Heal on.


junkykid Frog

Nine of Fire – The Muse of Endurance is with you this week to help you see how resilient and strong you are.  You have prepped for this marathon, now it is up to you and your grit to run it.


junkykid Cat

Knight of Earth – The Muse of Pace advises that slow and steady wins the race.  Yes, you can sprint when necessary but this week being “the tortoise” allows you not only to be more thorough but also to take some time to take in the scenery.



Two of Earth – The Muse of Balance comes when you need to take on one thing at a time.  This is not a week to multi-task.  Focus and thoroughness are the keys and the challenges.

Tarot and Art-Cast for week of Oct 1, 2023

Caitlin McCormack , Aequalis

It is my favorite month for spooky inspired artists.  The artist this week is Cait McCormack, @mister_caitlin. 

 In their words:  “My self-taught practice primarily involves meticulously crocheted cotton thread that is dredged in a mixture of non-toxic glues, natural dyes, and foraged pigments, and fashioned into sculptural forms. The string central to this process is typically sourced from estate and garage sales, as well as collections inherited from my deceased family members, who used it during the Great Depression to create delicate adornments for their homes and bodies. My grandmother taught me how to crochet when I was a kindergartener, and the practice is deeply entwined with my lifelong compulsion to produce hand-wrought objects in response to the world around me.”  

I love that during this month the veil between life and death gets thinner. McCormack’s work reaches through this veil. She sources their material, skills, and subject matter from the past.  And then their subject matter brings up these transgenerational questions of death, gender, sex, isolation, and ruination.   And within this process they memorialize the trauma or triumph of living.  

 Your pondering for this week: How do you memorialize your traumas and triumphs?  


Solar System highlights 

The moon begins in Taurus – start this week by grounding yourself.   On Tuesday it moves into Gemini – hone your communication skills.  On Thursday, the moon moves into Cancer – self-care is needed.  Then for the weekend the moon is in Leo – find a bit of sun and relax in it.   

The planets are starting to move.  First Mercury (communication and knowledge) is going into Libra on October 4th.  We moved from lessons to being clear and concise when communicating to finding the balance of listening as well as communicating clearly.   Mars (action) is also in Libra until Oct 12th. Having us purview that our actions justify our goals    While Venus (beauty and harmony) is in Leo until October 8th.  It is in its last week having us explore the question: Does your outward expression of yourself harmonize with who you are within?  

The outer planets until the end of the year and into next are having us work on nurturing the pleasures in our lives, be aware of dipping into overindulgence, making our structures elastic and responsive to change, and lastly looking back to 2008 to see if any lose ends need to be tied up especially around the house and planets that sit in your natal Capricorn.    


***Signs with an * it is a big week for you.  Libra, this is a perfect time to get a Astrological Tarot Reading  for your coming year.  And Aries, it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading  for a check in now is the time. And I have a tip jar if you want to leave a gratuity for the weekly forecasts.   

May light be on you, around you, and within you.   



Caitlin McCormack
McCormack Sweet-Dreams

*Temperance– Last week the Muse of Possibilities asked you to expand your horizons.  This muse reminds you that experiencing “the new” not only expands your environmental space but also allows expansion in your mind and your soul.  Now that you have created space, the Muse of Intention would like you to do a deep dive into the why behind what you intend do.  Do your actions align with your intentions?  And now with the background in exploration of what is possible, you have opened yourself to new intentions and/or the space to redesign the old ones. 


Caitlin McCormack
McCormack Swim-Team

Queen of Water – Last week you had tea with your more sobering emotions getting to know them more intimately.  This week the Muse of Fun would like you to reacquaint yourself with the sunnier side of your emotional spectrum.  Time for playing in puddles, ridiculous dad jokes, and spreading random joy to others.  


Caitlin McCormack
Caitlin McCormack, Anything That Moves

Queen of Fire – The Muse of Spirit has come to inquire about yours. How is your passion level?  Your spirit? How are you creating in your life?  What is getting you up in the morning?  If you cannot answer one or all these, this is the week to contemplate on finding those answers.  And if you can, take this week to create space for your spirit to grow.   


Caitlin McCormack
Caitlin McCormack, Backyard

*Sun – The Muse of Radiance would like you to apply some shine to your life and grow.  She reminds you, however, not to step into the full sun without some sort of metaphorical sunscreen. You need protection so that you do not spend your solar energy solely on others’ well-being or growth.   


Caitlin McCormack
Caitlin McCormack

Four of Earth – The Muse of Savings would like you to not overspend in the areas of money, space, or time this week.  She would like you to bank some of these material commodities, so you can spend them with more leisure later this month.   


Caitlin McCormack, Cat

Ace of Earth – Material new beginnings are blessed this week.  The muses say that this energy is great for starting new projects on the material plane.  Time to plant those bulbs in the fall so they can bloom in the spring 


Caitlin McCormack, Can’t Go Back There

Eight of Fire – Messages and information surround you this week.  So, the Muse of Messages advises you on how to sort through this pile of “paperwork” in two ways.  One, you have a single focus and only access the messages through that lens.  Or two, you can collect everything you hear and see without discernment.  And then next week categorize and prioritize it.  The key is that all this information is useful and if you miss some along the way it will come back around.   


Caitlin McCormack, Best Behavior

Three of Water – The Muse of Friendship comes when you need to hang with your BFF’s, for your emotional cups need filling.  The interesting thing is that their cups need filling too.  So don’t be shy or worried about interrupting, the hang is beneficial to all of you. 


Caitlin McCormack
Libidinous Drifter

Seven of Air – The Muse of Simplicity would like you to work smarter not harder this week.  She advises working on only the things that are easy to deal with.  You will have more success and gain more ground than you think you will if you do so. 


Caitlin McCormack, Cold Soil Kettle

Knight of Air – This week has the potential to be full throttle.  So, the Muse of Rushing is advising you to slow down.  Watch getting pulled into situations or conversations that have potential of requiring a heroine or hero.  This week take the slow road and the metaphorical back seat.  And if you have to take action, watch and listen before you leap. 


Caitlin McCormack, Different On The Phone

*Hierophant – The Muse of Structure ask what are your foundational needs? She asks you to be specific like you need healthy snacks in the house, to wind down before bed by reading, more alone time or more time with friends. And then she advises to take one foundational need and implement it solidly into your schedule.   


Caitlin McCormack
Caitlin McCormack

King of Pentacles – Last week the Muse of Intention wanted you to dive into your intentions and make sure they align with your goals and vice versa.  Now the Muse of Action would like you to start doing the action steps that are now more in line with your desires and therefore your destiny.  Take the step. 


Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of Oct. 30, 2022

Jeff Wigman
Jeff Wigman Walk in the Park

Happy Halloween, Samhain, and Day of the Dead

Finishing off the theme of “eerie October” is the artist Jeff Wigman @jeffwigman.  Wigman’s art exudes a sense of eeriness, but it also humorous or better yet satirical.  The definition of satire is “trenchant wit, irony, or sarcasm used to expose and discredit vice or folly.”  His work is a commentary and exploration of society, art, and the human psyche.  Wigman mostly works with oils and seems to be exploring the oil painting techniques and well known imagery of the last 700 years.  Many of his paintings have that darker quality and aspects of the Dutch masters like Rembrandt and Bosch, but also a nod to more current artists like Paul Cézanne or Edward Hopper.

For example, classical painters would paint a still life with the skull or skeleton to symbolize death or the unachievable nature of immortality.  Wigman paints the classic skull imagery but with a twist, putting these symbols of death on playing puppies’ bodies, or skeletons walking down a lane.  We smile or laugh at first but then the feeling of creepy or eeriness sets in.  His paintings are visual examples of the beauty and veracity of satire.  These paradoxical feelings take us into our own psyche.

Wigman make us think not only of the situation or concept but also of our perceptions of good and evil, virtue and vice, or laughter and despair.  This duality is much like our celebrations around death and the turning of fall into winter.  We confront our beliefs of mortality, hiding behind masks to fool or scare spirits or inviting the departed to food and festivities.   Contemplating death can be scary and sacred.  Humaning is complex, lets allow it to be so, and try to have fun doing it.

P.S. There are often hidden treasures in his paintings go to his Instagram or website and focus in.

Your pondering for the week:  What costume would you wear to scare or appease the spirits of Halloween? I have added some examples that match with your tarot card.

Solar Systems Highlights

The Moon continues in Aquarius, so we start the week best if we think outside the box or even about the box.  By Wednesday it moves into Pisces, making it easy to daydream but harder to focus on work.   On Friday the moon moves into Aries enticing us not to relax but experience what life has to offer.

Mercury (communication and knowledge) is in Scorpio (passion), so conversations can be intriguing and/or impassioned. If there is a crack or wound in your relationship it will show up during this time.  This pairing brings aspects to work on out of the shadows and pushes us to heal them.  Venus (beauty and harmony) is also in Scorpio counter balancing Mercury and Mars’ placement.  It is highlighting your sex life and all things that make you “shiver with anticipation.”

Mars (action) is in Gemini (communication and knowledge), until March 25th, 2023.  This is a 7-month stopover instead of it’s usually 1-2.  Mars is pushing us to truthfully, talk our walk.  The challenge with this time is your politeness filter has been switched off.  So, it and Mercury are having us double down on how to be constructive with our voice – to promote action not reaction.  Jupiter has moved into Pisces wanting us to dream big and explore what pleasantly gets us up in the morning.  And lastly, Saturn (structures) remains in Aquarius until the beginning of March 2023 – so innovating and modernizing your everyday life is its intention.

P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you.  Scorpio this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Taurus it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check-in, now is the time.

May light be on you, around you, and within you,


Jeff Wigman gravy boat

Four of Coins – Resources are limited this week. The Muse of Savings is advising you to check your bank accounts, pantry, and schedule.  Restock your pantry, rebalance your money and time.  Make sure you are spending your resources on aspects that nourish you. Costume:  Banker or Bank robber.

Jeff Wigman
Jeff Wigman Queen of Corona

Queen of Wands – The Muse of Passion is here nudging you to indulge in yours.  She does suggest sharing them either with a co-collaborator, friends, or the world.  Tuning into, enjoying and sharing your passions with the world not only re-energizes your inner fire but sparks others as well.  Your song:  Come on Baby Light my fire with Shirley Bassey.  Costume:  A Great Queen or Revolutionary.

Jeff Wigman
Jeff Wigman Senators sporting in a Small Town

Two of Swords – You know as a sign it is hard for you all to decide.  Well, this week is cooking up some doozies for you.  The Muse of Decisions is advising you to take time and consider your options before making any of them.  She reminds you the decision is less about the goal but how you want to get there or the factors surrounding it.  Costume:  A Coin or a Wand.

Jeff Wigman
Jeff Wigman Drunken Centaur

Ace of Cups – The Muse of Love ask you to make a wish that comes from the heart.  If you had a seed based in love, what would it grow?  Imbue that hope in water, an actual seed or paper and then gift it to a water source around you.  Send this love-wish out into the world and see what comes of it in the months to come.  Costume:  Fairy godmother or Maleficent (or any other “evil” Disney/fairy tale character).



Jeff Wigman
Jeff Wigman Puppy time

Ten of Cups – The Muse of Bliss would like you to notice and enjoy your abundance. You are at an end of a cycle.  Take this week to gather all the positives that have happened in the past 10 months and review.  By seeing what has been abundant in your life you can indulge in the serenity of a chapter ending, lessons learned and take only the cups that are full forward.  Costume:  Buddha or Kali.


Jeff Wigman
Jeff Wigman untitled

Seven of Coins – The Muse of Work comes to help you push projects into the next stages.  She asks you first to step back and relook at the schema and see if anything needs tweaking.  And if you find that you need to start over or ditch the plan, do not be afraid for this week is the time to do it.  Costume:  Chef or Butcher.


Jeff Wigman Big View

*Emperor- This week is great for expanding your empire.  The Muse of Building has come with her T-square and level.  She likes to help with hands-on projects, like fixing that squeaky door or building a birdhouse.  It is all about making your space a better place for you and yours.  Whether you are building on the physical plane or conceptually it is important that you build with durability and longevity in mind.  Costume:  Prince(ss) or Pauper.

Jeff Wigman fast freinds

Page of Wands – Your second Muse for this year is the Muse of Creativity.  This year is all about adventuring into and experimenting with your creative life.   This is a great year to learn something new that makes your heart zing.  Find a new outlet for your creative nature and your emotions.  She suggests the arts in some form but anything that makes you grow and open your heart to living and learning around the human experience is up for grabs. Costume:  Artist from any genre.

Jeff Wigman Heading East

*Fool – The Muse of Foolishness comes when we take ourselves too seriously.  This Muse wants you to loosen up and enjoy the adventure of being human.  She agrees that at times we do need to plan but this week it is better to fly by the seat of your pants and enjoy the ride.  She is having you exercise faith in yourself and the Universe.  And to relearn to laugh at sageness as much as folly, for you will land on firm ground eventually 😉.  Costume:  Mad Hatter, Jester, or Politician.

Jeff Wigman
Jeff Wigman Bad Barbecue

Ace of Pentacles – This is an auspicious week to start a new project on the material plan.   This Muse of New Beginnings is wanting you to algin yourself with growth and prosperity.  You can actuate this energy by beginning a venture with your hands.  Whether that is drawing out plans, a schema, a new schedule, learning to do a new skill or at the very least put your idea in a seed/bulb and plant it.  This Muse asks what do you want to manifest on the physical plane?  Costume:  Farmer or Alchemist.



Jeff Wigman lousey magicians

Eight of Swords – The Muse of Illusion comes when you have bound yourself to a thought pattern that no longer works for you.  The challenge is you trying to decipher your thoughts around it instead of saying “no” letting go and walking away from this paradigm.  You need a whole new pattern of thought around this issue, but you must release the old one without guilt, critique, or judgement first. Costume:  Magician or Snake Oil Dealer.

Jeff Wigman After the Flood

Seven of Wands – This week you need to stand your ground.  The Muse of Nonconformity comes to help you push through obstacles. If they align with your true self, you will find it easier, and impossible if they do not.  She reminds you it is not what others think that creates who you are.  You create you.  Be the Unicorn.  Costume:  Unicorn or Narwhale.

Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of Oct. 25, 2022

Peter's dwarf epauletted fruit bat
Peter’s dwarf epauleted fruit bat  (Micropteropus pusillus)

Continuing the theme of October and eeriness we turn from Art to the animal world, specifically, bats. There are over 1,400 bat species worldwide.  You can find them everywhere but within the Artic and Antarctic circles.  Bats’ order, Chiroptera, composes about 20% of all mammal species.  They are classified into two groups, basically megabats and microbats.  Megabats eat fruit, nectar or pollen and do not use echolocation.  Where microbats do use echolocation and eat mostly insects but also fruit, nectar, pollen, fish, frogs, small mammals and 3 species eat blood.  Making bats essential to ecology as pollinators and a natural from of insect management. Even though bats are vital in suppressing mosquito-borne diseases, they can carry rabies and other pathogens, so it is important not handle them in the wild.  Bats can have a long life spanning up to 40 years.  Most are nocturnal though they predominately hunt around dawn and dusk.

Depending on the culture bats are seen as protectors or associated with evil. For example, the Creek, Cherokee and Apache see them as a trickster.  In the European culture they are associated with witchcraft, vampires, and death. Shakespeare has the Weird Sisters in Macbeth using fur of a bat in their brew.  And of course, there is Bram Stroker’s Dracula.   The bat is sacred in Tonga seen as a detached soul.  In ancient Mesoamerica a bat god presided over fertility and corn.  And in China five bats symbolize the five blessing: longevity, prosperity, health, love of virtue and a peaceful death. I personally find many bats cute, so above and below you will see my favorite flying fur balls.

Your pondering for the week:  If you could be any animal what would you choose? Why?

Solar Systems Highlights

The Moon continues in Libra, so the focus is still on relationships.  By Tuesday it moves into Scorpio, a new moon and a solar eclipse, so it is a perfect time to reignite your passions.   On Thursday the moon moves into Sagittarius time to expand your boundaries, and then for the weekend it moves into Capricorn so try not to take your work home with you.

Mercury (communication and knowledge) is in Libra (relationships), to help you smooth some of the snafus that Mars is churning up.  Venus (beauty and harmony) has moved into Scorpio highlighting your sex life and all things that make you “shiver with anticipation.”   Mars (action) is in Gemini (communication and knowledge), until March 25th, 2023.  This is a 7-month stopover instead of it’s usually 1-2.  Mars is pushing us to truthfully, talk our walk.  The challenge with this time is your politeness filter has been switched off.  So, it also has us working on how to be constructive with our voice – to promote action not reaction.  Jupiter is in Aries; it supports activity and expansion until October 28th.  Then it moves into Pisces wanting us to dream big and explore.  And lastly, Saturn (structures) remains in Aquarius until the beginning of March 2023 – so innovating and modernizing your game is its intention.

P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you.  Scorpio this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Taurus it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check-in, now is the time.

May light be on you, around you, and within you,


Eastern red bat (Lasiurus boralis)

Page of Wands – Last week you got the Muse of Manifestation gifting you divine inspiration, but the work was up to you to bring it to life. This week the Muse of Creativity would like to help continue your conjuring.  However, she advices to push your creativity and experimentation farther.  Don’t be afraid to make mistakes. Take the sage advice of Thomas Edison: I have not failed 10,000 times—I’ve successfully found 10,000 ways that will not work.

Pied Bat (Niumbaha superba)

Eight of Cups – Last week the Muse of Structure was advising that now is the time to tidy up your space, schedule and how you do things to make them more efficient.  The Muse of Simplification continues this energy by asking you to streamline your daily activities and minimalize the stuff around you.  This can look as simple as clean your desk or go through you junk drawer/closet and get rid of stuff.  Clutter in any form is not your friend this week.

Canyon Bat Parastrellus hesperus
Canyon Bat Parastrellus hesperus

King of Coins – The Muse of Finance is here pushing you to get your monies in order.    Take this week to balance your checkbook, add to your savings account, pay off more on your credit cards.  You need to gain a realistic perspective of your assets and your debts.  So, you can responsibly finance your wants in the coming months.

Bumblebee bat – Craseonycteris thonglongyai – smallest bat

Page of Cups – The Muse of Playfulness comes when you need to be less goal oriented and bring more delight into your life. Now this muse emphasis that joy often comes with more socializing, curiosity, and openness to change perspective.  It can be as simple as, if you find yourself on the couch, move to the floor, asking more why questions, or playing games with your loved ones.  Let your inner child free-range this week.


Desert long eared bat Otonycteris_hemprichii

*Death – The Muse of Organic Change comes with her spade and sickle in hand.  You are ready for change to happen but before it does you have to pull some weeds and ready the soil. Take time this week to get rid of emotions, thoughts or things that are no longer needed.  And then clean the physical space, calm your mind, and/or do a simple detox for your body (Epsom salt bath or sauna).


Golden Crown Flying Fox Acerodon_jubatus_ Biggest bat

Queen of Coins – This week you need to pleasantly pamper yourself.  The Muse of Pleasure asks you how you compensate yourself, when you work as hard as you do?  When you indulge, do you feel good about it?  Or if you don’t, why do you work so hard if you are not reaping some benefit?  If you cannot give yourself some compensation for your hard work, then something is amiss with the work or your concept of deserving.  You might have to start fixing that first if that is the case.  Either way you still need to find a healthy way to treat yourself this week.


Greater False Vampire Bat (Megaderma_lyra)

Four of Wands- The Muse of Happy Home is wanting you to make your home a bit more comfortable.  Do you need to do a deep clean in your bedroom?  Do you need to rearrange your furniture?  Put up some photos of your family?  Does your living room need a splash of color.  Take this week before we hit holiday season and work on your living space.


Sulawesi fruit bat (Acerodon celebensis)

*Chariot and Hanged One – Ok you have two Muses or paths for the start of your birth year. The first is one of Change.  This Muse is about self-propulsion.  If you want things to change it will be up to you to set the GPS.  She will help with the energy, but you must set the destination and plot the journey.  Or you can go with the second the Muse of Inertia and stay where you are.  However,  this path is a meditation, an internal transformation.  You will dive deep into self-reflection and modify emotions and thoughts.  So, it’s up to you, change the outside or change the inside.  You’ll have most of this year to pick who you would like to work with.

Spotted Bat (Euderma maculatum)
Spotted Bat (Euderma maculatum)

Page of Swords – You will need to gather intel this week.  The Muse of Inquiry is here to help.  She advises to not take the first answer to a question as absolute fact.  There is more just under the surface.  It is not that people are hiding things on purpose but more they have not realized the answer either.   The challenge is not making the inquires feel like an inquisition.

Hammer Nosed Bat Hypsignathus_monstrosus

Six of Cups –The Muse of Recollection comes when the past holds information for the present.  If something reminds you of childhood, dive deep into it this week.  With this week’s Scorpio new moon and solar eclipse, you can do some pertinent shadow work and healing around the past.


Honduran White Bat Ectophylla alba
Honduran White Bat Ectophylla alba

Ten of Cups – The Muse of Happiness is shining on you this week.  She reminds you that happiness is fleeting so really revel in the moments of joy when they come.  She suggests by the end of the week writing down ten small moments of bliss.  By doing so you will find that there are more than ten, or if you are having trouble then you need to see you are trying to idealize an innately hard situation.

Hoary bat (Lasiurus cinereus

Ten of Coins – The Muse of Shortcuts is here to tell you this week there are none.  Everything will work out if you take a longer view.  You are on the right path, doing the right thing, now it will just take dedication and time to “bake the cake”.

Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of Oct. 18, 2020

Charles Addams
Charles Addams

Another spooky favorite is cartoonist Charles Addams.    He created the Addams family cartoon which later became a TV series, animations, live action movies, and a stage musical.  Addams brought the ghoulish and absurd into our everyday habitats, cities, and suburbs.   He started drawing cartoons in 1935 for the New Yorker and contributed to it for more than 50 years.  However, of his thousands of cartoons, the Addams family only appears in around 50.  His humor was subtle either in the wry captions or the characters’ juxtapositions within “normal” settings.  He brilliantly added to the definition of American Gothic.

American Gothic literature was born from puritanical ethos and anxiety of the unknow wilderness of the forming United States.  This ghoulish vision of condemnation reinforced by shame and guilt was fertile ground for Irving, Poe, and Hawthorne.  Later Darwinism adding to the gothic collective consciousness the ab-human, authors like Lovecraft and Shelly having us question what it is to be human.  These themes still resonate in modern literature like Interview with a Vampire and The Shining.   The beauty and twist with Addams are he knew how to traverse the line of the macabre and the “normal.”  Inverting the battle of good versus evil and coaxing the viewer to find common ground with our darker or absurd side of the psyche.  In essence he makes the viewer ponder the American Gothic that lies in all of us.

May light be on you, around you, and within you,


P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you.  Libra this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Aries it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time.

Charles Addams
Oh I couldn’t make it Friday …I’ve so many things to do. It’s the thirteenth you know

Four of Pentacles – Last week’s energy was pushing you to harness your emotions and start creating momentum.  Using this Mars energy to your advantage to get a head start on 2021. This week the energy lessens but still the goal is the same. Make sure you allocate your finite resources to continue laying down the foundation for 2021 projects.  And be careful this week not spending money or time in frivolous endeavors.

Charles Addams

Queen of Wands – The energy this week is about creation, inspiration, and leadership.  Your tasks are to reflect and revise your mission statement.  What is your purpose?  What are you trying to convey?  Use this retrograde energy to recalibrate your goals to your message.

Charles Addams

Ace of Wands – Fresh starts this week are in abundance.  This muse asks you what would you do if your slate was clean?  Your answers will help define your next steps.


Eight of Coins– The muse this week is here to help you hone your craft.  This can be how you make your money and/or what you do with your hands.  The more you focus on the details of your skills and tweak how you do things the easier your work begins to flow.

How many times have I told you…always read the labels

*Magician – You all are just banging out the karma and dharma cards the past 3 weeks.  So, you have been and will continue (if needed) working with energies about blocks, so you can jump with the elegance of a sleek black cat not knowing where exactly it will land.  If you have done the work, then you realize each jump lands you in the arms of the next Magical Muse.  This muse creates space for experimentation and creation.  She helps you pull the divine down into the material world.  This can look as simple as you taking your hobby to the next level, or as complicated as starting a new business/job.  The key is allowing and experiment with your tools to move you to the next stage of growth.

Charles Addams
I think you know everybody

Three of Coins – Collaboration and teamwork are the energies of ease this week.  Finding people with your common goal not only uplift you but also have vital information for you.  By fusing your energies, you create something more then you could attain this week on your own.

Charles Addams
Charles Addams

Four of Swords – Last week your year card of beginnings and endings foretold what 2021 will hold.  This week is about rest.  This is about spending your last week of your birth month, luxuriating.  Time for bubble baths, spa days, reading a novel, and lazing in the sun.  Your mind needs time to rest and reset for the coming year.  Turn off electronics for at least a day and relax.

Charles Addams
I give up Robert What does have two horns, one eye and creeps

*Devil – What an interesting card to start off your birth month. This energy is one of your karmic energies for your sign.  This coming birth year will have a lot of distractions and potholes.  However, if you use your incredible Spidey sense you can navigate it all with ease.   You can read a room well when you tune in, and you can see someone’s weakness and strengths in a glance.  These aspects will be tested this year, so one thing to do this month is have a mirror talk with yourself and ask what do you really want out of 2021? Write down your response so when a distraction pops up you can pull out your map to stay on your path.

Charles Addams
It’s the children, darling back from Camp

Five of Swords – Last week’s energy was about mortaring up holes in your physical realm’s foundations or dealing with an issue hanging around since May.  This week’s muse gives you another week to shore-up work.  The challenge can be your sensitivity is high with all the posturing that can is going on around you.  You cannot ignore the problems, but you also should not engage.  Your motto:  Not your monkeys, not your circus- Polish proverb.  But if they are your monkeys cleaning up after them is your responsibility.

Charles Addams
Dinner time, Webster

*Temperance – This week’s energy is about harmony.  The key to this energy is understanding that balance is not about equal it is about appropriate amounts for a harmonious flavor.  This week work on the components and amounts of  hardship, work, play, purpose, thriving, enjoying, and healing to blend into a savory dish of life.   Your song:  A Spoonful of Sugar.

Charles Addams
I think you know everybody

Nine of Wands – This energy is about meeting your goals and follow-through.  You might have to put on blinders and lock yourself in the room, for the world is very willing to distract you this week.  So, staying diligent and putting up strong boundaries is necessary to get things done.

Charles Addams

Seven of Wands – Ok time to fortify your defensives this week.  No joke this Mars and Mercury retro is making people just not a their best and this week you are ultra-sensitive to it.    The challenge is not taking it personally and protect your inner light from outer negativities.   This is a great time for pillow forts, ice cream, or anything lovely that can get you through this week’s negativity.

Tarot and Art Horoscope for Week of Oct 27, 2019

Happy Halloween.  This is also my fourth anniversary for this blog.  And, I just wanted to thank you all for doing this journey with me. Now onto the tarotcast.

I could have gone for Bosch or Edward Gorey as my last spooky artist.  But I wanted to shine some light on another “newbie”, in comparison, artist.  She is digital artist Alex (#squidub_art on Instagram).  First, I love that her bio says just a chick looking to make a living on art.  I saw the piece above and it’s the shadow work behind many of these pieces that give them that darker eerie element.  This series is inspired from the Hollow Knight video game by Team Cherry.  Her portraits that people have commissioned her are amazing.  There is such a warmth and sense of who these people are.  That’s not easy to do in any medium, but especially in digital.  She has a small following on Instagram but should have a bigger audience.  So, you all will have to go to her Instagram page, follow her and ask her to do a piece for you. Support the arts!


P.S. Remember signs with an * it a big week for you.  Scorpio this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Taurus it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time.



*Wheel of Fortune – The Wheel of Fortune is the card of luck.  Events, people and things will come to you this week that have the potential to change your fortune.  However, there is only one challenge or aspect you can control when this card shows up and that is stepping up to the wheel to spin. The more often and wider variety of places the better your odds.  This looks as simple as buy some lotto tickets, getting your self out there in the dating scene, or sending out resumes to a wide variety of jobs or places you are interested in moving to.  You never know when lady luck wants to show up, but you need to step out of your comfort zone to meet her.



*Sun – When the Sun card comes, it shines an intentional light on you – wanting you to grow.  The Sun gives you the energy to use, but you will need to focus it.  So, the question it asks is: What do you want to cultivate in your life?  Once you have decided where to aim your beam, the challenge becomes being aware of what intensity of energy each project needs.  i.e.  Lasers cut, ambient light comforts.  This is an important test for you bulls, because when you fixate on what you want your touch can be heavy handed.



https://www.instagram.com/squidub_art/Page of Swords – This card advises you that the truth needs to be ferreted out this week.  The Page of Swords shows up when you need to put on your detective hat and do some inquiry.  Nothing is as it seems on the surface, but with some questioning and reading between the lines problems and their solutions can be found.



digital art by Squidub AlexTen of Cups – When the Ten of Cups shows up it is time to see your accomplishments especially on the how you have been dealing on the emotional and relationship fronts.  This moment in time is the cumulation of hard-earned heart work.  Take this week to revel in how far you have come and enjoy the bit of sanctuary that you have accomplished.



digital art by Squidub AlexKnight of Swords – Last week, you were back on the karmic roller coaster. The Wheel of Fortune card advising you to take chances leading to lessons and profitability in the long game.  This week is a 180 degree turn of energy.  Last week was about taking chances.  This week’s card, though your environment might egg you on to be daring, advises you to slow your roll, think before acting and look both ways while crossing the street.  Be physical careful of your appendages. Watch where you walk and watch your knife when prepping food.



https://www.instagram.com/squidub_art/  *World – Wow another karma card that’s three in a row.  The last two weeks the Moon had you taking a deep dive into your subconscious finding pearls of wisdom. Then Justice continued the theme of behind the scenes with ideas, communications and decisions.  Having you look for the reasons behind the facts to help you with decision making.  And now the World card has arrived.  It is the supreme card of new opportunities.  This is a great week to try out new places, prospects, and people.  This week represents a turning point from the past to a brighter future.  The challenge with this card is discovering these new terrains.  The lesson is, though you can walk through a new door, you do not have to commit until you try as many doors as you want.  This can look as simple as continuing dating even though you found a nice person to hang with or continuing to the job hunt even though you have found a good job.  You never know what is out there unless you open as many doors as possible.



Six of Cups– This is your second Six, so sixes are about readjusting.  Last week the Six of Swords advised you to re-balance by taking a little respite from your daily life.  This week the Six of Cups is about balancing the past with your present.   There is some unsettled history that will re-surge. However, now is time to resolve these issues so you can move on.  The challenge is seeing the growth that you have gained despite the past.



Seven of Wands – This birth year will be kinda of a Rosa Parks year for you.  The Seven of Wands forecast your lessons will be around standing up for yourself and/or some worthwhile cause.  The challenge is you feeling not confident and vulnerable. This year will test your resolve to be the change you want to see in the world, however, you are ready for this task.



digital art by Squidub AlexEight of Coins – The last couple of weeks have had some high energy fluxes.  First the High Priestess having you looking to synchronicities for guidance, texts for knowledge, and your soul for cyclic behavior.  And then the Lovers continuing the theme of cooperation with the Universe and with other living beings.  This week, which is also the beginning of your summation month for your birth year, the card of mastery shows up.  So, with all that you have learned the past couple of weeks it is time to apply it to your “work.”  To become a master at any skill, it takes the total effort of your: heart, mind, and soul working together in tandem. ― Maurice Young



digital art by Squidub AlexFive of Wands – Hmm your second five.  Fives are the cards of chaos.  Last week, the Five of Coins foretold the physical plane could cause disarray to your plans.  And this week the Five of Wands foretells that people’s chaos can spin into your world.  The only plans of action, when seeing the whirling dervish coming towards you, is decide whether to sidestep it or dance with it.  Hint:  They say the best way to do the whirling dervish is keep your arms open.  Your right arm directed to the sky, ready to receive the universes beneficence, focus your gaze on your left hand turned toward the earth to ground you and spin.



digital art by Squidub AlexKnight of Swords – Last week the Strength card showed you that one of your true strengths comes from your resilience.  And then it advised you to contemplate on your superpowers and their corresponding kryptonite. If you did this exercise, then this week will barely phase you.  However, if you didn’t, your kryptonite will show up with you unawares.  The best way to work with this energy is slow down, watch where you are going and think before you act.



digital art by Squidub AlexFour of Cups – This week has a melancholy feel to it.   This can send you inward to your safe space, and that is a fine place to stay for part of the time.  This reflection will show you “the why” of your quagmire.  The challenge however is you will only find the solutions if you look outside of yourself.


May light be on you, around you, and within you,



Tarot and Art Horoscope for Week of Oct 20, 2019

Katsushika Hokusai Ghosts
The Lantern Ghost – Katsushika Hokusai

Happy Birthday month Scorpio!

The spooky artist this week is Katsushika Hokusai.  His most famous work is The Great Wave which he made in his seventies.  However, this week the focus is on the series Hyaku Monogatari (One hundred Ghost Stories) also created around that time.  He only took five of his sketches to completion, but they all represent aspects of the supernatural stories of Japanese culture and a popular Edo period game called Hyakumonogatari Kaidankai (A Gathering of One Hundred Supernatural Tales). This game is believed to have started among the samurai to prove courage but quickly spread to all the classes.

Hyakumonogatari Kaidankai was played of course after sunset. The participants would sit in a circle and light 100 candles. Each of the guests would take turns telling supernatural tales of macabre encounters.  These tales became known as kaidan. Upon the end of each kaidan, the storyteller would extinguish one light.  (Another version would have the guests in one room and 100 lanterns in another with a mirror you would look into after you blew out the one of the lanterns).  If the participants reached the one hundredth tale it was said it would create a haven for the evocation of those spirits.  Now that is some spooky storytelling.

P.S. Remember signs with an * it a big week for you.  Scorpio this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Taurus it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time.

oni pelted by beans

Ten of Swords – The past two weeks the Sun card lent its energy to make you and what you focus on grow.  Then the Magician took the Wand supporting you on manifestation skills.  This week the energies switches from helping to hindering.  The Ten of Swords comes advising to listen to your intuition.  You know, when you get a chill in the back of your neck, your arm hairs rise, or you feel like someone has walked over your grave.  This card says pay close attention to that.  The outside world is not helpful this week.  So, if something is telling you not to go down that street or someone is trying to pick a fight with you.  Walk away. This is one-week avoidance is advisable.

Katsushika Hokusai Ghosts

King of Cups – The King of Cups counsels you this week to see your emotions, even the ones that make you feel lonely or angry, as friends coming to help you emote who you are. Our emotions are facets of the human experience.  Do not shy from them for they have great worth.  Your motto the poem by Rumi The Guest House .


King of Coins – The King of Coins lends his energy to any plan on the material plane.  This is a good week to start projects or finish off major items on your to do list.  The challenge is this energy can be sluggish to start, but once the fire has been lit it blazes.


King of Swords – Last week you got a lot of information.  This week the King of Swords advises that your time is best spent on filtering that information and doing some long-term planning.  A good exercise is setting some goals for 1 month, 1 year and 5 years from now.

Katsushika Hokusai Ghosts
Laughing demon

*Wheel – Well you are back on the karmic roller coaster this week, so I hope you had some fun last week.  It is not like you can’t continue the good times, but fate and karma have anteed into the game.  The Wheel of Fortune card comes when taking chances lead to lessons and profitability in the long game.  The challenge with this card is the more you step up and spin the more chances you have to win.  This can look like asking out that person you have been afraid to or sending out resumes to your dream jobs.  You have everything to gain and really, nothing to lose.

a woman making a cursing ritual

*Justice – Last week the Moon had you taking a deep dive in to your subconscious finding pearls of wisdom. It was about things hidden in the dark.  This week, Justice continues the theme of things behind the scenes with ideas, communications and decisions.  The challenge is nothing is as red or green as you may prefer.  Look for the reasons behind the facts to help you with decision making.  Truth prevails but you will have to search for it.


Six of Swords – This is a great week to take a little trip. Whether that is physical – taking a walk on the beach or mental – turning off all electronics of 24 hours.  Taking a tiny respite from your daily life will gain some needed perspective and simplify matters.

Katsushika Hokusai Ghosts
ghost of a thousand plates

Four of Coins – This week it will be hard managing time, space and money.  The Four of Coins advises the best way to work with this energy is to spend money, space or time, only on things that will last “a life time.”  This week is about quality not quantity.


Katsushika Hokusai Ghosts*Lovers – Another big energy week with the Lovers card.  Last week the High Priestess had you looking to synchronicities for guidance, texts for knowledge, and your soul for cyclic behavior.  By doing this you become more sync with your divine purpose and the Universe’s helping hands.  The Lovers continues the theme of cooperation with the Universe and with other living beings.  This week collaboration and teamwork are key to gaining momentum.  The challenge with this card is flitting from flower to flower.  This card is about quality not quantity.  This can look as simple as honing down the people you follow on Instagram so you actually have time to engage with the people that inspire you.

Katsushika Hokusai Ghosts
the phantom of kohada koheiji.

Five of Coins – The Five of Coins foretell that physical items can be easily lost this week.  The best way to deal with this energy is doing things like:  pay your bills so you won’t pay sur charges, check each time you use your debit card that you put it back in your wallet, change your passwords that haven’t changed in over five years,  put your keys/glasses in the same place, etc.…    Motto: An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure- Benjamin Franklin

Katsushika Hokusai Ghosts

*Strength – The Strength card advises that this week your true strength comes from taming your inner demons.  You have been through a lot in your life.  And the amazing thing is you are still here.  One of your strengths is your resilience.  This week contemplate on your superpowers.  Name at least three.  The challenge is with every superpower there is a corresponding kryptonite. You will need to name that too.  By identifying both your strengths and weaknesses, this week will go more smoothly and be easier to plan for what is coming.


Two of Swords – Decision making time this week.  When the Two of Swords shows up it means that you are being indecisive, and you just need to pick a path. This week is less about right or left and more about moving.  Motto: It’s about the journey not the destination.

May light be on you, around you, and within you,
