Tarotcast Week of March 20, 2016

dr. seus

Happy Vernal Equinox. Even though we are now into Aries, I would still like to ponder my favorite paradoxical Piscean author – Theodor Seuss (pronounced Zoice) Geisel or Dr. Seuss. Every year I find more ways that Dr. Seuss’s world has incorporated itself into my aesthetic and my psyche. The book One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish was the first book I remember reading all the way through by myself. And then there is the classic How the Grinch Stole Christmas which I have watched ever Christmas since I was three. And then my absolute favorite cartoon The Lorax which I honestly think shaped my nine year old mind into the environmental activist of today. I think he influenced my moral compass more than any other person other than my parents.

However, he was a man of paradoxes. His pseudonym was created because he got kicked off the college newspaper for drinking gin in the dorms. His first wife committed suicide after a long illness and his affair with a friend. He was an avid supporter of Japanese Americans’ internment and won an Academy Award for Design for Death, a documentary about Japanese culture and the war, later creating Horton Hear a Who as an allegory to American post war occupation of Japan and dedicated it to a Japanese friend. He painted imaginary beasts beloved by children and a myopic naked lady riding a cat.

The interesting thing for me and the Dr. is that, though the illustrations were funny, the words rhymed and it ended happily, there was always a sense melancholy, sadness, and outsiderness that I totally related to as a kid and as adult. Dr. Seussville oddly makes sense to me. It is a place where innocence and morality gets tested by the world. A place where two kids are left alone in house and an intruder turns their world upside down, a shyster makes a profit in a world of prejudice Sneetches, and Horton is tied up for trying to save some Whos – but then in the end, the house gets clean, the bigots become friends, the Whos get heard and the elephant is vindicated. You all might be saying that’s similar to many children’s stories like Tom Thumb, Snow White or Thumbilina but here is the Seuss twist – in many cases the villain becomes the hero. The Grinch steals and brings back Christmas, the Cat brings chaos then order back to a home, the Once-ler destroys an entire ecosystem but also holds the seed to bring it back. That is what endears him to me as an adult these “children’s” stories tell a deeper message that redemption is possible even for the bad guy.

P.S. I have tacked on a Dr. Seuss tale that relates somewhat to your tarotcast. Remember signs that have * it’s a big week for you.

Aries – Ten of Rods – Wow, seriously this is amazing, you all are still moving through the Rods’ suit first Five, then Six, Eight Ten, Seven and now the Ten of Rods again. I want to tell you the probability of getting any suit is 1out of 5 chances and then to get Rods six weeks in a row is 1 out of 15,625 chances, so something is up with you all and the rods’ mission in your world. Therefore, I am going to repeat and bold the following: The Rods suit’s mission is to hone your abilities to see and gather information that will expand your creativity and spirit. The Ten of Rods specifically is telling you to look at where you are holding back, editing, or not fully express your energy, creativity and/or who you really are. Dr. Seuss book: The King’s Stilts

Taurus – Six of Swords – Last week the Ten of Swords challenged you to decide what you were going to carry into your future – your joy or your pain. It seems with the Six of Swords that you have figured out what you are willing to carry forward. You all realized that some of the pain still needs to be carried on but you have let go of a big chunk of it. So in comes the Six of Swords saying when you do “big heart” work you need to take some time to heal. The Six of Swords is saying be in your new cleaner heart and let things mend. Dr. Seuss book: The Seven Lady Godivas

Gemini – Ten of Swords – Last week you were suppose to close some doors/tie up loses ends and shape what the next act is going to be and then you hit a brick wall of self doubt and/or blank canvas of “what next?”. This week with the Ten of Swords be careful in taking other people’s advice. Even though they may be great friends and mean the best, this is really a time for you to strengthen you connection with your intuition/gut. Believe in yourself and the future will begin to take shape. Dr. Seuss book: Thidwick the Big-Hearted Moose

Cancer – Six of Rods – More information about your future is coming your way. Last week you needed to look for signs and synchronicities in your environment. This week with the Six it comes in the form of what people are saying. So spend this week listening or reading for signs and synchronicities but through your ears. Reminder: if you are having trouble identifying them ask the universe to tag them for you with a signpost. Dr. Seuss book: Horton Hears a Who

Leo – Knight of Pentacles – The last two weeks have been pretty heady around looking at your expectations of people and yourself. This week the Knight of Pentacles is giving you a break out of your head, or maybe it’s really a road to get out of your mind. You and your brain need a break. This week get your head into doing not thinking. So spend this week checking things off your to-do list, playing with your kids, hanging out with your animals, spend time in your garage/workshop/studio. I promise if you keep your hands busy this week you will be a lot calmer and more grounded. Dr. Seuss book: The 500 Hats of Bartholomew Cubbins

Virgo – Queen of Cups – Did you find a shoe that fits or that cross worth bearing last week? This week the Queen of Cups shows up because your heart is begging for a week off from all the fret and worry. Queen of Cups is the “good times” card. Now court cards represent the people in your life that have the qualities of the card and remind us that these people are mirrors to the qualities in ourselves. Her challenge this week is to find the joyful parts of your life. So that means, call the people and do the things that make you feel safe and happy. When you catch yourself smiling acknowledge that this is one of the reasons that life is good. Dr. Seuss book: Did I Ever Tell You How Lucky You Are?

Libra – Page of Pentacles – That’s three court cards in a row. You have looked at inspiration and then love and now the material plane. This week the page suggests that you look at the inquisitive nature of youth. My favorite and most infuriating question from a child is “Why” or “How”. Most of the time, I love traveling with them from ignorance to enlightenment, but when I don’t have the time my typical answer is “It just is” or “because I say so”, which is not helpful and ends up killing their passion for learning. So this week the Page challenges you to go down the inquisitive rabbit hole and ignite the passion of the child-like “Why?” or “How”. Dr. Seuss book: McElligot’s Pool

*Scorpio – The Hangman – Did you have fun collaborating last week? This week the Hangman has come to slow things down. When the Hangman arrives he brings with him delays and waylays to challenge you to stop and rethink what you are doing. He is here to help you change perspective on an important part of your life that is in the quagmire. Usually this part is someplace where you feel stuck, but it can also be as easy as having a delay on highway. Take the time this week to step back, take a breath and look at the delay as a sign to look around. You might find that the answer is as easy as getting to hear the right song or see a child smile at you to put you in a good mood. Dr. Seuss book: I Had Trouble in Getting to Solla Sollew

*Sagittarius – The Moon – I hope you got through last week without any bumps or bruises. This week the Moon has shown up to spread some light on the dark side of what is going on in your life. Now the dark side isn’t evil it is just hidden. When The Moon shows up it is challenging you to shine some light into the dark crevices of the subconscious and things you haven’t been choosing to deal with. You can do this by meditation or a lovely thing I call purposeful piddling. Find sometime this week to let your mind wander but with a focused intention like – Do I actually like my job? or Am I in a good relationship?, or How do I really look in orange?   And then you just let your mind wander down the corridors of your thoughts and shining light on what you discover. You will realize that this train of thought actually wasn’t that scary. The answers weren’t that bad, just hidden. Dr. Seuss book: The Sneetches and Other Stories- What Was I Scared Of?

Capricorn – King of Rods – Last week you identify and owned your inner strength. This week the King of Rods has you looking outward to look inward. The court cards (Kings, Queens, Knights and Pages) represent qualities in people around you that mirror the qualities in yourself that you want to strengthen. The King of Rods represents the ruling of deep internal shifts and changed perceptions. You have gone through some big mental shifts since your birthday and the King is here to challenge you to incorporate them in your daily life. So for inspiration look to people in your life that have overcome some major obstacle. If you can have a talk with them, it will help you settle into this new internal skin of yours. Dr. Seuss book: The Seven Lady Godivas

Aquarius – Knight of Rods – Last week your challenge was to describe yourself wisely. The trend continues with the Knight of Rods but with a slight twist. The court cards (Kings, Queens, Knights and Pages) represent qualities in people around you that mirror the qualities in yourself you want to strengthen. So now here is the catch, you will need to heed how you describe others, because they are the mirrors to your personality that you want to grow or heal. Dr. Seuss book: Horton Hatches the Egg

*Pisces – The World – The World card is a very cool transition from the Ace of Wands last week. The World card continues with the theme of new beginnings and evolution. Last week the Ace of Rods ignited you to imagine what you were going to conjure up for the new year, and now with The World it is time for you to start opening doorways and trying out new paths and ideas. The World is inviting you into your future where many things are possible as long as you keep your eyes and heart open. Dr. Seuss book: Oh the Places You Will Go

May light be on you, light around you, and light within you,
