Tarotcast week of April 17, 2016


The Library of Congress National Jukebox is a treasury that I would like to share with you all. These pre-1925 acoustic sound recordings are a free resource. Most of them are owned by Sony Music Entertainment and the Library of Congress has a gratis license to stream them. On the website you can create and share your own playlists. Not only is there music, but there are comedy acts, yodeling and the spoken word.

Here is the coolest part– to make these recordings, “instrumentalists, singers, and speakers performed in front of a flared metal horn which gathered and funneled sound waves toward a thin diaphragm at the small end of the horn. The energy of the sound waves caused the diaphragm to vibrate. The vibrating diaphragm caused an attached stylus to etch the sound waves onto a blank wax rotating cylinder or disc. The artist manipulated the voice and stance before the horn, moving away from the horn for louder and higher notes to prevent distortion, and moving toward the horn to prevent under-recording soft sounds.” They changed the horn length, diaphragm thickness, or the hardness of the wax to manipulate the recording even more. Since this process could capture only a limited range of audio frequencies–approximately 100 to 2500 Hz–the banjo, xylophone, trumpet, trombone, tenor, and baritone voices were the easiest to reproduce and became the predominant sound of the roaring twenties music.

P.S. I have attached some recordings to your signs which may or may not relate to your tarotcast, but they are fun. Thanks for all the feedback last week. Remember, when signs have * it’s a big week for you.

Aries – Seven of Wands – The Seven of Wands’ challenge is to keep focus on what is important in your life. This week you will be distracted by your environment and other people’s agendas. To combat this, you will need to choose wisely what you intend to focus on. Make sure when you choose what to do that it fits either with your integrity and/or your goals. http://www.loc.gov/jukebox/recordings/detail/id/10038

Taurus – Queen of Cups – The Lady of the Cups is here to help you use your imagination and joyfulness to put some fun into the next seven days. As in all court cards, she asks that you look at the people that surround you and invite the ones who bring love and joy into your life. Also, if you can go to some body of water this week, you will find some information waiting there for you. http://www.loc.gov/jukebox/recordings/detail/id/10087

Gemini – High Priestess – More insight this week with the High Priestess. She gains knowledge through perspective. The Priestess is aware that, as we gain knowledge, we see more paradoxes in the world. Her challenge to you is to attempt perfection while knowing that perfection is inaccessible. http://www.loc.gov/jukebox/recordings/detail/id/1126

Cancer – Seven of Cups – It is a week to dream and imagine new things into your life. Your sensible Cancer side has a tendency to restrict you. The Seven of Cups challenges you to push your dream boundaries. You ask, but what if they don’t come true? The Seven of Cups is saying that it doesn’t hurt to ask the universe for what you want. If it doesn’t come true, you never had it anyway. But if it does, wasn’t it worth the little bit of energy it took to dream it up? http://www.loc.gov/jukebox/recordings/detail/id/10049

*Leo – The Chariot – This week the Chariot brings you more control over your life then you have had in the past couple of months. You have been dealing with all those people and egos. That postponed your to-do list, so you had to play catch up the last two weeks. Needless to say, you have been busy. The Chariot continues with the “movement” in your life; however, it challenges you to take the reins from other people so you can start driving your life towards your own goals.  http://www.loc.gov/jukebox/recordings/detail/id/10212

Virgo – Queen of Swords – The Queen of Swords challenges you to do three things this week: strategize a plan for your future, create some boundaries, and balance out how to be honest and kind to yourself at the same time. Remember, court cards say you have people around you that are examples of these traits. So if you find that any of this is too hard to do by yourself, find someone who can be a truthful and kind sounding board. ( For those of you born between August 22 and August 29, read Leo’s tarotcast too. There is some insight there for you also.) http://www.loc.gov/jukebox/recordings/detail/id/10023

*Libra – The Magician – Last week you had to have patience because things were getting waylaid, and I told you all to get ready for the backlog. Well, here comes the Magician. The Magician is all about action, so this week will be busy. He is also all about intentions. And, if you all have been to my website or have had a reading from me, you know I am big on intentions. “Intentions are the children of your desire and the grandparents of your destiny.” So here is The Magician’s challenge for you – everything you do this week, make sure it aligns with your desires so you get the destiny you want. http://www.loc.gov/jukebox/recordings/detail/id/3105

Scorpio – Ten of Cups – Whew, you are now out of the chaos and challenges of the past two weeks. The Ten of Cups is all about seeing the bounty you have now and enjoying it. This week the Ten of Cups is challenging you to find the good things in life and partake, partake. (I am going to add a little exercise – every day take pictures of things that you are grateful for in your life and at the end of the week have a little slide show. I think you will be very surprised to find you have more than 10 cups to be grateful for.)http://www.loc.gov/jukebox/recordings/detail/id/10080

Sagittarius – Eight of Cups – This week is about letting go. You have had a pretty “heavy mind” couple of months and then two weeks of eight cards. The eights in tarot are all about knowledge that leads to a new step in one’s life. Last week you were gaining insight from outside sources. This week the knowledge quest is more internal, seeing what no longer works in your life, and letting go. Once you have done a bit of the “soul closet cleaning,” your mind will feel much lighter. http://www.loc.gov/jukebox/recordings/detail/id/10197

Capricorn – Three of Wands – This week it is all about patience, research and planning. Last week you all were getting new ideas with the Ace of Wands. This week the Three of Wands shows up and says “whoa, hold your horses, you are not fully prepared for this new step.” Spend this week seeing what steps are needed to make this new thing happen. If you do that, this the new step will come with ease instead of chaos.  http://www.loc.gov/jukebox/recordings/detail/id/10020

*Aquarius – Temperance – Temperance is all about balance. When this card shows up, it means that you are portioning out parts of yourself and/or your life to your detriment. The challenge from Temperance is that these so called “different parts” of your life are actual “all” of your life. Here’s a metaphor for how you need to think about living your life: You can eat a teaspoon of salt, chew on some ice, drink a shot of tequila, and then drink a shot of triple sec, or you can mix them together and have a margarita. Which way would taste more yummy and help you feel more relaxed? http://www.loc.gov/jukebox/recordings/detail/id/10116

*Pisces – The Moon – Wow, you got this card three weeks ago. So I looked back and the cycle is a step forward and then stop and reflect- a step forward then stop and reflect. That is a lovely cycle to have. The Moon is giving you breathing space between each new step.   The challenge is not to think of this pause as a delay but as time to reflect and integrate the previous week’s information.  http://www.loc.gov/jukebox/recordings/detail/id/7577

May light be on you, light around you, and light within you