Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of August 22, 2021

Happy Birthday Virgos!

Can this tiny caterpillar be the origin of dragon mythology?  There are over 400 species of the dragon-headed caterpillar, genus Charaxes.  They live in the Sub-Saharan Africa, South Asia, Australia and one species found in Europe, so far.  The butterflies’ colors vary from white, brown, yellow, clay-red, black and can differ with spots of blue or light green.

But the dragon-headed caterpillars all have green wide bodies in the middle and narrow behind with a flat head and these horn-like process with barbs.  The caterpillars’ markings and size can vary from season to season and year to year. Be careful when handling them, for the barbs exude a toxin similar to a bee sting. The eggs hatch within three days from being laid and then go through 5 stages of growth called instarts.  Most grow from 5 mm up to 30 mm (about an inch) by end of cycle.

Solar System highlights:  The Moon starts in Aquarius.  This is the second full moon in a month under the same sign so is also called a Blue Moon – this moon is great at opening portals and downloading innovations with the Sun in its last day of Leo.  It then moves to Pisces on the 23rd – time to deal with paradoxes.  Then into Aries on the 24th– back down to earth and actions.  And ends this week in Taurus on the August 27th– focus on things that need exaltation.

Mercury is in its final week in Virgo.  Finish cleaning out your email and when conversing be clear, simple, and precise.  Venus is in Libra- enjoy your relationships and energy around equity.  Mars is in Virgo – time to clean and tidy up anything your gaze goes to.  Jupiter and Saturn are in Aquarius – so innovating and upping your game is their focus for the rest of this year.


P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you.  Virgo this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Pisces it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check-in, now is the time.


May light be on you, around you, and within you,





dragon headed caterpillarSeven of Cups – The Muse of Dreaming and Wishes suggests your mantra to be I seize the opportunity to dream. This week push the realms of practicality and dream outside your comfort zone.


dragon headed caterpillarAce of Coins – You are surrounded by the energy of prosperity.  This is a great week to start a new project, launch or relaunch a product/service, invest and plant seeds.  What you plant/focus on now will grow.  Your mantra this week is I create abundance with the resources I already have at my fingertips.



dragon headed caterpillar*Hermit – The Muse of Hermitage is directing you to pull away from society.  Gaining perspective is needed this week.  By retreating from civilization, you calm your mind and see your next steps to journey back into humanity with more mindfulness.  The challenge is informing people of your boundaries while keeping your ringer on for emergencies. Your mantra this week:  When I step back, I regroup and renew.  



*Devil – The Muse of Being Bound arrives continuing to help in the process of letting go of the material.  The challenge is this week is also full of distractions and temptations to not deal with your emotional or obligational bindings.  The key is to start small and work your way up or deeper depending on the case.  Remember, the material plane is here to help you grow, not hold you to a past you no longer vibrate with.  Your mantra:  I let go of the old to welcome the new.



dragon headed caterpillar*Empress – If you didn’t do your vison board/lists for where you want to be in 2026 you have another week to start it. Remember you are supposed to tweak it for the rest of 2021.  If you did, then you can jump right in and start creating.  The Muse of Creation is here with ideas and supplies. However, she has a challenge about being honest with yourself about the choices in how you will tend to your future.  Either you can commit to tending to your creativity for the next 10 months, or you can fling your seeds into the wind to see what grows 10 months from now.  You have a choice whether to specifically grow what you want or forage what you need in the wild.  So, pick your mantra:  My life is rich and ripe with possibilities that I can manifest and create. Or My world has infinite possibilities that will manifest for the higher good. 




Three of Coins – Your first muse for the coming year is the Muse of Teamwork.  The energy has come to advise you to ask for help and bounce your ideas off others.  Whatever you are working on it is more fortuitous or more likely of having success with more sets of eyes, minds, and hands then just yours.  Your mantra:  Collaboration is key to learning and growing.



dragon headed caterpillarQueen of Cups – Last week the Muse of Relationships reminded you to treat people how you would like to be treated.  The challenge was it is not always reciprocated.  But she had you ponder does it matter to who you want to be in the world?  Now the Muse of Fun is at your door with games and outings into nature.  This is another week where relationships are important but where last week it could be draining this week it fills your cup.  Your mantra: My relationship with others reflects that I am worthy of love and respect.



Eight of Cups – The Muse of Simplicity has come to help you clean out your physical and emotional closets.  This energy wants you to discern your needs from your wants, and then make sure what surrounds you and resonates within you fulfill those needs. This focus guides you this week in all your decisions.  Your mantra:  I will no longer hold onto what isn’t right for me.



Hanged Man – The Muse of Inertia comes when you need to alter your perception of something in your life.  This energy stops you from moving forward until you find a solution to a lingering problem.  And her advise is to look at it from other angles.  Like a painter does when they are stuck, they turn the canvas upside down to see what is needed to balance the composition.   Your mantra: I let go of my attachment to how I think things should be so I can open my mind to what it can be.



Nine of Coins – The Muse of Success has come to help you build upon what you have successfully obtain thus far. This is not a time to add more to your plate, but to work on what you need to make the coming months move with more ease.  Your mantra:  I am solidifying my security in the world.





*High Priestess – The Muse of Intuition and Higher Purpose has come to fine tune your instincts.  This Muse likes to play with metaphors, signs, and synchronicities. This energy reminds you that there is a plan though you may not see the whole picture, but by following your intuition you will end up in the right place at the right time.  Your mantra:  When I tune into and trust the vibes, I will obtain higher wisdom.  



dragon headed caterpillarPage of Cups – The Muse of Optimism has come to help you see that the world can have beautiful and joyous moments.  She does this by reminding you to take the perspective of a child where everything is a wonder and new.  By perceiving the cup half full, this week becomes easier and a bit more fun.  Your mantra:  I open my heart allowing wonder and virtue to lead me on my path.