Tag Archives: science

Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of May 24, 2020

Alice Ball

A tiny break from art into science, because we need a collective shout out to the scientists that work every day in creating cures for thousands of illnesses.  Our society is relying on a variety of scientists around the world to understand and create a vaccine for Covid-19.  Theories aside from how it was spread, we need researchers to develop a vaccine.  Science, in general, needs to be supported now and women in particular need to be nurtured in science fields.  Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less.Marie Curie

Alice Ball was the chemist that developed the first successful treatment of Hansen’s disease (leprosy).  She was also the first African American and woman to graduate with a M.S. degree in chemistry from the College of Hawaii.  Her research in the early 1900’s with oil of the chaulmoogra tree lead her to create the first injectable leprosy treatment. The previous oral use of the oil caused many uncomfortable side effects and was less effective.   Her method was so successful it allowed patients to rejoin their families free from the symptoms of leprosy.  She died at age 24.  She was not recognized for her work until 2000.

P.S. Signs with an * it a big week for you.  Gemini this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Sagittarius it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time.

May light be on you, around you, and within you,



Eight of Cups– The energy this week is about walking away from things that are no longer useful.  Your heart is telling you something is off, and it is time to take another avenue.  But to figure out what that is sometimes you need to totally disengage from it.  This isn’t about avoiding anything, it is about evaluating and simplifying.


Nine of Coins – Abundance is in the air.  You are going to need time to do some work this week, in solitude is best.  Utilize this energy to materialize what you are wanting to grow in your physical plane.  As they say energy goes where attention flows.  So where or what are you driving to?


Seven of Coins – The energy this week is aimless and spotted with areas of delay and inertia.  To work with this, focus and persistence is vital.  This is a nose to the grindstone kind of week.  But as in the quote by John Firth implied do not holdeth their noses so hard to the grindstone, that it clean disfigureth their faces.  The challenge is there is a line between work and being overwork.  Be careful not to step over that line.


Queen of Coins – The last two week’s energies were about healing being needed as much as action in creating a healthier future.  Now the energy is about the balance between work and play, and for you this takes form in being the nurturer and being nurtured.  Broaden your scope of independence to find places where you can nurture yourself.


King of Swords – You are going to need your brain this week.  The challenge is using your intellect for long-term planning is more useful than getting all the details right.  Yes, it is easier getting caught in the what ifs, but that will take you off course.  So, discipline is key to taking advantage of this energy.


Ten of Cups – Last week’s energy was calling you, to find ways to mother and not smother your creativity.  It is natural for you to nurture others but when it comes to yourself you stop.  You needed to loosen the structure and cultivate organic expression.  Well that energy continues this week by helping you cultivate the joy you find in creation.  Now is the time to be masterful and overlap that with your bliss.


Page of Coins – Learning and diligence are needed to use this week’s energy well.  The challenge is allowing yourself to be wrong.  You do not need to hold all the weight to get things done.  Delegation and assistance are key, but you must let go of the idea that your way is the only way.


Ace of Wands – Distraction and delays are in the air for you this week which will lead you to hesitating or off your intended path.  The key is keeping your eye on what inspires you.  If you let inspiration be your guide you will follow a creative path of ease instead of willow wisps.


Eight of Coins – It is easy to do your work this week as long as you stick to what you know.  Use this week’s energy honing your skills.  You do not need to learn more.  You have mastered your craft now it is time to use it.


*Death – Change is in the air again.  Do not resist or fear this transformation.  Let things end so others can begin. This change is organic.  There are ups & downs and starts & stops, but overall, this push forward has you moving in a more natural pace and to a more comfortable place.


*Justice – Another big energy week for you.  Two weeks ago, it started with summoning you to take a bit of control over your destiny by showing up.  Then the Temperance energy suggested creating your life like a refined meal that has many notes to balance its tastes into a delectable dining experience.  This concept of balance continues this week but instead of the last week’s refinement, this week is more related to the balance that happens with causes and effects.  The challenge is that every question is not yes or no look for the grey areas to find a true sense of fairness and harmony.


Eight of Wands – Slow down you move to fast is your theme song this week.  This week has tons of information coming at you and the feel of needing making quick decision, but to discern the information you will need to slow down and feel the flow.  Use this week’s energy to swim with the current even though it may feel too slow.