Tag Archives: landscapes

Tarotcast for Week of January 13, 2019

Victor Pasmore was one of the pioneers of abstract art in Britain in the 1940’s and 50’s. His art bounces back and forth from landscapes and figurative pieces to abstract.  He was highly influenced by the essay of Plastic Art and Pure Plastic Art by Mondrain.

This essay argues the birth and life of abstract art.  In synopsis, the paradox of human experience doing and experiencing art is twofold and opposing but both are essential.  One side, figurative art aims to re-create universal beauty- objective – and the other side, non-figurative aims to aesthetically express one’s ideas and experiences- subjective.  You can see above and below his art fluctuates within and around this concept.  Trying to connect the physical, intellect, emotion and soul of not only himself, the artist, but also the viewer.


P.S.  Remember signs with an * it a big week for you.  And if you do a beginning of a year Astrological Reading I’m booking up fast, so get in while you can.



Victor Pasmore*Death – This week is a great place to start prepping areas where you want change to happen.  I think of Death as the gardening card.  First you need to weed and prepare the soil for your seeds.  That is your mission this week to clear some space, weed out the plants/projects/ideas that you do not want to grow this year.  And then prep the soil/mind-space/physical-space where the budding will happen.  If you get that done, you can start growing the seeds of change.



Victor PasmoreKnight of Pentacles – The Knights come to tell us we are on the right track and to keep on keeping on.  This specific knight is in the realm of the material world. So, the areas to work on this week are your environment, your work that brings in money, your health and/or any physical project that creates a physical item.



Victor Pasmore

Ace of Swords- Well, all that hanging around in contemplation or being taking off your path last week, should have giving you a new perspective.  The Ace of Swords gives you another week to think on the lessons last week brought you.  The goal this week is beginning a new thought process to cut through the clutter.  Still stuck maybe watch the show Tidying Up on Netflix or read the book to get some ideas.



Victor PasmorePage of Pentacles – Last week, the Hierophant wanted you to create structure and the Eight of Pentacles wanted you to work on mastery at what you are doing.  Now the Page of Pentacles arrives to remind you that learning is part of the process of growing.  This week use this page’s power to help you hit the books and learn something new.



Victor PasmoreThree of Cups – This week’s energy is all about enjoying friends.  The Three of Cups comes up when your soul needs to be refilled and no one better to make you smile then friends. Take this week to reconnect with your chosen loved ones.



Victor PasmoreTen of Wands – Two tens in a row.  Let’s look at tens for a second.  Tens tell us that cycles are on their final chapters.  This is a great time to use the energy to enjoy what you have sown.  Last week it had you recognize how far you have come and how good your life is.  This week is about prioritizing and letting go a bit of your what’s on your plate.  Think of this like a 12-course meal.  The concept is to take your time savoring each course, but with this card realize if you are full you can take home a doggy bag for later.



Victor PasmoreEight of Cups – The Eight of Cups’ energy for this week is letting go of emotions or relationship expectations that just aren’t working.  This card comes when we are feeling drained or frustrated and not seeing that somethings just can’t be worked on right now and maybe for a while. This week’s motto let go.



Victor PasmoreFour of Pentacles – This card warns us when we need to conserve our energy, money and time.  Take this week to save and simplify.  The less you do the better the flow.



Victor PasmoreEight of Wands – Last week, the Empress challenged you to plant seeds – start big ideas/projects that will bud in about 9-10 months from now.  The Eight of Wands continues this theme by building on the energy of inspiration through the acts of communication and sharing.  Use this energy to bounce off ideas with comrades, partners and mentors.  Revel in the exchange of information and inspiration.



Blue Movement and Green 1980 Victor Pasmore 1908-1998 Presented by Rose and Chris Prater 1980 http://www.tate.org.uk/art/work/P05563

Queen of Cups – This card can be a bit hard for your sensible side.   The Queen of Cups is about making fun and joy your priority this week.  I know you all don’t really like to be tickled, but your funny bone and creating for fun side needs to be worked on. So, get there any way you can. Whether that’s watching romantic comedies (you need to stay away from satire) or coloring with a medium you know well just for fun (this isn’t about learning something new – you need to take your mind out of the process/technique).



Victor PasmoreQueen of Swords – Strategy and standing up for yourself is your focuses this week.  The Queen of Swords comes up when you need to draw lines in the sand and then strategize how to negotiate when boundaries are questioned or stepped over.  Your challenge is this strategy and maneuvering is for the long game, so kind but firm is the key.



Victor PasmoreKing of Wands – The King of Wands’ energy brings the concept of the mindful and compassionate ruler.    He challenges you to focus on one main goal that will both benefit the world and yourself.  By doing this exercise this energy will help a spectrum of personal and universal goals, but with only one point of force.  Think of this like a laser that has a ripple effect – focused but far-reaching.