Tag Archives: Illustration

Tarotcast for Week of November 5, 2017

Dorothy P. Lathrop Dorothy P. Lathrop

The illustrations above are by the artist Dorothy P. Lathrop. She was born in Albany New York, and was a prolific illustrator from 1919 to 1967. She was an animal activist and vegetarian, and you can see her love of animals in the details of them in her illustrations. Many of her models were from her and her sister’s menagerie of animals that lived with them throughout their lives. Interestingly, I have these hanging on my wall for the past 20 years and until doing research on her did not know what artist had illustrated the above pieces.

We define illustration as a decoration, interpretation or visual explanation of a text, concept or process, designed for integration in published media, such as posters, flyers, magazines, books, teaching materials, animations, video games and films. Sadly illustration and the people who make them are not consider fine art. I beg to differ. Illustrations are usually the first art forms we encounter as children. They illuminate our imagination, and help us visualize and learn the constructs of language. Though fine art can move us with emotion, and, if we have enough art history, ignite our intellect . Illustration as an art form is better defined by the word’s original meaning in Middle English – illumination; spiritual or intellectual enlightenment. Illustration gives our stories and minds wings.

P.S. Remember, signs with * it’s a big week for you. I have a new reading the Planetary Spread for you all to check out.

Aries – King of Swords – The King of Swords is the decision maker. This week will be filled with choices and big decisions. The best way to get through this week is to be methodical in your thinking.   If you are feeling overwhelmed step back and strategize with someone you trust.

Taurus – Six of Pentacles -. The Six of Pentacles is the mini karma card. Remember that ever thing you do has an effect. The more positive or negative you put in the world the more positive or negative you receive. The challenge is to realize that not all karma flows directly or timely. Goodwill and faith are the keys this week.
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