Tag Archives: Gwendolyn Bennett

Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of Feb 16, 2020

Gwendolyn BennettPoetry has its own way of inspiring visuals.  This week I am adding to your sign’s forecast a line from the poem To a Dark Girl (1927) by Gwendolyn Bennett.  To read the whole poem just read the first line in bold for each sign.

Bennett was an influential person and contributor in the Harlem Renaissance Movement.  She was a painter, poet, and writer in a variety of journals and anthologies such as NAACP’s The Crisis and Caroling Dusk, and she published a monthly column called The Ebony Flute. For more on her history and work read Heroine of the Harlem Renaissance and Beyond

The Harlem Renaissance was centered in Harlem New York during the decade of the 1920s. It was an intellectual, social, and artistic eruption. This era was a turning point in American black cultural history. This congregation and congruence of African American writers and artists created the momentum to gain control over their representation of black culture and experience and was the beginning of these artists and thinkers to be recognized in Western Art world.

P.S. Remember signs with an * it a big week for you.  Aquarius this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Leo it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time.



I love you for your brownness,

*Hierophant – What structures in your life are holding you back?  The energy this week helps you destroy the edifices that bind you, and it strengthens your resolve to create new structures (time, space and how use your energy) that will sustain the work that needs to be done.  This can look as simple as waking up earlier to eat breakfast, or as complex as getting your job to let you work from home once a week.



And the rounded darkness of your breast,

Nine of Cups – Last week’s energy wanted you to bring the divine down into the world. Tapping into your spirit and calling it into action. The energy this week continues this theme of the divine, but it asks you is your work ethic getting in the way of your spirit and joy?  Your contentment? Don’t forget the divine has you here to work your purpose, but following your joy sustains you.



I love you for the breaking sadness in your voice

Seven of Wands – Last week’s energy was best used in building on what already is existing.  This week you will have to defend your boundaries to get anything done.  Work still needs to happen, so put up you do not disturb sign and get back into your groove.



And shadows where your wayward eyelids rest.

Six of Coins – Karma is the key energy this week.  Take heed in your actions and reactions.  For all the positive you give, positive will return; however, this energy flow happens with negative forces too.  The trick with this card is that the return energy does not always come back directly from the intended source.  So watch for curve balls, lower expectations and be nice.



Something of old forgotten queens

Six of Swords – You need a bit of distance to gain some perspective this week.  So, when meeting a challenge, step back, dissect the issue, simplify and go back in.  The main take away to handling this week is physical space even if its just an extra 5 minutes in the bathroom.



Lurks in the lithe abandon of your walk

Three of Wands – Last week the energy was about organic change.  Asking you to start on your spring cleaning, getting rid of things that are dead weight in your life.  And, it asked you to plant some seeds by tasking you to write down 50 things you wish for, big or small.  Lucky you, you get another week to do this prep work.  The only challenge this energy is thinking bigger and broader horizons in your wishing.



And something of the shackled slave

Ace of Swords – With all that heart work last week the energy has done a 180 degree turn from your heart to your mind and ways of thought.   Hopefully, now that you have reconnected with your emotions you can clearly see the direction you need to take this week with problems and their solutions.  



Sobs in the rhythm of your talk.

Queen of Cups – Last week’s energy was rough and hopefully you got to dodge most of it.  But you might find yourself a bit tender and vulnerable.   However, this is not to week to hide in the shadows.  Go out find solace in your friends and people who love you.  Refill your cup.



Oh, little brown girl, born for sorrow’s mate,

*Judgment – Last week the energy circled around freedom and newness.  Reminding you that exploring the world is part of what drives your soul.  Discovery is key to bringing new ideas and stimulating your sensualities.  If you did well with that task last week, you are ready to deal with this week’s energy of metamorphosis.  If you didn’t investigate new avenues you might find this week has growing pains with your evolution.  This can be as simple as you found a new route to work which gives you 10 more minutes in the morning to eat breakfast.  Or it can be as complex as not finding that new avenue which stops you dead in your tracks, and you hang upside down spinning a large cocoon around yourself until you solve your challenges and changes.



Keep all you have of queenliness,

*World – The energy this week is about expanding your horizons by integrating your inner and outer worlds.  Dive into the energy and concept of interconnectedness.  You have just completed a major work and/or turned a significant corner in your life and now you need time integrating this accomplishment into your consciousness.  You are building on the old world and creating a new paradigm.   So, to move to this new music you must let the composition enter into you, let your body and soul find the new rhythm, and then dance.



Forgetting that you once were slave,

*Magician – Ok this is your last birth month card and the Magician has shown up to add to the energy of the Aces, new beginnings.  So, let’s review, 2020 ignites new passions and new ways of being on the physical plane.  Then the Magician steps in adding its big energy of bringing the divine down into reality.  This energy begs for you to start new projects/jobs, create, imagine, and experiment in the coming year. The big challenge is that these creations must have an aspect of the divine.  The definition of divine is of, from or like God, excellent or delightful.  So, 2020 will be a year where new not only grows, prospers but lifts others with delight.



And let your full lips laugh at Fate!

Ten of Coins – The energy this Ten brings is satisfaction from the work you have completed. This week is a transition of completion and new beginnings. This week spend time just enjoying the gifts that you have worked so hard to get.  Set your gratefulness into your bones to strengthen positive reverberations for the next cycle to ride.


May light be on you, around you, and within you,
