Happy May Day Tarotcast

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Happy May Day everyone. I love the month of May, the air is sweet and full of promise.  May Day is an ancient celebration of the final days of winter and the beginning of summer or at least in the northern hemisphere and according to agricultural societies.  It is about half between the vernal equinox (March 19-22) and summer solstice (June 19-22), which is an appropriate placing for a spring festival – fields have been planted, animals are being born, and flowers abound.  The ancient Greeks dedicated this day to Demeter and her daughter Persephone’s return from the underworld. Most Eurasia societies have festivals that celebrate the height of spring.  A variety of traditions continue like maypoles, bonfires, and tiny gifts of flowers and sweets to represent love and life.

May Day has another side of demonstrations for better working conditions.  May Day is celebrated in Russia as the holiday – International Workers’ Day.  The interesting thing is that it stems from a riot in Chicago – The Haymarket Affair.  This event consolidated the workers movement to gain better working conditions for us today.  On May 4th 1886 a bombing took place at a peaceful labor demonstration in Chicago.  The rally was to support workers striking for an eight hour work day and for the killing of several strikers by the police the day before.  Between the bomb and the ensuing gunfire seven police officers were killed, four civilians and many others were wounded.  Eight anarchists were brought to trail and seven condemned to death and one to life in prison. Historians still debate if the evidence and convictions were just.

May Day is another example paradoxes I find more often in my study of this mortal coil. It celebrates both life and death but in the end growth happens – beautiful/good things come from both.

P.S. Remember, when signs have * it’s a big week for you. I have added flowers associated with your signs. (The flowers differ from the variety of sources, so I picked the ones I saw the most frequently associated with your sign.)

*Aries – Wheel of Fortune – Things are starting to shift in your favor. This week fortune is on your side. Play lotto, call that possible date, send out your resume. The Wheel teaches us that things won’t change unless you spin the wheel. What have you got to lose – a dollar or a bit of your ego. However, here is the challenge the cost should never outweigh the loss. Flowers: Thistle and Honeysuckle

*Taurus – The Fool – Another great card for your birthday month. The Fool card is the zero card or blank rune. Take this week to clean your slate and de-clutter your life, so you can be open to the new roads ahead of you. Here is your challenge this week to help you to simplify your clutter. The Fool carries a knap sack and has a dog as a companion on his trip. What would you put in your knapsack (5-10 things only)? And who would you have be your traveling companion(s)? Also, I ‘m advising to continue this week to look along roads and sidewalks there are still more messages for you. Flowers: Violet & Foxglove

Gemini – Three of Cups – Last week did you all let go of something so it could be born anew? This week will be a lot easier then the last two weeks. The Three of Cups reminds you to hang with your friends and raise your cups in celebration, and by doing so, it will guarantee you some well needed laughs and good times. The challenge is how can you make that time sacred so you will remember it?  Flowers: Lavender & Lily of the Valley

Cancer – King of Cups – This week the King of Cups challenges you when feeling overwhelm keep calm, listen, and channel your emotion through either doing art or seeing art. This is a week to stand back – compassionately – from the drama. The best example of the King of Cups is the Dali Lama and the worst is George W Bush both Cancers born on the same day. They are emotional people and have a good heart, but in Bush’s case he let his emotions/drama rule him instead of keeping calm and listening. Learn from his mistakes. Flowers: Jasmine & Queen Anne’s lace

Leo – King of Wands – Your lesson with knowing what you have control over continues this week but with less pressure than the past two weeks. The King of Wands challenges you with that old adage “you can catch more flies with honey than vinegar.” So if you want to control the issues around you this week do so with an essence of honeysuckle. Flowers: Marigold & Sunflowers

Virgo – Page of Pentacles – This week the Page of Pentacles will help with your anti-belly gazing from last week. The Page of pentacles is the student card, so it is time to learn something new. This doesn’t mean you have to sign up for a course, though this is a good time to do it. What the page is challenging you to do is learn something new and outside your regular “gotos”. For instance, if you love science go learn something in the arena of art and crafts. If you love music learn something math oriented. The farther away you are from your comfort zone the more useful the information. Flowers: Buttercup & Yellow Archangel

Libra – Four of Swords – So the chaos continues this week however the Four of Swords is here to help you get survive it. The Four of Swords challenges you this week to get some rest, meditate, and/or find that sacred space where nobody can get in. It is a week where it’s okay to put out the “Do Not Disturb” sign as often as you can. Flowers: Rose & Hydrangea

Scorpio – Five of Swords – Did you look at your structures last week? After that diagnosis you have another week with the Five of Swords to figure out what new structures to put in their place. You found that some of your structures were crutches or you have out grown them so this week practice align your new structures to your authentic self. Flowers: Geraniums & Rhododendron

Sagittarius – Three of Swords – You get another week to clean out the old so the new can start to grow. With The Death card last week you all have discovered some things that don’t fit into the new life you want. The Three of Swords literally means you have three and only three things left to let go. And as the Frozen song says “…Let it go, let it go – Turn away and slam the door!…” Flowers: Carnations & Dandelion

Capricorn – Five of Wands – Fives in tarot mean chaos and the Five of Wands puts a unique twist on it. The wands allow you to decide whether or not you want to play in the chaos. The challenge around the Five of Wands is realizing if you do play in the chaos you cannot control the outcome. It is more about how you play the game and not the final score. Flowers: Pansy & Amaranthus

Aquarius – Ace of Cups – This week the Ace of Cups is challenging you to express your love to the ones dearest to you. Do something special without expectations for your sweeties. It is also a great week to make amends or make new friends. Also, if you can find the time, take a walk or a ride by yourself and keep your intuition open – there will be some useful information on these mini excursion. Flowers: Orchids

Pisces – Two of Wands – Last week did you dump those dark shadows? It seems so because you got the Two of Wands this week. The Two of Wands is challenging you with lots of choices and potentials this week. Now with your lighter emotional mind you can make the best choices for yourself. Flowers: Water Lilies

May light be on you, light around you, and light within you,