Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of June 26, 2022

Anne Fusco Life is tough my darling
Anne Fusco Life is tough my darling

In general, my aim is to be uplifting and write about my ponderings around art, science, and tarot (spirituality) as differing conduits to try and explain our collective experience.  And I share it with you for with theses hopes:  That the tarot part will give you guides to create more ease in your life, and for you to find support and comfort with your intuition.  The science part is to share how amazing and awe-inspiring the universe is.  And lastly the art, which shows how amazing people’s imagination and spirit can be portrayed through visual means.  This week I struggled.

Three days ago, the Roe versus Wade a 50-year ruling was overturned and I am furious and unbelievably sad.  I have cried for 3 days straight.   So, I was having a hard time writing, my mind was swirling- everything felt contrite.  What is making me sad and angry about this decision isn’t totally about reproductive rights.  It is about people not believing that women are capable to choose their own destiny. That women don’t think about motherhood, a child’s safety, the environment or circumstances these potential souls might be brought into.  That a woman in 36 states, who possible like me 35 years ago when my birth control pills didn’t work and I got pregnant, may not have the privilege and rights I had and women before me fought for. So, I was struggling to find light and hope.

While scanning my inbox for support, I found one of my favorite voices Anna Fusco @lordccowboy.  Fusco’s art and writing gives me hope for the future of women, our resilience and humanity in general.  She opens herself up to her viewers through her musings by painting, line drawings and her words.  She lets us into the messy parts of living as much as its moments of awe-inspiring beauty.  And though one may not be able to relate to every aspect of her art (like I don’t surf), I do relate to her the process of her pondering.

Fusco guides us to reflect, to think, to imagine, to mull over, to hope…She shares how she experiences moments of life which in turn prompts us to live in our own.  She reminds us that humans are messy; we are the paradox and fulcrum of our shortcomings and excellence.  Her art and ponderings gives us hope to continue trying to be the best human we can be, even when we are struggling.

Your pondering for the week:  What is liberty? And would you let someone else define yours?

To support women’s choice support an organization like Sister Song, write or call your representatives, speak up, and vote!


Solar System Highlights

On Monday the moon is still in Gemini good for conversations. Then on Tuesday the moon goes into Cancer time for home life and self-care.  Mercury is in Gemini its home spot.  This eases conversations and inspires downloads of knowledge.  Venus (beauty and harmony) is in Gemini (communication and knowledge). Interesting that the divine feminine is getting talk about right now.  Ladies tell your stories.  Mars (action) is in Aries (action).  Good for getting things done.  Jupiter is in Aries until October 28th.  It influences action and expansion over the summer months.  And lastly, Saturn remains in Aquarius for all of 2022 – so innovating and upping your game is its focus.

P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you.  Cancer this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Capricorn it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check-in, now is the time.

May light be on you, around you, and within you,


Anna Fusco Going Left
Anna Fusco Going Left

*Chariot – The Muse of Momentum brings you the fuel, but you will need to manifest the direction.  This energy helps you get unstuck, but the challenge is you need provide the focus and goals.  Or you will tend to run in circles.  So, she asks what do you want to accomplish this week?  Write a list and then go at them one by one.

Anna Fusco Feelings are perfectly safe
Anna Fusco Feelings are perfectly safe

Two of Cups – This week the focus is on your love relationships.  Spend quality time with those you love, for your emotional cups need filling, as do theirs.


King of Wands – Last week the Muse of Organic Change advises that now is the time to let go and create space for the new to grow. Now that you have created some space, the Muse of Innovation asks what you would like to grow in this empty space?  Spend this week pondering what can you implement to innovate a better life?

Anna Fusco The sea the sea!
Anna Fusco The sea the sea!

*Star– For your second energy to work with this year the Muse of Healing and Hope has “shone” up.  So, this week write down some aspects that you would like to heal, and some hopes you would like to cast.  You get a year to rest and gather your strength and make plans for a healthier future.


Anna Fusco Heaven
Anna Fusco Heaven

Seven of Cups – The Muse of Dreams asks you if you had seven wishes what would they be?  The challenge is being very precise and very realistic when making them.

Anna Fusco I smile at others
Anna Fusco I smile at others

Page of Coins – The Muse of the Student comes when you need to learn something.  This week you will be missing some skill set.  Your challenge is to let your hubris go and crack open the books, internet or find a mentor.


Anna Fusco Whipped Cream

Page of Swords – The Muse of Investigation comes around when information is needed but it will be a challenge to get it.  Not that someone is purposely hiding the answers, but you will need to probe deeper then a casual “how are you or what do you mean?”

Anna Fusco Might as well
Anna Fusco Might as well

Ace of Swords – Hopefully you set your goals last week because this week you will need to be decisive and very focused.  If you have not, then do that on Monday before you start your work week.  And in general follow logic more than your heart this week.

Anna Fusco There is enough if we share

Two of Wands – The Muse of Future Planning is here again.  Either you did not plan far enough into the future a couple of weeks ago, or you need to tweak some of your plans.  Hint: This Muse likes to have a few out of the box ideas so it can manifest more opportunities when possible.

Anna Fusco The Flowers I See Right Now

Seven of Swords – The Muse of Stealing comes when you are “robbing Peter to pay Paul.”  So, what resources/things are you moving around but not really dealing with the problem?  Time to fess up and work on the solutions.


Anna Fusco People come People go

*World – The Muse of Opportunities is here to open doors for you.  The challenge with this card is feeling that when you make a choice you must stick to it.  That is not the case right now.  Take each opportunity and try it on for size.  And then pick the best fit.

Anna Fusco Good requires very little

Seven of Coins – Hopefully you pulled back from society last week to get perspective because this week is all about work.  Yep, it is time to pull up your trousers, roll up your sleeves and start checking off what needs to be done.  It may sound hard but once you start you will find your flow.

Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of June 19, 2022

Happy Birth-month Cancerians!

The artist this week is Shantell Martin @shantell_martin. (This blog is a hard medium to show her work for much of the impact comes with the immersion into it and many of her pieces are moving.  For example, just go to her website and run your cursor over the drawings around her image.  But I am going to try, and hopefully you will be more intrigued and click through to her sites.)

Martin makes “simple” ink line drawings and takes us on a journey possible into to her stream of conscious but definitely into our own self-discovery.  She is a renaissance philosopher artist.  Martin often collaborates and has vast interests in a variety of mediums, music, design, fonts, sculpture to name a few. Her works represented here are parts installations in public spaces.  There is a sense of fun of whimsy that we often need to remind ourselves of, even when we are thinking big thoughts.  That we can simultaneously follow a line of thought and wind it through a variety of emotions, but come out with a more optimistic and airy sense of space.

Martin has been fascinated and working with the concept of “line” since youth.  As she said in a Colossal Interview “With just a few simple strokes you can imagine something or bring it to life.  There’s something quite magical about that, and as an artist, I feel we all fundamental have our own line inside us. We have something we could extract…it would be unique and different for every single individual that created a line.”   So, your pondering for this week is Martin’s Art Manifesto.  Even if you are not an artist these aspects can be applied into your life.  For an exercise replaced the word “art/artist” and with “us/our” in the sheet below and find your line.

Shantell Martin
Shantell Martin Manifesto
Solar System Highlights

Just a heads-up Monday through Wednesday the Moon, Mars and Venus are all in placements that can ooze stubbornness and noncompliance.  Watch that you don’t get into any battles because nobody wins during this time.  Then on Thursday the Moon moves into Taurus giving us that slow and steady energy to finish out our work.  By Saturday it is in Gemini a great time for friends and lively conversations.  Mercury is in Gemini its home spot.  This eases conversations and inspires downloads of knowledge.  Venus (beauty and harmony) moves into Gemini (communication and knowledge) on the 22nd.  Finally, Venus can get some breathing room from Mars.  So, after Wednesday fences can be mended and people find places to compromise.  Jupiter is in Aries until October 28th.  It influences action and expansion over the summer months.  And lastly, Saturn remains in Aquarius for all of 2022 – so innovating and upping your game is its focus.

P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you.  Cancer this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Capricorn it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check-in, now is the time.

May light be on you, around you, and within you,



Shantell Martin
Shantell Martin

*Moon – The Muse of Shadows would like you to work with your more obscured attributes.  She would like you to reflect on your societal persona.  Has it masked some hidden talents?  Does it truly reflect your soul’s desires or your heart’s?  What abilities have you hidden because of should, could, would have statements? Time to walk at least one of these hidden abilities back out into the light.

Shantell Martin
Shantell Martin

*Wheel – Last week, the Muse of Healing and Hope asked if you could heal one thing what would it be?  And if you had one truth to live by what would that be?  The Muse of Fortune often comes to unstick momentum, so she continues this line of questioning.  She asks what are you trying to control that cannot be controlled?  Where are you metaphorically trying to grasp water or manipulate an aspect of the Wheel of Life?   This Muse is reminding you the world turns without you.  She does not mean to lessen your power but to redirect it to the present.

Shantell Martin
Shantell Martin Open Your Eyes

*Death – The Muse of Organic Change advises that now is the time to let go and create space for the new to grow.  This can look as simple as cleaning out your closets, old junk drawers or your garage.  Or as complex as letting go of old concepts or relationships that no longer feed you.  Think of it like tilling the soil of your life. You are preparing the ground for new things to grow.

Shantell Martin
Shantell Martin

Ten of Coins – The Muse of Abundance is your first energy to work with this birth year.  This Muse is asking you if you can celebrate your success and enjoy all that you have worked for?  This year is about enjoying the family you have created, the friends you have, and your material successes.


Shantell Martin
Shantell Martin

Ten of Wands – You will be asked to do a lot this week; however, the Muse of Obligation reminds you all the tasks are not your responsibility.  This week your challenge is to discern what is yours and then drop the rest.  By taken on other’s responsibilities you are creating unhealthy dependent relationships instead interdependent collaborations.

Shantell Martin The May Room

Two of Coins – The Muse of Equilibrium comes when something is out of balance.   She asks what is making your life askew? Are you working too much?  Then Play more.  Or are you playing too much? Then realign with your ambitions.  Are you feeling tired or sick?  Look at adjusting your sleep habits or food intake.  The challenge with this exercise is believing you must take on all the imbalances at once.  Start small and pick one focus, like go to bed 15 minutes earlier, for you might find the others naturally readjusts with the smallest of calibrations.


Shantell Martin
Shantell Martin Open Your Eyes

*Strength – The Muse of Strength comes for two reasons, either you need to strength your core muscle, or you need to strengthen your convictions.  If its your core muscle be careful lifting things this week and do some strengthening exercises.  If it is your convictions, shore up your boundaries and realign yourself with your belief systems.  Often this Muse asks you to ponder what is the most important ethic that you hold and then apply the answer in all your challenges this week.

Shantell Martin The May Room

*Chariot – This week will have a lot of energy not only within you but also around you.  The Muse of Momentum has given you the impetus, but you must supply the objectives. So be careful starting off this week without a responsible agenda.  Without a plan this energy can combust or have you doing donuts in the parking lot.  However, if you have goals and actions steps you should find the road smoothly paved.

Shantell Martin

Eight of Wands – The Muse of Messages shows up all this week downloading information.  The challenge is managing your inbox.  So, the key to ease this week is prioritize what you need to respond to and leave the rest.  Also, it is a great time to pick out a book or audio file and savor the glory of the written word.

Shantell Martin

Five of Coins – The Muse of Devotion is asking what or whom do you pray to?  This week will have its challenges, so where do you go for spiritual guidance?  This week reconnect to the divinity, person, place, or thing where you can find solace for your soul.


Shantell Martin

Nine of Wands – The Muse of Resilience is standing by you to help you make it through the challenges this week.  First, she reminds you that you have been through way worse and survived.  And secondly, she prompts that you do not have to take it all on at once.  You can methodically come at one challenge at a time and the rest will wait their turn, though they may grumble a bit.  You got this.

Shantell Martin

*Hermit – The Muse of Solitude is inviting you to pull away and get some perspective.  Yep, you have the Muses’ permission to hide this week.  So, turn off your phone any time you can; however, this does not mean that you can sit in a haze.  The challenge this week is to stand back and look at your surroundings and make a game plan of how you are going to re-enter into society.

Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of June 12, 2022

Djakou Kassi Nathalie

The artist this week is Djakou Kassi Nathalie @djakoukassi.  Djakou works with clay like quilters work with fabric.  In many of her pieces she carves stylized masks, houses, mathematical equations, shapes, and lines in a crazy quilt like fashion.  Weaving together a tale with small treasures, like a person peeping out a window with 2020 carved beside it or a notched gear placed like the sun over a house.  Her work relates powerful stories against domestic violence, man’s volatile interactions with nature, survival, and the inspiration of divine womanhood.  These masks which adorn many of her large vessel, vases, plates, and stylized figures are as if our ancestors or ancients are looking at as, questioning our reasonings and telling us their knowledge. Are they and Djakou reminding us of cautions and insights from the past that reverberate into the now?  That our present-day life is interwoven with generational knowledge, our own past experiences, who we are now, and then questions our own legacy?  The beauty of how all our stories intertwine, connect and that ultimately together we build vessels for the next generations?

Your pondering:  As humans, we are a tapestry of our experiences interwoven and stitched to the past as much as the present. What will be your part in Earth’s weaving?

Solar System Highlights

The Moon starts this week in Sagittarius, so it might be hard to get into the groove of the work week and leave the weekend vibe.  But by Tuesday the moon is in Capricorn, and it becomes easier to focus on getting things done. By Thursday it shifts to Aquarius where it lifts energy towards innovation and the removal of grid locks.  Then on the weekend the moon moves into Pisces, great for all things involving water and nestling into home and family.  Though be aware you can get some celestial downloads too.

Mercury moves to Gemini on Monday its home spot.  This eases conversation which we will need with Venus and Mars’ lesson this week. Venus (beauty and harmony) is in Taurus one of its favorite places.  And Mars (action) is in Aries where it loves to hang to provide momentum.  However, when it comes to relationships these two put out a stubborn vibe.  Hence, we are back to challenges in our relationships, though this helps us learn the skill of compromise.  Jupiter is in Aries until October 28th.  It influences action and expansion over the summer months.  And lastly, Saturn remains in Aquarius for all of 2022 – so innovating and upping your game is its focus.

P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you.  Gemini this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Sagittarius it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check-in, now is the time.

May light be on you, around you, and within you,




Djakou Kassi Nathalie
Djakou Kassi Nathalie

Two of Wands – The Muse of Future Adventures is nudging you to do some goal setting and to balance that with a vacation plan. What places would you like to explore next year and where do you see yourself in June of 2023?


Djakou Kassi Nathalie
Teacher, Djakou Kassi Nathalie

*Star – The Muse of Healing and Hope wants you to realign with your north star. She asks if you could heal one thing what would it be?  And if you had one truth to live by what would that be?  This is the week to start that particular wound healing and calibrate yourself to that truth.


Djakou Kassi Nathalie
Koki, Djakou Kassi Nathalie

Three of Cups – Your last Muse for the coming year is the Muse of Friendship.  First let’s review your other guides for your birth year.  The Muse of Collaboration came saying that people are vital to broadening your perspective and adding skill sets that you will need to create a better life. Then the Muse of Karmic Kindness forecasted that any good or bad deeds you do come back to you three-fold, however, the reciprocation is never linear. And then the Muse of Commitment has you working on why you are dedicating yourself to something more than looking at the “why not”.  And now the Muse of Friendship enters the chorus reminding you that friends are who you fill and empty your emotional cups with.  This year people are vital to your wellbeing and growth.  So, open up your contacts and start reconnecting.


Roots Djakou Kassi Nathalie

*Strength – Your third high energy week and your last week to wind up your birth year.  The last two weeks’ themes have been about creating, building, and nurturing.  And this week the Muse of Strength is wanting you to work on integrating and strengthening your habits to support these concepts.  So, this Muse is asking what do you need to maintain the space and time to play with creation, manifest it into being and then feed it so it can grow to the next level?  The challenge is starting small and slowly in taming your internal and external chaos.


Djakou Kassi Nathalie
Shape of Numbers Djakou Kassi Nathalie

Nine of Swords – The Muse of Worry comes when your mind is on “11”.  You are overthinking and this week’s energy is not going to help.  So, this muse shows up to remind you that “worrying is like paying a debt you don’t owe.”   You can plan until the cows come home and 999 out of 1000 times you will have worried for not.  So, what would happen if you focused that worry brain power somewhere else more pertinent like what is happening in the present.  One of your superpowers is dealing with problems in the moment.  So, if you stay present, you will more likely solve the potential worry if they actual occur or acknowledge that it will solve itself in time without you.


Djakou Kassi Nathalie

*Death – The Muse of Organic change comes when you need to pull some weeds in your metaphorical (or literal garden with all you gardeners out there).  You need to create space in your life and your environment.  Take this week to clear some space.  This Muse is a harbinger that good things are coming but they need room to grow, so some clearing is necessary.


Strong connection Djakou Kassi Nathalie

Ten of Coins – The Muse of Prosperity comes when you are at a place to enjoy the hard work you have put in.  You have worked your butt off to get here.  And why did you work so hard if you don’t spend time enjoying it?  Take time this week to luxuriate  before you move on to the next project.


Stop Garbage, Djakou Kassi Nathalie

Five of Wands – The Muse of Chaos comes to shake things up.  She is not always helpful in how she does it though.  Often, she nudges your insecurities or rivalry to reveal your wants and needs.  First make sure you are not measuring your self-worth according to another person’s life or opinion.  Once you have done that, then tend to satisfying your wants or needs without comparisons.


Eternity, Djakou Kassi Nathalie

Ace of Wands – The Muse of Inspirations is knocking on your door.  It is time to broaden your world and your goals.  Take time this week to visit new places and adventures.  If you do so, they will not only stimulate you but also inspires new experiences which then fertilize your own growth.


Djakou Kassi Nathalie
Djakou Kassi Nathalie

*Moon – The Muse of Visons is here all this week to bring forth dreams, apparitions, and emotional bubbles from the subconscious.  Do not see these sights as omens but more like dreamscapes to play with your imagination and glean insight from its shadows.  Use this spiritual fodder to nurture your artistic side.  And lastly go howl at the moon on the 14th or 15th when the moon is in your sign.


Speak Out, Djakou Kassi Nathalie


Two of Swords – “Decisions, decisions, decisions” seems to be your earworm this week. To make any decision this week you need to think about the journey more then its goal.  Because no matter which path you take you will get to the same end point; so, take the path that feels right to you.


Djakou Kassi Nathalie
Heritage Djakou Kassi Nathalie

Three of Wands – The Muse of Venture comes when it is time for you to start on a project.  The important step for it to begin with ease is preparation while you are waiting for the right time or way to finance it.   This week is no time to stand idle.  Make the space and time for this new thing to come in.  Think of it like feathering one’s nest before your next golden egg is laid.

Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of June 5, 2022

Elizabeth Catlett
Elizabeth Catlett, African American 2009

The artist this week is Elizabeth Catlett.  Catlett is often known for her sculpture, but with this series we focus on her lithographs and linoleum cuts.  It is interesting that these processes have aspects of sculpting.  The lithography uses stone to make a printing surface, and linoleum cuts are a bit like a relief sculpture.   There is an essence with all these forms of pulling up or out an image.

Like many artists Catlett drew subjects from her surroundings and experiences.  She was the granddaughter to slaves and heard stories from her grandfather of Africa and plantation life and lived in the US dealing with racism and sexism of the time.  But in 1946, she won a fellowship and moved to Mexico.  Immediately, Catlett found her place and started to work with “Taller de Grafica Popular” and teaching at Escuela Nacional de Artes Plásticas . TGP was a workshop collective that devoted their printmaking to themes of social justice and activism.   This gave her art a focus.  As she said, “I don’t think art can change things, I think writing can do more. But art can prepare people for change, it can be educational and persuasive in people’s thinking.”

In Catlett’s art you see the influence of African and Mexican art traditions.  Her subjects often in profile with strong facial contours. The cheek of the person in the forefront giving the viewer the perspective of strength and resilience and resonating her own power and spirit as a person and a black woman artist.  Showing us that even if knocked down, we have the strength to get up again.

Your pondering:  Note times that your strength and resilience were called upon, within them lie your super-powers.

Solar System Highlights

The Moon starts this week in Virgo, so organizing and prioritizing before getting into the swing of things.  Wednesday it switches to Libra – harmonizing and balancing eases the end of the workweek.  And then for the weekend the moon is in Scorpio – time to get your party on but be careful not to overindulge.  Mercury is now moving forward in Taurus and so can you, a great time to start projects especially around work and home.

Venus (beauty and harmony) is in Taurus one of its favorite places. And Mars (action) is in Aries where it loves to hang to provide momentum.  However, when it comes to relationships these two put out a stubborn vibe.  Hence, we are back to challenges in our relationships, though this helps us learn the skill of compromise.  Jupiter is in Aries until October 28th.  It influences action and expansion over the summer months.  And lastly, Saturn remains in Aquarius for all of 2022 – so innovating and upping your game is its focus.


P.S. Signs with an * it is a big week for you.  Gemini this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Sagittarius it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check-in, now is the time.

May light be on you, around you, and within you,




Elizabeth Catlett
Elizabeth Catlett I have given the world my songs, 1947

Eight of Coins – You will be called on to mentor someone with your skill set or to use your unique expertise to help a project along.  The Muse of Mastery reminds you that you already have what it takes.  Time to believe in what you are capable of.


Elizabeth Catlett
Elizabeth Catlett, Singing Their Songs, 1992

Six of Coins – This week you will be called on to help.  The Muse of Giving reminds you that for each positive disbursement you will see a return.  The challenge with this energy is that it is not linearly reciprocal.  For example, if you open a door for a person on Monday, it may be next Wednesday someone else returns what you thought had been lost. Alas this process works for negative energy too, so be nice.


Elizabeth Catlett A woman  in every color

*Lovers – Your third Muse of the year is also an energy you work with throughout your lifetime, the Muse of Commitment.  It is not that you have trouble with the concept of commitment, it is just that you all as a sign see a variety of perspectives as well as having an adventurous palate to try different things.  The issue really comes down to why you are committing to something more than answering “why not”.  So, this year pay attention to the why behind your choices before you make the choice.


Elizabeth Catlett Sharecropper

*Empress – Where last week the Muse of Formation focused on building a better kingdom for yourself and the ones you love.  This week the Muse of Creation focuses you on how to nurture it to grow.  Where the Emperor lays out the city the Empress makes sure it has the structures to feed its inhabitants.  These last few weeks of this birth year is asking you to make sure your plans and resources are upgraded for your next year’s creation and materialization.


Elizabeth Catlett
Elizabeth Catlett, 1977

*Temperance – The Muse of Mixology comes to help you mix elements to make a strong or more palatable potion.  The challenge with this energy is having the patience to try different concoctions.  This can look as simple as fusing elements from varying cuisines or as hard as doing it with culture elements that doesn’t feel like appropriation.    She reminds you that this amalgamation expands and strengths who you are, so “mix on.”


Elizabeth Catlett, Survivor 1983

Ten of Coins – This week pick a project and finish it.  The Muse of Successful Completion gives you the energy to get a project into its final phase.  This muse is pushy because she also wants you to hang with loved ones on the weekend without something hanging over your head.


Elizabeth Catlett, My right is a future of equality with fellow Americans  1949

Knight of Wands – The Muse of Action comes when you are in an auspicious week. Everything you do is perfectly synced with what the universe is wanting you to interact with.  The challenge is not doubting yourself.  Find your center and let it be your guide.


Elizabeth Catlett, I have special reservations, 1946

Five of Cups – This week has a feel of melancholy to it.  And the Muse of Partial Loss has come to help you wade through these watery conditions. She reminds you that you are not responsible for all the ill in the world or in a situation.  You do have some responsibility in cleaning up the mess, but the challenge is letting others do their share.  They need to learn responsibility as much as you need to learn to try to not control everything.


Elizabeth Catlett

*Moon – Last week the Muse of Higher Calling parted the veil to your spiritual purpose with synchronies and things that inspire you.  Her sister, Muse of Reflection continues with that theme but asks you to dig deeper into the meaning of why you want to do what you do.  How does your purpose not only help the outside world but how does it heal you?


Elizabeth Catlett, 1974

Five of Swords – Last week the Muse of the Untamed challenged you with distractions and misdirection, testing you to stand up for yourself and your principles in a whirlwind of the wild.  Well, her little Sister, Muse of Ego is working with you to not let you distract yourself from what you need to do.  Watch those stray thoughts that come in pushing for perfection or goal setting with unrealistic timelines.  If you need help focusing, go to the qualified outside sources you have to keep your ego in check.


Elizabeth Catlett, Chile 1980

Hanged One – This week has a plethora of pauses that will happen.  These moments of stagnation maybe frustrating but they are necessary.  The Muse of Surrender reminds you that timing is the essence of grace. So, if you are halted, step back and take the pause.  You will find these breaks allow you to create space for thoughtfulness and align your steps with your destiny with more accuracy.


Elizabeth Catlett, Nina 1957

Seven of Cups – The Muse of Wishes wants you to put out in the universe seven wishes.  This muse comes when the Universe is in a conundrum of what you actually want.  So, this week jot down seven wishes and toss them in a water source or burn them.  Be clear, precise, and sensible in your wish making.