Tarotcast week of March 6, 2016


This week I want to share my love of clouds. The above image is Berndnart Smilde’s work. – http://www.berndnaut.nl/index.htm . He creates smoke clouds inside spaces and then photographs them. It’s not a real cloud which is made of hydrogen and oxygen. His clouds are more carbon/gylcol-based and somewhat controlled by him adding water to the air. I have to say this piece is one of my top ten favorite art pieces. It is surrealism in the real. Now here is a paradox about this artwork and clouds, researchers have theorized that one of the side effects of more carbon or carbon dioxide in the air is that it leads to fewer clouds. Fewer clouds means more sun hitting the earth and heating it up. Which this leads to less water in the water cycle and therefore even less clouds. So please find a way to lower your carbon foot print – at the very least to Save the Clouds.

P.S. For fun, I have added some websites with cloud art on your tarotcast. Remember signs that have * it’s a big week for you.

Aries- Ten of Rods – Wow, you all are still moving through the Rod’s suit – first Five, then Six, Eight and now the Ten of Rods. The energy and information is still surrounding you. You will need to sift through it all and lighten your load. You all are taking on more than you should or is really necessary. The challenge with the Ten of Rods is really discerning what is necessary in your life and then dump all the extraneous excess. https://cloudappreciationsociety.org/gallery/photo-n-3934/

Taurus – Knight of Cups- This week the Knight of Cups is telling you to continue with your “heart search” work for things that bring joy into your work and life. The challenge is still to work on cleaning out the heart sucking elements in your work and life without causing harm to others or yourself. http://www.thisiscolossal.com/2015/08/covent-garden-balloons/

Gemini – Seven of Cups – Wow, during these past 3 weeks you have been in your head a lot – and all for a good cause. Last week you let go of processing in your conscious mind and let your subconscious work mind do some of the heavy lifting. This week the Seven of Cups is here to say congratulations, you have done some good work and now you’re ready for the next step. All that information you been gaining perspective on, well now you need to process it through your imagination and daydreaming. The Seven of Cups is challenging you to use this new information to broaden or create new ideas and dreams. If you spend the time to do so it will create new doorways into your future. http://www.adamhallart.com/little-big

Cancer – Two of Swords- Making decisions will be hard this week. Or is it really that you are thinking too much about the decisions you are making. And this is the challenge of the Two of Swords- Choice. Luckily you had the Knight of Wands last week and his momentum continues into this week. The really lesson this week is stop deciding and just “do” by follow your heart and not your mind. http://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection/search/12062

*Leo – Judgment – Wow, Leos more stuff around the people in your life and how it resonates with you. So here’s the thing with Judgment. You see that things are not black and white and everything is on a grey scale. So your frustration is that if everything is grey how does one move on or make a dang decision. Well Judgment comes in to remind you that you can’t change people but you can change your expectation of them and therefore yourself. It’s kinda like the Gandhi quote: “Be the change you wish to see in the world. ” http://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection/search/270686

*Virgo – The World – OK, so the last two weeks’ question was: What road are you going to take? Now I know why you needed all that prep. Because this week The World card brings you opportunities and doorways to your future. If you have done your prep, making the decisions that will open doors for you will be easy this week. If you didn’t prep, which door to choose will be a bit harder. The World card challenges you to step through as many as doorways you can this week. So, try on new things – new clothes, new jobs, new ideas – keep trying until the “slipper” fits. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bcrEqIpi6sg

Libra – Queen of Rods – This week the Queen of Rods is here to continue the outlook of optimism in your life. Court cards (kings, queens, knights and pages) can represent people in our lives. But they also remind us that we have some of the same qualities of the people we pull towards us. The Queen of Rods represents the part of life that inspires us. So look to the people around you, identify what inspires you about them and then realize this quality is also in you. Remember, these people are in your life to help you step up your game. http://maxfieldparrish.info/parrishchronologically/maxfieldparrishworks1920to1929/morning

Scorpio -Eight of Rods – During the past two weeks you were learning how to juggle. Good thing, because the Eight of Rods is here to up the ante. This is going to be a crazy week with a lot of information coming at you, and this is going to expand your to do list. The challenge is to prioritize or “juggle” by the ease of the task. If it’s an easy thing, do it and put the rest in the parking lot for next week. http://renatomuccillo.com/artwork/3298737-Valley-Thunderhead.html

Sagittarius – Eight of Swords – I want you to remember last week’s quote, “He who is prepared can serve best his moment of inspiration,” because it is still true this week. You should continue gathering the tools you will need to move forward. However, the Eight of Swords is telling you that you are thinking to hard about your tools and how to prepare. Remember, Sagittarians, your natural gift is that you function way better in life when you “do” then when you “think.” You learn by doing. The best advice on how to prepare is to imagine yourself doing the scenario to the end. Practice it in your head. Olympic athletes use this strategy all the time. It’s a better use of your mind than fretting or over-planning. http://www.nationalgallery.org.uk/paintings/aert-van-der-neer-a-river-near-a-town-by-moonlight

Capricorn – Ten of Swords- This week continue wearing your psychic armor, because people are still trying to pull you in to drama and push your buttons. The Ten of Swords is challenging you to really listen to your intuition. It is the thing that will keep you out of a lot of drama this week.

Aquarius – Five of Swords and Wands- Another two card week for you all. New prospects are still in the growing phase from last week. You are running the Fives this week and last week because of all the chaos around you. The Five of Wands represents distraction from outside sources and the Five of Swords is about people trying to bruise your ego in some way. The cards are advising you to gain distance from the chaos so you can keep the big picture and your goals in mind.

Pisces – Nine of Swords – This week is a bit heavy for you, Pisces, because of all the responsibilities you have. The Nine of Swords is reminding you that you need to get some “me time” scheduled in, eat well and take your vitamins. If you do this, I swear you will make it through this very busy week with more ease and less stress. http://www.moma.org/collection/works/58296?locale=en

May light be on you, light around you, and light within you,