Tarot-cast for Week of April 22, 2018

Today we celebrate Earth Day around the world.  The origins of Earth Day is a story of co-evolution.  The first event evolved in the mind of John McConnell who in October 1969 proposed a global holiday to celebrate life on Earth and peace. The first celebration was in San Francisco on March 21, 1970.  He created an Earth Day Proclamation for the signers to take care of the Earth and all of its inhabitants.  So far it  has been signed by 36 World Leaders.  Earth /Peace Day is celebrated (on the Spring Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere and on the Fall Equinox in the Southern Hemisphere) by the UN and various cities around the world by ringing bells to honor this oath.

The second arising was on April 22, 1970.  Senator Gaylord Nelson rallied an American-centric Earth Day which started with state wide protests against pollution on that day and ended with the creation of the EPA and the passage of the Clean Air, clean Water and Endangered Species Act by the end of the year.  By the year 2000 Earth Day has become a worldwide campaign to get people engaged in fighting for a cleaner environment.

Even though I am for both  Earth Days.  I am fonder of the celebration on the Spring Equinox.  Because it is grounded in the cycles unique to our world and has the holistic approach that if we see with the lens of peace we will do less harm.  Don’t get me wrong the April 22 Earth Day has birthed amazing activism around the world:  The Canopy Project, A Billions Acts of Green, Recycling etc…  But I wonder if we blended the two celebrations and honored the Earth on the Spring Equinox would it have changed our view to a more holistic and proactive one?

P.S. Please share.  I’ve picked some places and animals that need our protection.

Aries – Page of Swords

The Page of Swords represents the act of gathering information and doing it subtly.  This info is important to your future; however, gather your intel more behind the scenes than usual.


Taurus – Seven of Cups

The Seven of Cups represents imagination and dreams.  Take this week to envision imagine your dream goals.  Use all your senses to conjure up what it will feel, smell, sound and look like.


Gemini – Two of Swords

This week you will come to a cross-roads.  The Two of Swords tells you now is the time to trust your intuition and make a decision.  You have been going back and forth long enough.  The funny thing with this card, no matter which road you pick you will end up in the same place.  This card is about the journey. The destination is already set.

Cancer – Nine of Wands

The Sun card is still shining on you. Last week, the Sun foretold that something you started around February 18th needs tending again.  The Nine of Wands is the card of preparation.  This gives you another week to gather your resources and continue to work on last week’s project(s).

Leo – Queen of Pentacles

Whatever you learned last week with the Page of Pentacles the Queen now wants you to start move forward with what you have learned.  This Queen is the kinder less pressing version of the Empress.  Anything you create this week will be more helpful in the short-term rather than the long.  And remember help is help in any form.

Virgo – Page of Wands

The Page of Wands tells you that your energy is being drained.  To ignite your passion again take a romp in the woods, color, go to a concert.  These kind of activities are necessary to rekindle your fire.

*Libra – Hanged Man

The Hanged Man comes when inertia sets in and there is nothing to do but wait it out.  The best way to handle a Hanged Man week is either to go totally off course and do a short project, or to look at what is on your plate now with a different perspective.  This is not a week to start anything.

Scorpio – Ten of Pentacles

Yippee you all finally get a break.  The Ten of Pentacles card says that you have done a good job these past four weeks and it is time to bask in your success.  You get this week off so enjoy what you have sown.


*Sagittarius – Moon

Last week, the Justice card challenged you to see how to champion justice with the mind and spirit and not with the heart and sword. This week, the Moon card is having you investigate and add integrity to the mix.  The Moon is about things that are hidden, coming to light.  So you will start to see that the Justice you sought last week is becoming illuminated.  The big challenge with this card is to make sure the justice you serve isn’t backed by the dark side of the Moon – the subconscious and/or overly emotional motives.  So the clearer you are of why you are championing this cause, the better protector you will be.

Capricorn – Ten of Wands

The Sun continues to shine for you this week with the focus of the Ten of Wands. You have come to a place where you have completed something but you are not letting it go.  Is this the perfectionist in you?  Or are you afraid of where to go next?  The Ten of Wands challenge is to release the projects that are finished, so you can continue growing the things that actually need work.

Aquarius – Eight of Pentacles

The Eight of Pentacles is the card of mastery.  Your challenge this week is to master a skill.  This week is all about practice, practice practice.


*Pisces – Star and Ten of Swords

Okay, this is an interesting week for you all.  You got the Star which is the card of hope and success. and you got the Ten of Swords which is not listening to your instincts about people who end up hurting you.  So your big picture is you are on the right path, keep going, and follow the Star, and then in the details “beware of enemies bearing gifts.”

May light be on you, around you, and within you,
