Tarot and Art Horoscope for Week of July 7, 2019

The Eclipses are still reverberating through my life.  So, I couldn’t do my regular research into art and/or science.  This week I pulled a variety of my favorite art from my visual inspirations folder to share.

Reminder: These eclipses effect people with major aspects (sun, moon, nodes and inner planets) in one’s astrological natal houses of Cancer and Capricorn starting two weeks before solar eclipse in Cancer on July 2nd and then 2 weeks after the lunar eclipse in Capricorn.   For example my nodes, moon and sun are all being hit during this time period and half of them are in the house that rules family, so I am dealing with my Father transitioning into memory care facility.  Ultimately this is a good step for all but it has been a bit rough.

Remember signs with an * it a big week for you.  Cancer this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.



Nine of Wands – The Nine of Wands foretells that preparation is the name of the game. This week no new action is advised.  You can prepare for future events and replenish your supplies – physical and mental. The challenge with this card is perseverance.  You got grit – keep persisting.



Three of Pentacles – The Three of Pentacles says you have your work cut out for you this week.  You will have the energy and tenacity to maintain a steady pace.  However, your challenge is asking for help, so your project can meet your expectations.   This is a week where more heads and arms are better than one.



*Hierophant – The Hierophant is the card of structure and institutions.  Your influence this week can be far-reaching.  Your challenge is honing your skills on how you can teach and support others.  A good teacher not only teaches the skills required, but also the reason why the skill or process is needed. Correspondingly, your biggest challenge is allowing mistakes to be made as part of the learning process.   Your motto this week when guiding, maintain your flexibility- be more like bamboo than brick wall.



*High Priestess and Five of Wands – The Five of Wands reminds you that though the eclipse happened on July 2nd bringing chaos into your life, this week you will still be feeling the aftershocks.  However, the High Priestess, your first major arcane card for Cancers this month, comes to guide you not only through this week’s chaos, but throughout your birth year.  The aspects that resonate throughout this time are intuition, serenity, cycles, introspection and the big picture.  She advises that though you can retreat into your shell, you must still work with your spirit and the larger picture.  This year is a spirit quest that will combine the past, present and future.  It may not bring order to the chaos, but it will bring a sense of peace and acceptance of the natural flow.



Four of Wands – This week is all about making yourself at home in your environment.  This should be done on the physical plane as much as the spiritual one.         



*Temperance – Temperance is the card of moderation, harmony and adaptability.  Your goal is balancing. Whether that is a simple as balancing your check book or diet, balancing work with play, or balancing your yin and yang of your spirit.  Recalibration for satiation and ease is your motto this week in all things.



Page of Wands – The Page of Wands comes when you need inspiration in your life.  Your challenge is to find something new or old that re-lights your fire.  The best places to find the light is trekking in nature or experiencing the arts.



*Emperor – The Emperor card comes when it is time to do the work.  This is a card of business and wheeling and dealing.  He reminds you that you are have a good foundation, but you need to build to the next level.   Whether that is as simple as taking on more responsibility at work, networking to create more business partners or actual building something with your hands.  This week is great for further projects on the material plane.  The only challenge with this card is while your building your empire make sure you are doing it for the good of all.



Three of Wands – The Three of Wands advises to do a bit of future planning for short term goals.  Also, a good time to reassess if your short-term goals and to-dos align with long-term dreams and desires.



Queen of Cups – The last two weeks Judgement the card of evolution challenged you to awaken and make the big move to totally change your life.  Then the Moon, card of emotions and subconscious, challenged you around your triggers, but to use the Moon’s energies to have major break throughs.  The Queen of Cups continues this theme of emotions, but has you focus solo on compassion.  Compassion for others but also more importantly to yourself.  All triggers are places of healing and evolution.  Please, remember the solar eclipse on July 2nd in your sister sign of Cancer and then the Lunar eclipse in Capricorn on July 16th are both playing with big energies for the next two and half weeks.  Tread lightly with yourself during this time.



Two of Wands – The Two of Wands advise you to dream about your desires and plan your goals to acquire them.  This is a week where dreaming bigger and farther out is important to start the Universe in its cocreation of your future opportunities.  Ask yourself where do you want to be in 5 and 10 years from now?   The Universe is listening.



Three of Swords – Last week the Magician, card of materialization said you have all the tools you will need to get things accomplished.  Secondly, it advised you to tap into your intuition or gut to navigate the best process to transform your creations onto the material plane.  And then thirdly, said you have the willpower to manifest what you want in the world if it has a divine purpose.  Now the Three of Swords warns that self-doubt might rear its ugly head to thwart your plans.   This card advises you these thoughts are solely based on untruths that were told to you in the past.  This week is a time to heal old wounds and believe that you are stronger than you think.


May light be on you, around you, and within you,
