Tarot and Art Forecast for Week of June 14, 2020


Gerda Wegener

This week’s artist is Gerda Wegener.  She is best known for her feminist portraits, glass mosaics, fashion illustrations and erotica.  She is also recognized for being married to Einar Wegener who would later transgender to Lili Elbe.  Lili was the muse for many of her portraits and illustrations.   At the time, her paintings and illustrations were considered radical.  For she reversed not only the gaze of the historical and typical male painter/female model but also highlighted the concepts of gender, sexuality, and identity through the eyes of a woman.

This is pride month which is a time LGBTQIA+ (click here for a good article to explain the ABC of the term) remembers the Stonewall riots of 1969 and celebrates what the community has brought to the world.  Bias was happening then for people of color and the gay community, and sadly it is still an issue.  While the BLM movement is protesting in the streets, Trump’s administration reversed the definition of sex from include the Trans-community to returning it to “sex as male and female as determined by biology”.  We are all one race, Earthlings, with many sexual orientations and genders.  The future needs to be about equality and inclusion.

And a love note to you all:  maybe you are posting on social media , protesting in the streets, doing art, donating silently, educating yourself,  opening yourself up to new communities, or having tough conversation with family and friends

justice has many lanes

be kind to yourself and to others who are traveling in the same direction

just keep your foot on the gas.

To support you can donate to the https://www.transjusticefundingproject.org/ ; https://www.blacktranstravelfund.com/ ; https://www.communityjusticeexchange.org/nbfn-directory


P.S. Signs with an * it a big week for you.  Gemini this is a perfect time to get an Astrological Tarot Reading for your coming year.  And Sagittarius it is your halfway mark for your birth year, so if you need a Planetary Reading for a check in now is the time.

May light be on you, around you, and within you,




Gerda Wegener6 of Cups – The key to this week’s energy is the playfulness and joy of an ideal childhood.   Your work is to find a moment in your past that was all rainbows and lollipops and bring that feeling forward.  It has been a tough three months and you do not need to disregard what has been going on, but it is that quality of hope that is very much needed to carry on.



8 of Coins and 6 of Cups – First read Aries above because you got that card too.  The other concept this week is work.  You need to get back into your game.  Drop any aspect of perfectionism and just do what you do.  You have all the tools and knowledge to go, so you do you.



5 of Swords – Reconciliation and compromise are the keys to this week’s energies. However this is not about surrendering your ideals.  A path can be found were both parties end up happy.  Also for you twins, those two parties can be your two warring selves.  For example: how can the extroverted you also make the introverted you happy?



Gerda Wegener8 of Wands – Lots of information is in the air, almost to the point of sensory overload.  Do not panic you will be able to access what you need, but only by stepping outside of the whirlwind and slowing down.  You need to fly outside of the flock to see its murmurations.



Gerda WegenerQueen of Swords – Last week’s energy asked you to break down structures mostly on the material plane to give yourself some freedom.  This week you will need to do this on the mental plane.  You have built up walls that should come down.  Yeah it’s going to bring up emotional stuff.  The challenge is not letting bitterness win.



3 of Coins – This week disharmony and dissension are lingering around you, and this leads to apathy for your part.  Collaboration and teamwork are the only way any learning and forward movement can happen.  It is time to unfurl fists and start holding hands, so work can get done.



2 of Cups – Relationships are the focus this week.  Where there is disharmony, harmony is needed.  Where there is distrust, trust needs to be built.  Where there is tension, there needs to be a release.  This is all about balancing.  Lucky for you this is your jam.



9 of Cups – The last couple of weeks had you overloaded and unbalanced so emotional outbursts were necessary to vent and recalibrate.  Then with opportunities knocking you still needed to finish the old to make way for the new.  This week is welcomed relief.  The energy to focus on is contentment. Be grateful for and imbibe in all that is good around you.



Gerda WegenerAce of Swords – The last two weeks had you spotlighting things you want to do and opening portals to the soul.  So your higher being could have some face time with you and do some personal Socratic Q&A. Well the energy continues around this thought and inquiry.  It is here to help you cut through the chaos and gain clarity.  The trick is to keep meditating, exercising your brain, day and night dreaming.



Knight of Cups – Time for some romance in your life.  This is a hard one for you Cappies, you are so practical.  But the energy this week is pleading with you to get that imagination going and dive a bit deeper into intimacy.   Your all are charmers and great hosts, use these skills with those that you love.



Gerda WegenerFour of Wands – Finally, you have a week without the big energies pushing and pulling you to do things.  This week taps into being a homebody and reconnecting with your intimate community.  The only thing on your to do list is tidying up your personal space and then enjoying it.



*Emperor – Last week hopefully reinforced that you have a deep well of reserve energy which, though you have been dipping into a lot, the universe is also refilling.  This week’s energy is now calling you to manifest.  When working with the material plane, its best done with a hands-on approach.  When working with ideas, do it with a sense of focus and authority.  While working with people, use your charm and give the strength and support of a loving parent.