Tag Archives: abstract art

Tarotcast for Week of July 23, 2017

Happy Birthday month Leos!

The above Leo artist is Kazuo Shirago, born August 12, 1924. He is best known for his performance paintings where he would suspend himself by a rope and paint with his feet. I find his painting style like many things Leo’s do as bold and uniquely their own. We all will be dealing with a lot of fire energy this week with the Sun, Moon, Mercury and Mars all coming together under this sign. So I challenge you all to take a clue from Leo and do something bold and uniquely you this week. Come on baby, Light your fire.

P.S. Remember, signs with * it’s a big week for you.

Aries – Four of Wands – The universe focuses on your home life with Four of Wands. Take this week to hangout at home as much as possible. The challenge is to enjoy your time at home and not to fill up your days with house chores. Play in your sprinklers, lie in a hammock, sit on your porch, or even take a nap on your couch.

Taurus – Six of Cups – The Six of Cups is the card of the past. Spend this week reminiscing, going through old photos, and talking to childhood friends. There is information for you from the past. So, dust off those old memories because some new ones are ready to be discovered.
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