Tag Archives: Listening

Tarotcast week of Nov. 27, 2016


Pauline Oliveros, composer, performer and teacher died this past week. She developed a theory called deep listening. She describes deep listening as a “way of listening in every possible way to everything possible to hear no matter what you are doing.”  Her love of sound came from listening to the sounds of nature in her youth. I love that one of my friends describes her music as “a soundtrack to a dream.”

I have listened to her Ted Talk on listening vs. hearing many times. She has so many deep thoughts about the difference between the two. And though she talks about deep listening to sound, I find that her theory resonates with me about listening to each other in conversation. Listening is filtered through our personal experiences and our culture. Listening is a paradox of consensus and subjectivity.  A quote of hers that goes beyond music is “Hear with your ears, listen with your heart.” It is something we all need to do –  especially around the holidays when we have a tendency to rush. There is more there then just words, conversation, sounds, and even Christmas carols. There are feelings and exchanges of energy. So try this week to slow down and know life by listening to its sounds and rhythms.

More links to Pauline Oliveros and listening:

P.S. Remember, when signs have * it’s a big week for you.

Aries – Page of Cups – The love-fest continues this week with the Page of Cups. Last week, you were advised to enjoy yourself in the company of others. The Page of Cups turns that love inwards and towards the past. The challenge this week is to do something that your younger self loved to do. For example, have breakfast for dinner, ice skate, or camp in your backyard.   The goal is to give something to that younger you, because that inner child needs to feel appreciated. He/she is where your imagination and hope lives, so feed it.

Taurus – Four of Pentacles – Last week, The Chariot was about noticing and then balancing the gain with the pain. This week that theme continues with the Four of Pentacles. This Four’s challenge is for you to look at how you are spending your time especially around work. There is some time, place, or thing that is not balanced in your favor.
Continue reading Tarotcast week of Nov. 27, 2016