Tag Archives: Claire Moynihan

Tarotcast for Week of July 16, 2017

The above fiber art is made by textile artist Claire Moynihan. She displays these tiny works of art like traditional entomologist do in display cases; however her categorizations of bug balls and moth balls are more humorous.

The study of bugs or entomology dates back to the rise of agriculture.  However, the focused scientific study didn’t start until the 16th century.   And it wasn’t until the early 1800’s that it started to have more participants. Entomology became a wide spread hobby among the European middle and upper class. As children we all have done some form of entomology. We all have gotten down on our hands and knees to study the hustle and bustle of an ant hill, watch a fly clean its face, or run after the fluttering butterfly.

P.S. Remember, signs with * it’s a big week for you.

Aries – Six of Pentacles – The Six of Pentacles teaches you about the ripples of karma. This week everything you give comes back to you three-fold, this includes the good and the bad. This card reminds you karmicly to be more Gilda the Good Witch then Wicked Witch of the West, or at the very least not to send out the flying monkeys when you get upset.

Taurus – Four of Swords – The last couple of weeks have been full of things to do and information to gather. This week the Four of Swords is challenging you to slow that way down. You need time to mull over all that has gone on, your body needs rest, and your soul needs space. So take some advice from the Dalai Lama – Sleep is the best mediation.
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